Why is the engagement ring worn on the ring finger? Who is on the left and who is on the right


Ever wondered why, when entering into marriage, we put on wedding rings on the ring finger? Today we will tell you a little story about this amazing sign, as well as conduct one very interesting experiment. Get ready, it will be interesting!

A bit of history

According to historical data, this sign was born in ancient Egypt. However, if in our country it is customary to put a wedding ring on the finger of the right hand, then in Egypt this symbol of marriage is worn on the left hand.

It turns out that the finger located on the left hand is most closely connected with the heart, not only in the figurative sense, but also in the physical. But the thing is that the people of Egypt strictly adhered to the custom of opening the human body after his physical death. Therefore, they knew the human anatomy very well.

It is thanks to this custom that they learned that from the heart to the left ring finger there is a thin nervous “thread” that connects them. Hence the tradition to wear a wedding band on his left hand.

Why, then, in Russia we carry this symbol on our right hand? We have all heard more than once that a guardian angel sits on each person’s right shoulder. That is why it is customary in our country to wear wedding rings on the right hand. So, according to our ancestors, you can enlist the support of the heavenly forces.

We are doing an interesting experiment.

There is a parable about the hands of a person, where the thumbs are compared with parents, the index fingers are with sisters and brothers, the little fingers are with their own children, the ring fingers are with spouses, and the middle finger is directly with the person himself.

So, to conduct a similar experiment, you first need to put your palms tightly together, while bending and connecting the middle fingers. The remaining fingers need to be held so that they only lightly touch their pads.

Now try to open your thumbs. And for sure, you will succeed. According to the parable, these are our parents, who at some point will leave us and go into another world.

Now go to the index fingers. Surely, here you will not have any problems, you can easily separate them. According to the parable, this suggests that sooner or later your blood brothers / sisters will leave their parental home to start their own families or a separate life.

Next came the little fingers, but here, as you yourself can understand, you will not have problems separating them from each other. In the parable, this means that someday we will have to let go of our own children, so that they too can build their own family.

And finally, let's try to open our ring fingers. Try to separate them, but so that the other fingers do not even flinch. Happened? Surely you either could not separate them, or you did it with great difficulty. Unnamed fingers, according to this parable, symbolize the person with whom you associate a further fate and decide to go on with it further in life.

If you put special meaning into wedding rings, then these items can become powerful talismans for protecting family life. And every year their strength will only increase, and your relationship will become strong and strong.


Watch the video: Origins: Why does the wedding ring go on our left hand? (June 2024).