Is it possible to wipe the face with hydrogen peroxide: indications. Why wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide: the fight against various skin problems


When searching for the perfect remedy for oily or prone to rashes, people rarely think that their salvation is at their fingertips.

In any medicine cabinet there is a familiar jar of hydrogen peroxide, which can not only disinfect wounds, but also narrow pores and effectively cleanse the skin.

In order for the use of the product to be productive and harmless to the face, safety rules should be followed, since peroxide is a powerful oxidizing agent.

Is it possible to wipe the face with hydrogen peroxide: safety rules

Having come into contact with the enzymes contained on the skin of a person, the solution is divided into two components: water and oxygen. As a result, the epidermis is cleansed, whitening "freckles", as well as age spots of various kinds, occur. But to use this tool is extremely careful. Neglecting certain precautions, you can seriously burn yourself with a remedy. To protect the skin from chemical burns, the basic rules of application will help:

1. Using hydrogen peroxide in face masks, you should pay attention to the concentration of the solution. It should not exceed 3%.

2. If the solution is not part of the masks, then it is recommended to use it only pointwise. For example, treat freckles, acne.

3. Masks containing hydrogen peroxide should be applied to the skin as thinly as possible. Also, the use of such a mask for more than 15 minutes is strongly discouraged.

4. To minimize the aggressive effect of the solution on the skin of the face, you can add egg yolk, honey, vegetable fats and other nutritional components to the composition of the masks.

5. When applying masks should be very careful. Accidental contact with the solution on the hair can discolor them.

6. Do not use the solution to treat areas of the face with sensitive skin, such as eyelids.

Is it possible to wipe the face with hydrogen peroxide, not based on these simple rules? You can, if you do not value your skin and want to add a few extra years to your appearance.

Can I clean my face with hydrogen peroxide, or is there a risk?

It is not surprising that hydrogen peroxide cleaning has a whitening effect. But is it possible to wipe the face with hydrogen peroxide? In fact, after treatment with a solution, not only foreign bacteria will be affected, but also burnt face skin.

Numerous studies in this area have noticed that the frequent use of peroxide adversely affects the skin of the face, which leads to a rapid loss of elasticity and obvious senile changes. The protective environment of the skin surface does not have time to be updated and loses precious reserves of nutrients.

With hydrogen peroxide, you can clean the surface layer of the skin from pollution and black spots on the face, but if acne is found, you should consult a professional dermatologist.

Often, a cleaning solution is classified as a strong allergen. In addition to getting a chemical burn, with improper use of hydrogen or in large quantities, a rash in the form of pimples and other various irritations may appear on the skin. To check your skin for such an allergy, wipe a small area of ​​the skin with the first contact, and with the first visible consequences, do not use hydrogen peroxide anymore to avoid injuries.

Daily home treatments are an essential factor in maintaining and maintaining the beauty of your face. Do not neglect the choice of funds, fully study the components that make up various creams, and also look for more detailed information in other sources. Always be wary of your skin, and you will notice how every day the skin of the face becomes more elastic, toned and well-groomed.

Use of medical products in face care: is it possible to wipe the face with hydrogen peroxide?

Many are concerned about this issue. Experts advise using peroxide to eliminate cosmetic problems such as acne, freckles, and rashes. The liquid perfectly eliminates the infection from the skin, and also whitens and dries it. There are several purposes for its application:

1. Getting rid of black dots.

Peroxide can help a person stop suffering from clogged pores and blackheads. To do this, do the following. To expand the pores, first, warm up the skin in a steam bath. Then you should pour a little solution into the sponge, wipe the problem areas of the face and wait a few minutes. Then cleanse the face of the mixture, and apply a cosmetic mask. It is recommended to do this no more than 1 time in 7 days. After a month, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result: troubling problems will be a thing of the past.

2. Removing freckles and brightening the face.

In order to remove age spots, peroxide is very suitable. It acts instantly, which is strikingly different from all kinds of cosmetic mixtures. You will need to prepare a tablespoon of peroxide, chicken yolk, 50 grams of cottage cheese (preferably soft). Clean your face first and then apply the mixture on it. When 15 minutes pass, the mask can be washed off. You should not use this method more than twice a week. In addition to whitening, the mask will give your face a radiant effect and cosmetic smoothness.

3. Fighting a rash.

When you are concerned about inflammation on the skin of the face, then resorting to the use of hydrogen peroxide is a good way out. In this situation, you do not need to make special masks and other special preparations. All that is needed is to take a cotton swab and dip it into the solution, apply it using the spot method on acne. The tool can not be washed off all day. In a week, the inflammation will become less noticeable, and soon will completely disappear. The face will look even healthier.


Watch the video: How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide To Remove Ear Wax (June 2024).