Strawberry leaves - useful properties, contraindications, recipes. All about the beneficial properties, methods of eating strawberry leaves


Strawberries are popular not only for their fragrant and tasty berries. The plant is valued for its medicinal properties that the leaves also possess.

Useful properties of strawberry leaves

Strawberries are unique in composition. It contains vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, minerals and trace elements so necessary for the human body: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese, copper.

In addition, strawberries are rich in fructose and glucose, as well as acids: fruit, apple, salicylic, citric. There are many tannins in the leaves of the plant.

Strawberries are widely used for the prevention and treatment of various ailments:

1. Juice of leaves of wild strawberry increases immunity, fights insomnia.

2. Tea from delicate leaves helps with colds, sore throats, removes sputum from the bronchi and lungs.

3. The high content of vitamin C in the leaves of the plant helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize heart rate.

4. Diuretic action is another useful property of strawberry leaves.

5. Natural natural remedy helps to increase the tone of the uterus and strengthen its contractile activity before childbirth.

6. Leaf broth treats joint diseases, indigestion, inflammation of the intestines, and helps with diseases of the liver and kidneys.

7. Pre-steamed leaves that are applied to the wounds help them to heal faster.

Useful properties of strawberry leaves - recipes for the preparation of medicines

In order to maximally extract from the plant all its healing properties, it is necessary to properly prepare decoctions and infusions. Below are simple and advanced recipes that are easy to make at home:

1. For a general strengthening of the body, a decoction is used, which is done as follows: dry chopped leaves are poured with hot water at the rate of 20 g per 200 ml of water. The composition is boiled over low heat for a very short time, after which it is insisted, filtered and consumed in 3 divided doses per day.

The drug is extremely useful for arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, ischemia, bronchitis, urolithiasis. In addition, this composition is used as a medicine for overwork, anemia.

2. A slightly modified way to prepare a decoction of strawberry leaves: the raw materials are poured with boiling water, insisted, filtered and drunk in the same amount as in the first recipe.

Problems with the secretion of bile are well resolved if you drink a decoction of strawberry leaves at least 4 times a day before eating, but in a larger dosage - 100 ml at a time.

3. You can enhance the beneficial properties of strawberry leaves if you brew them together with berries. Do it like this: 20 g of crushed raw materials are poured with a glass of water, boiled, insisted for about 2 hours, filtered and water is added to the original volume.

They drink the composition three times a day with such ailments as bladder diseases, impaired salt metabolism, and renal pathologies.

4. A healing agent from strawberry leaves is also prepared for alcohol. About 6 g of crushed raw material is poured into a glass of vodka and insisted (as is customary in the dark) for at least a week, after which it is filtered and taken for heart diseases, vitamin C deficiency, dripping 20-50 drops into a spoon of water. The composition is drunk three times a day. Tincture is indispensable during the period of influenza epidemics as an immune-enhancing agent.

5. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, eczema and inflammation of the skin using gruel from berries and fresh leaves of the plant.

6. To preserve all the beneficial properties, strawberry leaves are harvested in a special way. To begin with, fresh leaves are torn off, washed, dried in a shady place until lethargy. Then they are twisted so that juice appears, after which semi-finished raw materials are placed in a box and covered with a damp cloth. The leaves are kept for 10 hours at a temperature of 25-26 * C. After the manipulations, the sheet is dried for 40 minutes at a temperature of 100 * C.

In order for tea from healing leaves to retain its strength, it is recommended to brew it in a hot porcelain teapot, wrapping it with a towel on top.

7. With heavy menstruation, women can help out such an infusion: a large spoonful of crushed strawberry leaves is poured with two glasses of cool water and insisted for about 8 hours.

8. With insomnia, juice from fresh strawberry leaves helps.

9. To enhance the healing properties of tea from the mentioned leaves, honey, mint, oregano are added to the aromatic drink.

10. As an anti-aging agent, a composition is used, in which a leaf of strawberries is necessarily present. To prepare it, 100 g of chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds and healing leaves of strawberries are mixed. A tablespoon of the collection is poured with half a liter of boiling water, insisted, filtered and, adding a spoonful of honey, consumed a little during the day.

11. Strawberry tea from "seven ailments." To prepare it, mix a large spoonful of chopped leaves and fruits of the plant, green or black tea. The composition is poured with boiling water (preferably in a teapot made of porcelain or glass) and allowed to infuse for 10 minutes. They are drunk like a regular drink with sugar, honey or jam.

12. Help with colds with expectoration problems is provided by the collection of leaves and roots of strawberries. For 20 g of medicinal raw materials, take a glass of boiling water. The drug is boiled, cooled, filtered, added water. Drink several sips during the day.

13. In case of a disease of the duodenal ulcer, as well as in urolithiasis, an infusion of 2 tablespoons of leaves and 1 cup of boiling water helps. The composition is brewed in a thermos. Drink the medicine in the morning at 50 ml three times a day.

Useful properties of strawberries - possible contraindications

Strawberry leaves have a mild therapeutic effect and are not poisonous. Therefore, there are no special restrictions on the reception of funds based on them.

Contraindications apply only to individual intolerance to plant components and allergies to berries.

How to maintain the beneficial properties of strawberry leaves

Medicinal raw materials with proper preparation retains all their useful qualities throughout the year. Strawberry leaves are collected during the flowering period of the plant or after its bearing. First, the sheet is washed, shaken, laid out on a cloth to dry. After the strawberry grass dries, it is tied in bunches and suspended in a dry place.

If you plan to make only teas from raw materials, then just before drying, the leaves must be cut with scissors.

When buying a medicine from strangers, you should examine the leaves for the absence of yellow spots, dust, traces of any other components.

Strawberry leaves are stored, like any other medicinal herbs, in a dry place without the presence of dust. Before preparing infusions and decoctions, the raw materials are washed in cool water. Sliced ​​leaves are stored in paper bags, and whole grass in bunches (in limbo).

Of course, strawberry leaves are unique in their composition and calm healing effect. With prolonged use of simple and improved products based on the described raw materials, it is possible to achieve, if not complete relief from tortured diseases, then an indispensable relief of their symptoms.


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