Diet "Minus 8 kg": diet for a week, for 5 days, for 8 days. How to lose weight quickly so that overweight does not come back later


In anticipation of the holidays or the spring-summer season, representatives of the fair sex raise the question of how to quickly and effectively lose a few extra pounds without tormenting yourself with starvation.

Diet "Minus 8 kg" - this is an optimal balanced diet.

More persistent you can try the menu for 5 days, there are also options for 7 and 8 days.

Everyone chooses for themselves the most suitable way.

The main thing is not to forget that such a sharp weight loss will be stressful for the body, so it is not recommended to resort to a diet without urgent need.

Advantages and disadvantages of express weight loss

The question of how to lose weight in a short time is relevant for modern ladies. Especially the need to lose weight arises before the start of the beach season. Before deciding on the menu and the duration of the diet, it is necessary to clarify for yourself all the advantages and disadvantages of express techniques for weight loss.

Main advantages:

• in a short period of time, you can get rid of a significant amount of excess weight;

• no waste, ration as simple as possible;

• the body is intensively cleansed of toxins and toxins.

Some disadvantages:

• a person may be irritable due to hunger;

• in addition to slag, useful microelements are removed from the body;

• general health worsens due to lack of nutrients.

Diet "Minus 8 kg" will quickly help bring your body back to normal, however, it is important to tune in to the result and strictly follow the rules of the chosen technique.

Diet "Minus 8 kg" for 8 days: a sample menu

The main advantage of the diet is that it includes fairly satisfying foods. That is, hunger will not be experienced. The hardest is the first few days, when the body only gets used to the new regime. If you withstand them, then it will be much easier and the result will be very pleased.

How to eat 8 days to lose 8 kg

1. Day 1 - dairy. You need to buy yourself 1 liter of milk and low-fat cottage cheese. All products are evenly distributed for a day alternating so that every 2-3 hours something arrives in the stomach. Euphorbia is prepared from milk and green tea (it removes excess fluid well). As for cottage cheese, 600 grams per day will be enough, since it is very satisfying and more people will not master. At one time, you can eat 2-3 tablespoons.

2. Day 2 - on carrots and apples. Both products contain many beneficial substances for the body. In the morning, you can prepare a salad of grated carrots and apples on a coarse grater. For taste, it is not forbidden to add a little honey there. For the rest of the time, only snacks - 1 raw apple and 1 carrot.

3. Day 3 - meat. Broth is boiled from chicken thighs or fillets, you just need to cook meat without a peel. When everything is ready, fresh greens are added to the broth. It turns out a delicious dietary soup that you need to eat during the day.

4. Day 4 - on oranges and oatmeal. For breakfast, 100 grams of oatmeal is boiled, you can use milk. At lunch, one large orange is eaten, similarly in the evening.

5. Day 5 - potato. It is believed that this product is not suitable for diet. However, if you cook it correctly, then the dish will turn out low-calorie and harmless to the figure. The best option for a day is 4-5 medium-sized "potato" potatoes. The main thing is not to salt, do not add seasonings and spices, oil. It is allowed to drink kefir.

6. Day 6 - vinaigrette. Hearty and tasty salad is prepared according to the classic recipe, but pickled cucumber is replaced by fresh. Before going to bed, a glass of kefir with a fat content of 1% is drunk.

7. Day 7 - unloading. Now the body has already adapted to a poor diet, so it’s easy to cope with a little starvation. During the day it is allowed to drink only non-carbonated mineral water. If you are overcome with a feeling of hunger, a green apple is taken for a snack.

8. Day 8 - yogurt. Favorite drinking yogurts are allowed, you can sweet, you can not, as you like.

The diet "Minus 8 kg in 8 days" is not tolerated. Now it remains only to weigh and enjoy the magnificent result. The menu is selected in such a way that a person loses 1 kg of weight per day.

Diet "Minus 8 kg" per week: sample menu

The diet is quite tough, so it is strictly forbidden to extend it for longer than 7 days. High-calorie foods are cut as much as possible in the menu, the body starts the process of fat burning. Weight loss is individual, but at least you can lose 8 kg.


1. Morning. Sugar-free green tea with a little milk.

2. Lunch. One boiled egg and medium orange (or grapefruit).

3. Dinner. Green tea, white cabbage salad in sour cream or olive oil.


1. Morning. One fresh tomato without salt and a mug of green tea.

2. Lunch. A glass of apple juice and 100 grams of boiled beef fillet.

3. The evening. One large green apple.


1. Morning. One cucumber and green tea without sugar.

2. Lunch. Steam cutlet and 50 grams of sauerkraut.

3. Dinner. Kefir with a fat content of 1%, stir a teaspoon of cinnamon there.


1. Morning. Green tea and low fat cottage cheese (not more than 100 grams).

2. Lunch. Boiled fish fillet - 100 grams, a glass of juice.

3. The evening. A large green apple, you can grate it on a medium grater and add a spoonful of honey.


1. Morning. White cabbage salad and a glass of orange juice.

2. Lunch. Lean boiled beef and 1 cucumber - a total portion of 100 grams.

3. The evening. Low fat kefir with cinnamon.


1. Morning. Natural coffee and 50 grams of low fat cottage cheese.

2. Lunch. Fish fillet, boiled egg - a total portion per 100 grams.

3. Dinner. Carrots and apples grated.


1. Morning. Large green apple and cream cheese. Allowed green tea or natural coffee.

2. Lunch. Vegetable broth and a glass of orange juice.

3. Dinner. Kefir with cinnamon - saturates before bedtime and will speed up the process of fat burning.

The main principle of the diet minus 8 kg per week is that in no case should you eat. There are three main meals, and they need to be followed, otherwise the desired result will not be obtained.

Diet minus 8 kg in 5 days: sample menu

If you need to urgently get rid of 8 kg in 5 days, you will have to resort to a more stringent method. Maintaining the power system is not so easy, so the main thing is to set yourself up for the result and avoid disruption.

The principles of the diet minus 8 kg in 5 days is a monoration. That is, one day - one product (or dish). Deviations should not be, otherwise nothing will work.

Approximate diet

1. Day 1 unloading. To achieve maximum results, you need to start with unloading, to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins well. Milk drink can easily cope with this task. Cooking it is not difficult. For a day, you need to bring 1.5 liters of milk to a boil, add a teaspoon of green tea there. The container is covered with a lid until it cools, then it can be placed in the refrigerator. The resulting contents are drunk per day, in a glass every 2-3 hours.

2. Day 2 apple. 1 kg of fruit per day is the optimal amount. It is better that these are green apples.

3. Day 3 kefir and buckwheat. From the evening of the previous day, half a glass of buckwheat is steamed with boiling water. It will swell until morning. During the day it is allowed to eat only this porridge and drink it with kefir.

4. Day 4 cucumber. Only fresh cucumbers are allowed to be eaten throughout. They cleanse the intestines, so on this day it is best to be at home.

5. Day 5 final. The last day of the diet is devoted to rice. This cereal removes excess fluid, toxins and toxins from the body. Rice is very satisfying, so hunger will not be felt.

The advantage of the diet minus 8 kg in 5 days is that the human body is cleansed, excess weight is gone without starvation.

How to lose weight in a short time: important points in organizing a diet

In order to speed up the process of fat burning, you need to know several basic rules for organizing a diet and follow them.

1. For the period of the process of losing weight, you must completely abandon the salt. It was proved that if an ordinary person stops using this seasoning, they will lose 1 kg in a week, and this is without diets and strength training.

2. For normal digestion and body metabolism, you need fluid. If usually a person needs 1.5 liters of pure water per day, then during the diet this amount increases to 2 liters.

3. The last time you need to eat no later than 4 hours before going to bed. The fact is that during the diet, metabolic processes slow down, so it’s more difficult for the stomach to cope with even a small amount of food, it needs to be given more time.

4. Sweets, canned goods, flour and any confectionery should be forgotten, as these products are "empty" calories that contribute to the deposition of fat reserves.

5. Due to the fact that for the normal functioning of the body, a person will lack useful substances, it is recommended to additionally take pharmacy multivitamin complexes, which compensate for this drawback.

6. You can’t follow the diet menu longer than the period for which it is designed, otherwise dehydration may occur, which worsens the general state of human health.

How to lose weight in a short time without harm to health? Losing weight will not harm the body if you carefully follow all the rules and useful tips.


Watch the video: Everything You Need to Know About the Keto Diet (July 2024).