Prayer on the road


Oh, the way is the road! How do you sometimes want to go where the eyes look, especially if the budget allows. Traveling is the best way to broaden your horizons and spend time with benefits. But what if before the way you begin to overcome doubts and fears? If due to such a problem, the journey is in jeopardy, it is worth resorting to the help of higher powers.

How to pray to the traveler on the road?

The success of each event begins with a successful start. Vacation is no exception. Going on a trip, do not forget to pray. How to do this, see the instructions below:

  • It is better to make a prayer when all things are packed and the suitcase is packed. So you will have more time to focus on the important and not be distracted when praying for the worrying thought that you need to take a ticket, do not forget your passport and throw lotion for tanning in your bag;
  • Imagine your destination in detail. In prayer, you can mention the name of the place. Try to see yourself on the way, mentally go through all the stages of the route, spreading it into details. The more clearly you see the result, the easier it is to get rid of the alarm and immerse yourself in the road atmosphere;
  • Words of prayer are pronounced thoughtfully and clearly. If you simply pronounce the text without any feeling, it is better not to do it at all. The request will not be heard, because the promise is insincere;
  • Ask a loved one (parent, daughter or son, spouse) to rewrite the text of the prayer book manually. It would be useful to do it yourself. So the words will be remembered better, and in case of excitement they fly out of my head, there is always a clue at hand.

If during the prayer you still forget part of the text, refer to the holy in your own words. The main condition is not a literal pronunciation, but a sincere real faith in supreme help and a miracle.

Who can pray for a safe journey?

Irrational fear of the long journey is inherent in many. It is not necessary to be ashamed and ashamed: our brain is designed in such a way that everything new is perceived by them with caution, and this is one of the foundations of the instinct of self-preservation. Another question is, if anxiety interferes with life, personal and professional, then it’s time to take action.

If the situation is neglected, consultation with a psychologist, taking special medications (sedatives, drugs for motion sickness and nausea, etc.) are necessary. But often, a simple prayer is enough to calm panic and tune in to a positive mood before collecting on the road. Prayer for travelers can be read to many saints, but usually requests are made to:

  • To god;
  • Saint Nicholas;
  • Rev. Cyril and Mary;
  • 40 to the Sebastian martyrs.

Speaking the religious and mystical texts, you will find balance in the soul and you will more believe that the trip will go well.

Nicholas the Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas is one of the first to pray for a safe journey. His mission as a protector of all travelers has long been famous in the Orthodox world. Nikolai patronizes, first of all, sailors. Known is the case of the miraculous rescue of Nicholas by a young sailor who crashed during a fall from the mast of a ship on which the saint sailed. Wonderworker's hot prayer addressed to the Lord was heard: the sailor was resurrected. This does not mean that only sailors can turn to Nicholas. The overseas wanderers also often ask him to promote such a prayer:

"Oh, all-holy Nicholas, please the most pre-ordained of the Lord, warm our intercessor, and everywhere fast in the sorrowful helper! Help me who is a sinner and sad in this family life, beg the Lord God with the graceful abandonment of all my sins, sinned from my youth, in all my life my deed, word, thought, and all my senses, and at the end of my soul with the help of a cursed one, begged the Lord God, all of the co-workers of the co-worker, save me of air ordeals and eternal torment: May I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession now and ever and ever and ever. Amen! "

If a long and difficult journey by car is expected, ask the saint for assistance in a comforting prayer book. You can pronounce it with a strong fear, as well as in the presence of kinetoz (a condition in which it swayed in motion). The following is a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker on the road by car:

"O Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hearing us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and pray for us, the unworthy, our co-worker and Vladyka, be merciful to us, make our God in this present life and in the future Wetz, Let us not repay we will reward us in our goodness, deliver us, pleasing Christ, from the evils that are upon us, and tame the waves, passions and misfortunes, Rising up against us, but for the sake of your holy prayers will not embrace us and not wallow in the depths of sinful and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, give us peace living and forgiving sins, but to our Souls is salvation and great mercy, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen! "

To the Lord

We are all living people with our fears and prejudices. Therefore, to worry before going on a long journey is quite natural. It is impossible to predict what obstacles you will encounter on the road: flight delay, problems at the border, severe customs control, bad weather ... You can enumerate potential troubles for a long time, but it is enough to get rid of the anxiety associated with them with the help of the One Creator. A prayer to the Lord about traveling is read for any occasion, it is universal and does not have conventions:

"O Lord Jesus Christ our God, true and living way, to help the imaginary Your Father, Joseph and the Most pure Mother and Daughter of Our Lady in Egypt, willing, and Luce and Cleopas in Emmaus are traveling! And now we humbly pray Tya, Vladyko the Most Holy, and the Holy Hierarch, and Vladyko the Holy Father! And as your servant Tovii, the guardian angel and the guide after him, preserving and delivering them from every condition of the visible and invisible enemies, and adhering to your commandments, peacefully and safely and healthfully transmitting, and packs whole and without returning every day, and give them all your good intentions to please Your well and fulfill Your glory. Thou is, even dear and save us, and send You glory with Your Original Father and with the Most Holy and Good and Your Life-giving Spirit, today and with God. and forever and ever. Amen! "

Turning to the Lord, ask for help for yourself and loved ones. You can pray for a firm hand for the pilot or bus driver if you are traveling by road. God will hear and give you what you want if your thoughts are pure.

Rev. Cyril and Mary

The holy parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh had the reputation of a pious, God-fearing couple, whose whole life was put to cultivate the great devotee of Russia. They strictly observed church canons and statutes, especially honored the commandment of the Apostle Paul, which speaks of Strange love. This meant a kindly welcome for any wanderer who knocks on the door of the house and asks for help.. Do not deny the traveler and help him in any need for his journey - Rev. Kirill and Maria lived with such a covenant, so the travelers pray to them directly. You can ask for help from the saints by saying the following:

"O Rabbi of God, Shemonos Cyril and Shemmonah Marie! Hear our humble prayers. If you live your eternal life, but do not back down from us in spirit, we are instructive in the Lord's march and we will bear our patient support in our wake. Reverend and God-bearing father our Sergius, your beloved son, the boldness to Christ God and to the Most Pure His Mother was eaten, and now wake the prayer ladies and intercessors about us, unworthy servants of God (names). Wake us intercession for the fortress, live by faith ie, the intercession of your persistence unharmed from demons and from the evil man abide, glorifying the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen! "

Holy forty martyrs of Sebaste

The suffering of the Sebastian martyrs is worshiped throughout the Christian world. Roman warriors who took a terrible death in the icy lake of the city of Sebastia, refusing to sacrifice to the pagan gods, is perceived as an example of the highest masculinity, allowing to endure a severe ordeal. Travel, if it is expected to be difficult, is also a kind of test.therefore, the prayer to the forty martyrs is well founded and logical. In Church Slavonic, it sounds like this:

"The martyrs of Christ, in the city of sevastiystem courageously postradavshii to you, like a prayer book our diligently resort and ask: implore Vseschedrago God's forgiveness of the sins of our own and the lives of our correction, but in repentance and a sincere love for one another pozhivshe, with boldness stand before the terrible We will stand at the right hand of the Righteous Judge at Christ’s court and with your intercession. l and misfortunes until the last day nasheja life and glorify the Great tacos and Dostopoklanyaemoe Vsedetelnyya the name of the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen! "

Prayers on the road for a different type of transport

If your career is inextricably linked with constant movements, use short prayers for good luck, protecting you from emergency situations on the road. It does not matter what mode of transport you are traveling, but if you want to make the request more focused, use special prayers for traveling by air, land or water.

The prayer on the road by car is addressed directly to the Lord. He is like no one able to protect the driver from accidents, breakdowns and even fines. However, careful careful driving and respectful attitude towards other road users is a guarantee of success. The universal prayer for those traveling by car in the circulation of a chauffeur sounds like this:

"Good God and Most Gracious, protecting everything with His grace and humanity, we humbly pray to Ty, with the intercession of the Virgin and all the saints, save us from sudden death every adversity, having sinned and entrusted to me the person and help me to deliver everyone in need, everyone. the spirit of the spirit of recklessness, evil spirits, alcoholism, causing unhappiness and sudden death without repentance. Save and help us, O Lord, with a clear conscience live to a ripe old age without the burden of those killed and maimed people, and may Thy Holy Name be glorified now and forever and ever and ever. Amen! "

If you went on a long journey with your loved ones, good luck just does not hurt. A big company is not only fun and good mood, but also a reason for distraction on the road, but this is already bad. Stay focused behind the wheel. To collect your thoughts and not lose attention, contact Nicholas the Wonderworker. He, as the patron of travelers, reads the prayer on the road by car to the family. Its text does not differ from the above, but it is allowed to insert its names in it and add personal requests if they come from the heart.

For air travel

Civil aviation is considered one of the safest modes of transport, but this does not negate the presence of a huge number of people aerophobia. 55% of women and 45% of men suffer from fear of flying. Some before taking on board the aircraft take a sedative or alcohol. Others sit in suspense until the end of the flight, drenched in cold sweat. Still others abandon the aircraft altogether and move by other means of transport to accessible distances. This is a real problem, and everyone solves it in their own way. But a prayer traveling by plane helps to calm the nerves and relax a little. Pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker or turn to God:

"O Lord Jesus Christ, O our God, command the elements and keep the whole handful, His depths tremble, and to Him the stars are present. All creatures serve You, all listen, all You obey. All you can: for goodness all, O Lord, Good God. Now too , Vladyko, thy servants of yours (names) prayers warmly accepting, bless their path and air procession, forbidding storms and the wind with a nasty, and lodia airing unharmed intact and saving them and giving good intentions to those who made fun in health and in m D vozvratitisya if you please. For Thou art the Christ the Redeemer and all the best Giver of heavenly and earthly and You we ascribe glory to Thy Eternal Father and holy and good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen! "

For rail trips

As already mentioned, there is no better prayer for a wanderer than the one that is addressed to Saint Nicholas. The wonderworker will help to find peace in the soul and will make it so that throughout the journey no unwanted extreme occurs. Accidents and disasters on the railway are rare, but if the fear doesn’t calm down even when bringing in statistics, you need a prayer on the road by train. It is read to Jesus:

"O Lord Jesus Christ our God, true and living way, to cooperate with the imaginary Your Father Joseph and the Most Pure Mother and Daughter of Mother to Egypt, and Luce and Cleopas to Emmaus traveled! thy grace sputeshestvuy. and, as thy servant Tobias, guardian Angel and mentor ambassador, saving and izbavlyayuscha them from vsyakago zlago obstoyaniya visible and invisible enemies, and to fulfill the commandments of thy nastavlyayuscha peacefully same safely and sensibly preprovozhdayuscha, and again intact and b Returns quietly, and give them all your good intentions to please Your well, fulfill Your glory safely, Thy battle is there, dear and save us, and send glory unto Thee, and the Saints and the Good and the Life-giving Our Spirit, our unto the Universe, and the Holy One, and the Most Holy, and the Holy and Unborn, and Our Holy One. and forever and ever. Amen! "

Get the appropriate attitude on the road and sharpen the body's desired reaction, as well as calm those who have become aggravated at the wrong moment, to gather their courage - everyone prays on the road, based on personal considerations. Most importantly, remember that fear is the worst ally, and believe only in good.


Watch the video: Prayer While Travelling - Prayer For Safe Journey During Travel (July 2024).