Warts on the face: causes of manifestation, methods of getting rid of warts. Flat warts on the face: what to do


A flat wart is a benign formation on the skin of a person, which looks like a dense nodule with a size of up to five millimeters. These warts are usually quite multiple.

They can be localized in different areas of the face. Let us consider in more detail what to do if you have flat warts on your face and how to eliminate this defect.

Warts on the face: causes and manifestations

Flat warts - this is one of the manifestations of the human papilloma virus, which stand along with condylomas. You can become infected with this disease in the following ways:

1. With unprotected sexual contact with a sick person.

2. With a blood transfusion.

3. When performing medical manipulations with non-sterile instruments (possible during operations, visiting a dentist, etc.).

4. When using general hygiene items (towels, scissors, etc.).

5. Through saliva.

6. Domestic way (through door handles, books in the library, railings, etc.).

7. With reduced immunity.

8. In the presence of untreated diseases of the reproductive system.

The infection itself with this virus occurs when it enters the skin or mucous membranes through microtrauma or cuts.

When HPV enters the body, the patient for a long time may not be aware of his pathology at all, since the disease will remain in the incubation period and not manifest itself in any way.

With a sharp decrease in immunity, small papules with a flat surface will begin to form on the skin of a person. Their shape will be round, closer to the correct one.

A clear distinguishing feature of flat warts is that they do not create the effect of keratinization of the skin, so that it remains smooth and slightly shiny.

By color, these warts can be from pink to brown. As for localization, in most cases warts “settle” on the forehead, chin and lower part of the cheeks.

When warts form, a person will not feel pain, just as in their further formation. The only thing is that the patient may be disturbed by a little discomfort and itching.

Warts on the face: diagnosis and treatment

When flat warts appear on the face, you should contact a dermatologist. After the initial examination, the doctor may prescribe a histological examination of the wart tissue and an HPV test.

The treatment of flat warts does not have an exact scheme. Moreover, self-healing from this type of wart is quite often observed (over time, they pass themselves without the use of medications).

If a person has a fairly advanced form of this disease, then as a treatment he can be prescribed:

1. Removal of warts by laser exposure. This technique is not very painful and absolutely safe. Moreover, it does not leave scars, in contrast to traditional surgical excision of warts, and the patient quickly recovers after it.

It is important to know, that removing a wart does not guarantee a cure for the virus. Moreover, even after such manipulation, flat warts can continue to spread in a person, localizing not only on the face, but also on the hands, neck, etc.

2. Oxolinic ointment is widely used as an exfoliating drug. Sometimes it is replaced with salicylic ointment or lactic acid.

3. Good results in the treatment of flat warts have physiotherapy. For this, erythema ultraviolet, UHF-therapy and phonophoresis are used. The duration of treatment with such methods should be from two to three weeks.

4. Medicines based on salicylic acid. They need to daily lubricate all the warts on the face. At the same time, during the day it is important to prevent water from entering the skin with ointment.

5. Local medicines based on acetic acid, copper and various plant extracts will have a non-hydrolyzing therapeutic effect (contribute to the death of the skin at the site of warts). One of the most effective drugs in this group is Salkoderm solution. He cauterizes the skin, and the wart dies, without forming scars.

6. The technique for freezing warts or the Cryopharm system makes it possible to have a non-narcotic effect on these formations, without damaging the very structure of the skin.

7. The appointment of keratolytics is practiced with a strong spread of flat warts. These drugs will have an anti-inflammatory effect, and reduce the activity of the virus, cauterizing affected skin.

8. A drug called Verrucacid helps get rid of warts by coagulating proteins and the appearance of necrosis (dying) of the skin. Such a medicine can be used to treat almost all patients (except pregnant women and young children). It has a fairly quick healing effect.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the importance of strengthening immunity in the treatment of flat warts. The fact is that when a virus enters the body, it may not appear for a long time, but with the first deterioration of the immune forces, the disease will make itself felt.

For this reason, the patient is recommended to strengthen immunity. To do this, he should adhere to such doctor's advice:

1. To give up smoking and drinking alcohol.

2. Have a good sleep and rest.

3. Avoid stress and severe emotional stress.

4. Refuse the use of harmful food (salted, smoked, fried, etc.).

5. Drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices daily.

6. Consume honey, nuts and dairy products daily.

7. The patient is recommended to drink decoctions of mint, rose hip, cranberries and currants. Dried fruit decoctions are also very useful.

8. If the patient has an unstable psycho-emotional state or depression, then he is shown the appointment of antidepressants and sedatives on an herbal basis.

To more effectively and quickly strengthen the immune system, the following drugs can be prescribed to the patient:

1. Vitamin complexes (Centrum, Hexavit, Aevit, etc.).

2. Immunomodulating drugs (Immunal).

3. Vitamin preparations for topical application to the skin.

General treatment of this virus should be long, otherwise the effect will be reduced to zero. On average, it will take from three months to six months to completely suppress the virus. Moreover, upon interruption of the course of therapy, the result from treatment will be minimal.

Warts on the face: features of treatment and prevention

It is important to know that it is impossible to remove warts from the face with liquid nitrogen and solcoderm, since such aggressive substances can severely injure the delicate skin of the face and leave noticeable scars and scars.

As an auxiliary therapeutic measure for flat warts on the face, you can apply:

1. Celandine. To do this, take the stem of this plant and grease the wart with its juice. Repeat the procedure twice a day and the warts decrease markedly. The advantage of this tool is that it is harmless and does not leave scars on the face.

2. Treatment of warts with vitamin E (in liquid form). In addition, vitamins A, C and E. can be taken orally.

3. Lubrication of warts with freshly squeezed juice from apples (mostly green).

4. Apply compresses of tea tree oil.

5. Rub warts with fresh tincture of wormwood.

6. Apply grated garlic to the warts and leave for ten minutes.

To reduce the risk of developing flat warts on the face, it is very important to adhere to such doctor's advice:

1. Carefully observe the rules of hygiene for facial skin care.

2. Wash hands after visiting crowded places.

3. Do not use other people's slippers, towels, clothes, scissors and other household items.

4. Do not wear overly tight and prickly clothing.

5. Strengthen your immunity. To do this, take vitamins, eat well, have a good sleep and rest. It is also necessary to play sports.

6. When the first warts on the face appear, consult a doctor immediately.

7. Have a permanent sexual partner. It is important to check for HPV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

8. Get vaccinated against papilloma viruses.

9. You can not tear and squeeze acne and wounds.

10. Regularly visit a dermatologist.

Warts on the face are unpleasant and extremely ugly. But if you follow all the above tips to prevent them, you can save yourself from this disease.


Watch the video: Do flat warts go away on their own (June 2024).