Treatment with wood lice: beneficial properties of the herb. Woodlice contraindications: indisputable and reliable facts


Woodlice is a storehouse of substances that are beneficial to our body.

This herb, which many gardeners consider a weed, has long been used in folk medicine and cooking.

Mokritsu was introduced into medicine by a German physiotherapist Sebastian Kneipp, a Catholic priest.

The botanical characteristics of wood lice: useful properties and composition

The name of wood lice is slightly different in science - medium asterisk (Latin Stellariamedia). This is an annual (rarely biennial) plant of the genus flowering, clove family. Due to the sufficiently thin and low stems (up to 30 cm), the wood lice spread on the ground, forming a loose turf (carpet). The leaves of woodlice have a dark green color. The plant absorbs moisture through the hairs on the petioles. Woodlouse consumes a lot of moisture, hence its name.

Inflorescences are friable, low-flowering, white. They are quite small, in the form of an asterisk. The beginning of flowering is May; the wood louse begins to bloom by the end of October. The fruit is an oblong box. Habitat - moist soils: forest edges, ditches and ravines, fields, riverbanks, gardens.

The content in the asterisk of medium useful nutrients is rich: a huge amount of vitamins - A, B12, C, E, K; organic acids that are easily absorbed by the body; saponins - help other medicinal substances more easily absorbed; tannins that lower the secretory function of the digestive tract; lipids; flavonoids; various minerals - potassium, iodine, magnesium, iron, copper, cobalt; wax and essential oils.

Mokrica - useful properties and applications

Even modern medicine does not dispute woodlice beneficial properties. A wonderful and unique weed grass is used for the following diseases:

- with food poisoning;

- to increase immunity;

- to increase hemoglobin;

- in ophthalmology;

- with liver and kidney disease;

- with bleeding;

- with joint disease;

- with toothache;

- for diseases of the thyroid gland

- with hypertension;

- with an allergic rash;

- with diabetes;

- in gynecology;

- with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

With arthritis, to relieve pain in the legs, a wood lice is applied to the joints. To enhance the effect, an infusion of wood lice is prepared, which is applied orally in three to four doses per day. The recipe is simple - a handful of well-dried grass, pour a glass of boiling water. A few hours to insist.

For sound sleep you need to prepare an infusion. This infusion is also used to calm the nervous system. He is preparing in the evening. With one glass of boiling water, pour a small portion of the herb about 60-70 g. The dishes in which the infusion is located must be insulated for the night. Content is drunk in equal parts over the next day.

In diseases of the stomach, decoctions of woodlice are less effective than alcohol tincture. 100 g of woodlice pour 500 ml of vodka. The tincture should be infused for a crescent in a dark place, it must be shaken periodically. Strain the tincture before use. 20 ml of tincture is diluted in a glass of water and taken half a hour before meals twice a day.

Skin rashes cause great discomfort. Here come to the aid of a bath with a decoction of woodlice. Pustular lesions are also treated with these baths. A decoction for the bath is prepared as follows: a glass of dried wood lice is poured with 1.5 liters of water, boiled for 20-25 minutes. The broth must be filtered. Gradually, stirring the water, the broth is added to the bath.

Wood lice is used for hypertension. Woodlice beneficial properties help reduce high blood pressure. 60 g of woodlice pour 250 ml of boiling water. Stand for 20 minutes. Strain. Take a decoction for several days until the blood pressure normalizes after a meal.

With cracks in the heels, traditional medicine advises putting a wood lice in shoes. As it shrinks, add a new portion. Wood lice juice heals wounds, cracks and spurs.

With enough vitamin C, wood lice are used for colds. To do this, it is brewed like tea. A tablespoon of grass is poured with boiling water and allowed to infuse. With chills, they drink warm.

Fresh wood lice juice is used to restore impaired vision after prolonged work with papers, sitting at a computer. In this case, 1 drop of juice is instilled three times a day.

Woodlice: contraindications and useful properties in recipes

Wet vitamin cocktail.

For the preparation of a cocktail, in addition to woodlice, we will need - banana, mandarin, kiwi, apple, orange, purified boiled water. Beat ingredients until smooth in a blender.

Salad with onions.

Cooking method: wood lice for the desired portion, chives, parsley, dill.

To refuel a salmon salad, you will need vegetable cheese squeezed oil, squeezed juice of one lemon (can be replaced with orange). Rinse the fresh greens of woodlice and chop finely. Also chop dill, parsley, onions. Refuel.

Wood lice seasoning.

Fresh leaves of woodlice pass through a meat grinder, can be chopped in a blender. For 200 grams of greens, you need 2 tablespoons of grated horseradish, 1 tablespoon of crushed garlic, sprinkle with lemon juice, and salt if desired.

After the disease, the body is weakened. When it is restored, wood lice will help. To prepare a reconstituting broth 100 grams of woodlice should be poured with 1 cup boiling water. The broth settles for about an hour. The broth must be filtered. Add one tablespoon of honey and three tablespoons of mashed cranberries. Drinking a restorative broth should be half a glass half an hour before meals three times a day.

Like many other medicinal herbs, for all its uniqueness and usefulness, it has woodworm and contraindications.

Alcoholic infusion of wood lice should not be used for stomach ulcers, it can lead to discomfort and provoke pain.

Mokrica should not be collected along the road. Grass, like fruits and vegetables growing along the route, absorbs and accumulates a large amount of toxins. Wood lice should be collected away from highways, power stations, railways, landfills.

Before using decoctions or tinctures from wood lice, you must consult your doctor. Some useful properties for some may be harmful to others. For example, wood lice has a laxative effect, lowers blood pressure. People with low blood pressure should not use wood lice in medicines, dishes with added wood lice should also not be eaten. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of individual allergic reactions.

Interesting signs and facts about wood lice, herbs contraindications

Woodlice is also present in folk signs. If in the morning the white asterisks do not blossom, it will certainly rain during the day.

In the old days, a belief was walking; to fulfill a desire, you need to eat 7 petals of woodlice. Only this must be done at dawn.

To increase yields in cows and goats, wood lice were added to fodder herbs.

The scope of wood lice also extends to the textile industry. With this grass, the wool is dyed blue.

Scopes of wood lice are extensive. Applying the healing properties of wood lice in practice in the form of compresses, various decoctions and tinctures, salads and cocktails, you will see for yourself - wood lice have innumerable useful properties.


Watch the video: How To Get Rid Of Woodlice (June 2024).