October 5: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Teachers are honored on October 5 in more than a hundred countries around the world; the occasion for a pleasant ceremony is World Teachers' Day, a holiday established in 1994. The date of October 5 was not chosen by chance; on this day in 1966 an intergovernmental conference on the status of teachers was held in the French capital, where the document "Recommendations Regarding the Status of Teachers" was signed. In the XXI century, Teachers' Day is celebrated in almost all countries of the former Soviet Union. On this holiday, schoolchildren and their parents express gratitude to people who have chosen the profession of teacher. Unfortunately, due to the low level of teachers' salaries and other important factors, today there is a rather large outflow from this socially significant profession. The task of the country's leadership is to make the teaching profession prestigious and profitable.

On October 5, a professional holiday is celebrated by employees of the criminal investigation department of the Russian Federation. The provision on the establishment of the organization of criminal investigation departments (Tsentororoisk) was published in 1918, however, the foundations of this activity were laid down in tsarist Russia. Beginning October 5, 1918, special units whose responsibilities included an unspoken investigation of criminal offenses and the fight against banditry were created at police stations. Over the course of more than ninety years of history, the Russian criminal investigation has improved, new methods of searching for criminals have appeared. In the 21st century, criminal investigation is one of the most numerous units of the Ministry of the Interior. This work involves serious risk and selfless behavior of employees. More than two-thirds of all criminal offenses committed in Russia are disclosed by criminal investigators.

The first Friday of October is World Smile Day. The holiday was established in 1999, it was initiated by the talented American artist Harvey Bell, who in the mid 60-ies of the XX century came up with a funny logo for the insurance company - the famous emoticon with a smile. Harvey Bell's invention in a short time spread throughout the world and today it is difficult to imagine a person who would never see this amazing emblem in his life. World Smile Day is a time for a good mood and a splash of positive emotions. Do not miss the chance to have fun when there is such a wonderful reason.

On this day, it is customary to remember the saints - a martyr named Fok and the prophet Jonah. On October 5, our ancestors did not eat fish, but from the bottom of their hearts they ate radish, and it was on this day that the peasants were obliged to complete the collection of the vegetable. Radish was salted and served with onions and kvass.

Foka was considered a defender against fires, he also helped people who decided to swim in a deep river and did not calculate their strength. To take the trouble away from himself and his loved ones for a whole year, one should pray intensely on Fock's day.

October 5 was called Listopadnaya, as strong winds often occurred on that day, which plucked leaves from trees. By the presence of foliage on the trees left to Listopadnaya, weather forecasters determined how soon the snow would fall: if the birch trees did not fall before October 5, the snow would fall late. With Listopadnaya real autumn began.

Denis Didro (1713) - French public thinker and philosopher, ally of Rousseau and D'Alembert. The author of a rather bold work, “Letter on the Blind” (3 months in prison at Vincennes Castle). The main brainchild of Didro is the Encyclopedia, on which the author worked for more than three decades. The publication was a collection of useful information, which was diluted with sharp philosophical considerations.

Inna Churikova (1943) - People's Artist of the USSR and the RSFSR, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, laureate of many theater and cinema awards. Millions of Russians fell in love with Churikov thanks to successfully played roles in such films as “Frost”, “Elusive Avengers”, “The Same Munchausen”, “Office Romance”, “Garage”, “Idiot”, “Secrets of Palace Coups. Vivat, Anna Ioannovna ! " and etc.

Evgeny Trubetskoy (1863) - a prominent representative of religious and philosophical thought, known for his works "Nietzsche's Philosophy", "The Meaning of Life", "History of the Philosophy of Law", "Metaphysical Assumptions of Knowledge".

Louis Jean Lumiere (1864) - the inventor of cinema, in 1895 he designed a movie camera for shooting and projection, which could be used for commercial purposes. The first cinematic performance was organized on December 28, 1895 in the French capital, on Kapucin Boulevard. Lumber and his equally famous brother showed scenes shot in real life, sessions were accompanied by playing the piano or saxophone.

Alexander Mikhailov (1944) - People's Artist of Russia, performer of vivid roles in the films "White Snow of Russia", "Guys! ...", "Love and Pigeons", "Zmeelov", "The Enchanted Wanderer". The director of the film "Do not leave ...", which raised the theme of AIDS.

October 5, 1966 - in Leningrad, the legendary ensemble "Singing Guitars" performed for the first time with a concert. The most popular songs of the musical group were "Blue Rime" and "Song of the Cyclist".

October 5, 1991 - The Soviet Union signed an agreement with the International Monetary Fund, an organization that provides loans to states that are experiencing a clear lack of funds to stabilize economic processes.
By lending funds to certain states, the leadership of the International Monetary Fund requires certain conditions to be met, which to some extent guarantee timely repayment of the loan.

October 5, 2002 - unique competitions between the Russian chess player Vladimir Kramnik and the world's most powerful computer program Deep Fritz started in Bahrain. The match ended in a draw - 4: 4.

Alexander - an incredibly seductive man, he can just a few minutes to win over a woman with successful compliments. Sasha is sincere and romantic people, but at the same time they can quickly lose interest in a woman who is close by and passionately carried away by another member of the fair sex. In childhood, Alexandra was painful and lethargic, but already in adolescence, the situation changes, Sasha is fond of sports and become physically strong. Characteristic features of Alexandrov are perseverance, perseverance, justice. The main weakness is the craving for alcohol.

Andrew - a dreamer and puzzler, in childhood a real little buoy who does not respond to requests to be quieter and more restrained. Andrei often excel in the creative professions, they make good directors, artists and actors, are quite successful in business. Andrey’s shortcomings are windiness, selfishness, unpredictability and jealousy.

Kuzma - a man with a great sense of humor, kind, sympathetic, but for a successful march through life he lacks self-confidence. A career will succeed only if Kuzma learns to be firm.

Makar - A very talented person, they have good mental ability, and at the same time they have “golden hands”, but the changeable nature often reduces all the gifts of nature to “no”. Makars rarely make serious mistakes because they follow the proverb "Measure seven times, cut one alone."

Martin - an incredible homebody, but at the same time a very responsive and consistent person, do not hesitate that he will always complete the work he has begun to the end. Martin loves sports and fishing, does not disdain chores. As a profession, he often chooses areas where degree and perseverance are required - a doctor, driver, carpenter, a good priest can leave Martin.

Nikolay has good health, studies well, does not require attention from parents, tries to overcome any difficulties independently. In adulthood, he will gladly engage in the construction of a bathhouse or the implementation of other economic ideas. Nikolai as a leader can become a tough person, but his goal is not to show his superiority over others, but to make the common business successful. Nikolai should be careful about alcohol; he quickly gets used to alcohol, which can lead to illness.

Peter - a person who knows how to analyze and systematize information, therefore everything turns out for whatever he undertakes. If in childhood parents will send Peter to a music school, he can make a successful person in the creative profession.


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