Egg masks for hair: the best recipes


Raw egg is one of the first places among the products that have a beneficial effect on the hair structure. There are a large number of different masks for hair, which is not difficult to prepare at home. Especially in demand are masks with the addition of onions, honey and essential oils of medicinal plants.

A simple recipe from the minimum number of ingredients will return weakened hair beauty, silkiness and healthy shine.

The use of eggs for hair

Chicken eggs are a storehouse of useful components for the whole body and, in particular, for hair. The yolk of the egg contains most of the nutrients of the product. Components contribute to the protection of hair locks, have moisturizing abilities, nourish and much more.

The composition of the egg contains the following important components:

  • Vitamins A, E, I, and D;
  • Fatty acid;
  • A nicotinic acid;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Avadin;
  • Ovomukoid;
  • Riboflamin.

These substances havetherapeutic effect on the hair structure. Vitamins A and E are essential components for human health. They improve the circulatory system, stimulate cell regeneration, support the immune system, actively nourish the skin and slow down the aging process.

The fatty acids in the composition of the yolk promote the assimilation of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Fatty acids (for example, Omega-3) are hair savers from inflammation, peeling and itching of various origins.

The active substances in the composition of raw eggs strengthen the hair follicles, which activates growth and provides the strength of the hair, eliminates split ends, returns volume and shine to hair. In general, hair masks from the yolk of eggs are simply obliged to do by all who care about their health.

Features of the use of masks

The use of egg masks for hair at home has gained wide popularity for several reasons.

Firstly, they are easy to prepare and have no contraindications. Secondly, recipes use simple ingredients that everyone can afford. And, thirdly, the result of the procedures does not keep you waiting for a long time; a month after regular procedures, the hair is noticeably transformed.

In order to achieve the desired result, during the preparation of recipes you need follow some simple rules:

  • Always prepare masks from fresh produce. It is desirable that the eggs were home, as they contain more vitamins. Eggs not only chicken, but also goose or quail eggs will do.
  • For the preparation of masks, the products should not be cold. The best option is a room temperature of 20-23 °.
  • The mask should be distributed on dry strands of hair along the entire length, pre-sprinkled with water for more convenient application.
  • The mixture should be applied immediately after preparation, it can not be stored.
  • You can not wash off the mask with hot water, since at high temperatures the yolk will begin to curl, which will complicate the process. It is better to use warm water.
  • Yolk masks are recommended to be used 2-3 times a week, depending on the purpose.
  • Need to consider your hair type. To do this, before preparing the mask, it is worth remembering that adding lemon juice to the composition is suitable for oily hair type, and adding oils is better to choose for owners of the dry type.
  • To enhance the effect of the mask, you should wrap your head in a towel during the procedure.

In addition to masks for hair, egg yolk can be used as a shampoo. The yolk cleans and nourishes the hair, and also tends to foam with the active interaction with water. Hair will become noticeably stronger and healthier after 4-5 applications.

The most effective recipes for egg masks for hair

In the composition of hair masks, the egg is the main substance, it has a complex effect on the surface and hair roots. It is possible to strengthen this or that action of the egg with the help of additional components.

Raw Egg Hair Masks intended for the following purposes:

  • Fight against falling out. Mustard, brandy, etc. are used as additional components.
  • Strengthening hair growth. Lemon juice and onions can help with hair growth;
  • Strengthen hair roots. There are many recipes for powering hair. Most often, recipes use honey, burdock oil, etc .;
  • To make the hair thicker and stronger in the recipes of hair masks, kefir and beer are used;
  • Dandruff treatment. It is quite difficult to get rid of dandruff, this will help castor oil and calendula tincture;
  • Treatment of split ends. Honey, olive oil, brandy - essential ingredients in masks for weak hair ends;
  • Care for dry or oily hair. The best care for dry hair will provide olive oil and aloe juice. And dairy products, for example, kefir or sour cream will help normalize the sebaceous glands.

It must be remembered that the real result of the mask will bring only if they are used regularly. Cooked masks should not be stored for longer than 24 hours.

Mask with egg, onion and honey

To prepare the mask would need:

  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 2 tbsp. l liquid honey;
  • 1 medium bulb.

To prepare the mixture, it is first necessary to beat a little yolk. Then you need to rub the onion on a grater, mix it with honey and yolk.

The finished mask is applied over the entire length of the hair, gently rubbed into the skin at the root. This procedure is carried out 2 times a week for 1-2 months of necessity. During the procedure it is necessary to wrap your head in a towel or film. This will enhance the effect of the mask.

Mask with cognac, egg and honey

The mask on the basis of eggs and brandy will help restore the hair affected
as a result of negative chemical exposure. Also, these masks are great help in the fight against dandruff.

Will need following ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp. l cognac;
  • 1 tsp of honey;
  • 1 yolk.

The recipe for cooking is very simple. It is enough to dissolve a spoonful of honey in cognac and add the yolk. Then the resulting mixture should be heated in a water bath until it becomes warm (but not hot).

Apply a mask on the hair you need, starting with a parting. Putting a mask on the scalp, in parallel, you can make a light massage to yourself, this will increase blood circulation in the blood vessels. Keep the mask in need 40-60 minutes. Need to carry out the procedure Once a week within 2-3 months.

The mask is not recommended for people with very dry hair, as well as allergies to components.

Mustard Mask with Egg

Mustard is an excellent component of hair masks. It increases blood flow to the hair follicles, and hence the flow of nutrients for their growth and strength.

To prepare a mask for hair loss would need:

  • 2 tbsp. l mustard powder;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 2 tbsp. l vodka;
  • 2 tbsp. l sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l aloe juice

To make a mask you just need to mix the ingredients well. Apply the mixture only to the surface of the skin. This recipe is more suitable for people with a fat type of strips.

The procedure should be carried out during 30-60 minutes depending on how dry your hair is. The course lasts for 2-3 months, the action is repeated 1-2 times a week. The procedure is not recommended for people with dry hair type, as vodka in the composition of the mask dries hair.

Egg and burdock oil

Burdock oil will help restore damaged hair and stimulate their growth. The mask will need 40 ml of oil and 2 chicken eggs.

For the preparation of 2 eggs, whisk with a whisk and pour in the warmed up burdock oil. The tool should be rubbed into the roots of the hair with massage movements and spread over the entire length. Through 40 minutes mask can be washed off under warm water. Procedure to conduct 2-3 times a week.

Mask for hair of egg and castor oil

If you want to quickly grow a lush head of hair, will help mask with castor oil. The recipe is recommended for owners of dry hair type.

For cooking you will need 1 tbsp. l castor oil and 2 yolks. It is necessary to heat the castor oil in a water bath to a warm state and grind it together with the yolks to a uniform state. The mask is applied to the roots and spread over the entire length of the hair. So it is absorbed into the structure of the hair and skin, fill them with useful components, thereby accelerating the rate of hair growth.

Mask exposure time - 40-60 minutes. The drier the hair, the longer the exposure should be. It is rather difficult to wash off the mask, since the oil of the mold has a viscous consistency that is not so easily affected. Therefore, you should use a concentrated shampoo, or wash your hair several times, plentifully watering your head with water. With regular use, hair becomes healthier and grows faster.

Egg White Hair Mask

The chemical composition of protein in eggs is also valuable for hair. Protein masks restore, increase growth and even brighten the color of the strands. Recipes with a protein content in conjunction with other components are suitable for any type of hair.

To preparerecovery mask weakened dyed hair will need:

  • Protein 2 medium-sized eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l glycerol;
  • 1 tbsp. l olive oil.

Two whipped protein mixed with vinegar, glycerin and unrefined olive oil. The mixture is rubbed into the hair, starting from the roots of the hair, the procedure lasts 20-30 minutes. Mask can be done every week 1-2 times.

The combination of protein and yeast activates hair growth and strengthens the root zone. To prepare the mask will need 1 egg white and 20 g of yeast. To prepare a portion of the mask, you need to mix the yeast with water to form a thick gruel. Then add the whipped protein to the mixture. It is recommended to apply the mask no more than once a week.

To lighten hair for a few tones you need 2 tbsp. l dry chamomile flowers. To prepare, you must advance the chamomile in a glass of boiling water (3-4 hours) and pass the liquid through the gauze. In the infusion add whipped protein in foam. The resulting mask is necessary to moisten hair from root to tip and leave for 30-40 minutes, then rinse. The degree of clarification depends on the time that the mask will be on the surface of the hair. At the time of the procedure is to wear a plastic cap and cover the hair with a towel.

Hair mask of yolk and salt

The union of yolk and salt will make your curls more healthy, and therefore shiny and well-groomed. To prepare the mask will need two chicken yolks and 1 tbsp. l sea salt. Products need to be mixed and applied to unwashed hair on 20-25 minutesrinse with water.

Such procedures can be carried out 1-2 times a week. If the hair is very dry, then the mask is best done no more than once a week.

Anti-dandruff egg mask

In the fight against dandruff it is very important to do the procedures regularly. For the recipe you will need:

  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. l kefir;
  • 1 tbsp. l vodka.

To prepare the mixture, it is enough to mix the ingredients until smooth. Rub the mask into the hair roots and leave for 30 minutes. For effective action on the hair procedure is carried out every other day

The mask has a specific smell, so you need to try as carefully as possible to wash the hair with plenty of water.

Mask for greasy hair

Oily hair type brings special trouble to their mistresses. They require constant care and regular cleaning. The mask on the basis of alcohol with water will help to make hair less greasy. Egg yolk is very useful for oily scalp, because it contains cholesterol. This organic compound will prevent the formation of excess sebum. And alcohol will destroy all bacteria and dry hair.

For cooking you need mix 1 yolk with a teaspoon of alcohol and water. This mask should be applied to clean hair, rubbing into the scalp. The procedure lasts for 5-10 minutes. After the mask should be thoroughly washed hair under running water. If you carry out such procedures for several months, you can significantly reduce the amount of washing your hair a week.

Egg mask for hair loss

Hair mask with eggs - an indispensable tool for the health of hair. If you add to it the essential oils of medicinal plants, you get an effective remedy against hair loss.

To prepare the mask is required:

  • 2 chicken yolks;
  • 2 tbsp. l olive oil;
  • 2 drops of essential oil of carrots, rosemary and lavender.

Mix the ingredients and rub the cooked mass into the hair roots. Next, distribute the mask over the entire length and leave for 20-30 minutes, rinse. The procedure should be carried out 1-2 times a week for 2 months.


Watch the video: EGG HAIR MASK For DRY FRIZZY HAIR and FAST HAIR GROWTH. SuperPrincessjo (July 2024).