Sweet soda brings women to ischemic stroke


Japanese researchers, during lengthy experiments and observations, came to the conclusion that the fair sex, who consume sweet and low-calorie carbonated drinks daily, significantly increase the risk of ischemic stroke in them.

This type of heart attack occurs due to the fact that the "plugs" formed in the blood vessels lead to a partial, and then complete blockage of blood flow to the human brain. This statement, so disappointing for many women, was proved by a group of experts from the University of Osaka, Japan.

So, according to the researchers, women who regularly drink soda for several years weaken their immunity against ischemic stroke by about 80%, thereby involuntarily condemning themselves to possible suffering. The truth of this conclusion is also confirmed in many respects by the fact that a similar scientific work, recently held in the USA, gave completely similar results - then American experts also managed to prove the high level of harmfulness of diet and sweetened drinks for the female body.

According to both studies, the increased risk of stroke from soda is due to the fact that its components can cause obesity and diabetes, which, in turn, provoke a heart attack.

In addition, Japanese experts in their scientific publication noted that the male sex is exposed to the negative effects of the drink to a much lesser extent than the female.


Watch the video: 15 Foods That Reduce Your Heart Attack Risk According to Doctors (July 2024).