Fried cakes are the best recipes. How to cook fried pies correctly and tasty.


Fried pies - general principles and methods of preparation

Today is your celebration? Or maybe you decided to pamper yourself and your family with fragrant, tasty and homemade cakes made by your own hands. Fried pies are always welcome guests at our tables. Although they can hardly be attributed to low-calorie foods, but this taste and aroma, so familiar from childhood, does not cease to please with its variety and bring a sense of satisfaction. Delicate dough melting in your mouth, warm juicy filling - what could be tastier with any soup or just like that - with tea?

So, it’s no secret that fried pies are small dough products more often in the form of a boat or a crescent filled with inside, fried in a pan. There are a considerable number of cooking options for such tasty and nutritious cooking. Indeed, as a filling, you can use everything that is edible: sweet jam, berries, mushrooms, eggs, meat, potatoes, cheese, cabbage - the list is endless. And how many variations of the preparation of the dough exist - just do not count! Although it is traditionally accepted to use the dough with yeast, but, depending on the type of filling, you can "bake" pies from any other.

As for the cooking process, it is conditionally divided into three stages: kneading the dough, preparing the filling and actually forming and baking the pies. You shouldn’t fry a lot right away. Where better to enjoy fresh, hot fried pies, fresh from the pan. And the remaining dough and filling will be able to wait for the next "of their time" in the refrigerator.

Fried Cakes - Food Preparation

Before you start making fried pies, make sure that all the original ingredients are fresh and of good quality. Only under this condition will your products acquire the desired splendor, taste and aroma. What products are we most likely to need? Undoubtedly, this is flour - only finely ground (premium) and only previously sifted (sifted flour in order to saturate it with oxygen, as a result of which the dough is softer and more magnificent). Any yeast can be used - fresh pressed or dry. In the second version, the dough rises much faster. By the way, before starting to cook fried pies, make sure that the dough rises at least two times - this will certainly improve the taste of your pies, and in the end the dough will simply melt in your mouth.

Fried Pies - Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Fried curd cakes with prunes and dried apricots

These wonderful cottage cheese pies are not only tasty, but also very healthy. Perfect breakfast for kids and adults! The snow-white filling, complemented by dried apricots and prunes, looks very beautiful and appetizing. We choose only high-quality cottage cheese for making pies. It should not be dry, low fat and sour.


- cottage cheese 400 gr.
- 40-60 gr. Sahara
- one egg
- flour - three table. spoons
- 8-10 pcs. dried apricots
- 8-10 pcs. prunes
- vanilla
- floor tea l. soda (quenched in lemon juice)
- a pinch of salt
- flaking flour
- vegetable oil

Cooking method:

1. Cooking the dough. We spread the cottage cheese in a convenient container (it is better to rub it through a sieve), add sugar, slaked soda and mix well. We break the egg into the pulp and mix everything again. Add vanilla to the resulting mass and, stirring, add flour. Set the dough aside so that it “fits” a little.

2. While the dough is suitable, make the filling. We wash dried apricots and prunes. Next, leave them in hot water to soften (swell) for 10-20 minutes. Then finely chop.

3. On the table, pour a few handfuls of flour and put a little dough on it. Press it with your fingers in order to make a cake. In its middle we put a spoonful of prunes or dried apricots. Gently pinch the edges, and form a pie. Do the same with the rest of the test, alternating between the filling.

4. Fry the formed patties in a well-calcined pan (with butter) on both sides. Serve hot with sour cream, yogurt, condensed milk, jam, cream or honey. Enjoy!

Recipe 2: Fried Cheese and Chicken Pies

Such a universal dough can be used not only with cheese and chicken fillings, but also any other to your liking and taste. We chose these ingredients as the filling. Very unusual, tasty and satisfying! Give it a try!


- 300 gr. chicken (fillet)
- 100-150 gr. hard cheese
- three tbsp. lies. sour cream
- flour 150 gr. + on rolling
- one egg
- greens (any)
- vegetable oil
- salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. First prepare the dough. We spread the flour in a bowl, add salt, a spoon grows. oil and pour 150 ml of uncooked boiling water. We begin to knead with a whisk until smooth. We cool the finished dough by putting it in a cool place (not a refrigerator).

2. Chicken breast (ham) gutted into small pieces. You can cut the meat into cubes. Grate the cheese. We chop the greens (traditionally use onions, but you can choose any other greens). Next, mix the components: egg, herbs, sour cream, chicken and cheese, adding a pinch of salt.

3. When the dough has cooled, divide it into five to seven parts. Each roll out into a thin circle (diameter of about 10-12 cm). We spread the filling on the first circle and sculpt the pie. We do the same with the rest of the parts.

4. We heat the pan, heat the oil and spread our pies, frying them on both sides over low heat (so that the chicken fries). A total of 5-7 pies, very, very tasty! If you want to do more, then naturally increase the amount of all ingredients.

Recipe 3: Fried Yeast Dough Pies with Rice and Mushrooms

Of course, you can choose any filling for the yeast dough. There are no restrictions - everything that is edible will do (meat, berries, jam, mushrooms, cheese, etc.). Let's try to bake fragrant, mouth-watering and such ruddy pies with rice and mushrooms.


For the test:

- table. spoon of dried yeast
- two eggs
- sugar - one table. lies.
- milk, whey or kefir - 500 ml
- 1 kg of flour
- one table. l margarine (melted)
- one table. l vegetable oil
- a pinch of salt

For filling:

- a glass of rice
- three eggs
- large onion head
- 200 gr. mushrooms (white or champignons)
- pepper
- greenery
- salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. We start the dough. Pour yeast into a bowl (deep pan), pour 250 ml of milk base (milk, whey, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, snowball), pour sugar, mix and put in a warm place for 15 minutes. Beat eggs with sugar and after 15 minutes add egg foam + remaining milk base to the total mass. We start pouring the sifted flour in portions, add the melted margarine, mixed with vegetable oil, and mix. Knead the dough, and then, covering the dishes on top with a rag, remove it in the heat for 40 minutes. As necessary, we settle the dough with a wet hand (if it starts to leak).

2. Cooking the filling. My mushrooms, cut into cubes (plates). Boil rice until cooked. Boil eggs, chop and mix with rice. Fry in a frying pan cut on half rings (or cubes) onions with mushrooms, salt, pepper to taste. Then add the cooled mushrooms to the rice with eggs. We grind greens and add to the filling. Mix.

3. We roll the dough into a ball and put it in the cold for about fifteen minutes. After that, we divide it into equal equal portions, from which we roll thin cakes. We make pies in the traditional way with the addition of the prepared filling. Fry in a pan until cooked. That’s the whole secret! Enjoy your meal!

Fried cakes - tips from experienced chefs

- Pies must be sculpted immediately before frying so that they do not lose their shape (maximum for 15-20 minutes);

- If you use liquid jam or berries as a filling, then “dilute” them with starch, so that during the frying process the filling thickens and does not leak from the dough. In general, it is better to bake such pies in the oven, and not to fry;

- So that the dough does not stick to the hands during the formation of the pies, grease them with vegetable oil, do the same with the table and the rolling pin;

- When frying pies in a pan, use not only vegetable oil, but also ghee - this will give your products an unrivaled aroma;

- It is advisable to pre-boil or fry vegetables for the filling;

- When kneading dough, especially yeast, do not use too much flour so that the dough does not turn out taut;

- Flour falling into simmering fat usually burns quickly, turning into burnt lumps, so pies should not be rolled plentifully in flour before being sent to the pan;

- Spread any pies on the pan must be "seam" down;

- By the way, pies can not only be fried in a pan, but also baked in the oven. So they turn out less fat and high-calorie. If you decide to bake products in the oven, increase the temperature in it gradually so that the pies turn out to be as airy as possible.


Watch the video: PASTEL - Fried Savory Pastry - Delicious! (July 2024).