Dry jelly pie is a great idea! Recipes of airy, spongy, chocolate cakes from dried jelly


Dry jelly is an excellent ingredient for pies. Cooking homemade cakes is even easier and faster with him! Fragrant cake will help out when you need to urgently serve something for tea or guests are standing on the doorstep. Every housewife in the piggy bank should have similar recipes.

Dry Kissel Pie - General Cooking Principles

For pies, jelly concentrate is used in briquettes with fruit and berry tastes. Usually, 200-250 grams of dry product is required per batch. Kissel must be ground before use. You can cover the briquette with a napkin, tap with a hammer.

What is usually added to jelly:

• flour;

• sugar;

• eggs;

• fats;

• rippers.

Usually the dough is kneaded semi-liquid, poured into a mold, baked. Dried fruits, apples, pears and other ingredients can be added to the pie. Sometimes jelly is used for filling. To do this, it is mixed with eggs.

Dry Jelly Pie "Porous"

The simplest recipe for dried jelly cake, which can be used in this form or used as cake cakes, coated with icing, jam. It also lends itself well to syrup impregnation.


• 250 g of dried jelly;

• 20 ml of oil;

• three eggs;

• sugar 50 grams;

• 150 g flour;

• 0.5 tsp soda.


1. Separate the eggs into proteins and yolks in different bowls. We cool proteins.

2. Add sugar to the yolks and grind the mass until smooth.

3. Break dry jelly to a powder state so that it does not have large lumps. Add a full spoon of cold water, stir. The product must melt.

4. Connect the jelly with the yolks, rub it all together.

5. Squirrels need to be beaten up to cool foam, we do not add anything to them. We shift over the jelly mass, no need to stir.

6. Pour flour on top, pour slaked soda.

7. Now we take a spatula and gently stir everything together, try not to upset the protein foam.

8. The oil in the recipe is used to lubricate the mold. If in doubt, cover the bottom with parchment, and also grease it. Pour the dough.

9. Bake a porous cake for about half an hour at 190 degrees, if the diameter of the mold is about 20 cm. If more or less, then the time will change.

10. After baking, open the oven door, let the cake stand, then remove. Cool a little more and you can remove from the mold, decorate or soak to your liking.

Dry jelly pie with margarine "Tender"

The taste of jelly for this cake does not matter, but it is especially successful with a strawberry product. If you want to replace margarine with butter, then this can be done, the taste of the finished baking will be even better.


• 250 g of dried jelly;

• 150 g margarine;

• eggs 3 pcs.;

• cultivator 8 grams;

• 10 tablespoons of flour.


1. Melt margarine and cool to room temperature. If the mass is hot, the jelly will curl up and not work.

2. Detail the jelly, mix with margarine.

3. Eggs need to be broken into a bowl, add sugar to them and beat very well. Turn on the mixer at the highest speed, beat for at least ten minutes.

4. Combine the eggs with jelly, but do not stir.

5. Combine the flour with a cultivator and add to the eggs.

6. Now mix everything gently. You can pour a little vanilla, the aroma of the pie will be even more interesting.

7. Put the dough in a greased tin.

8. Bake a jelly cake at 180 degrees. Determine the readiness of the product with a wooden stick, but carefully, try not to upset the cake.

Dry jelly pie with apples "A la Charlotte"

The recipe for a juicy and delicious cake of dried jelly with fresh apples. It turns out almost charlotte, but only more fragrant. The taste of jelly at its discretion, apples are perfectly combined with all fruits and berries.


• 200 g jelly;

• 5 tablespoons of flour;

• 4 eggs;

• 0.5 tsp vinegar

• 2 apples;

• 0.5 tsp soda.


1. Tap on a pack of jelly with a hammer or rolling pin to break the lumps. Pour into a bowl. If you like sweet cakes, then add 50-80 g of sugar to jelly.

2. Separate the yolks, transfer to jelly, stir.

3. Beat the whites. To make the foam dense and strong, the bowl should be clean, as well as the corollas of the mixer.

4. Add the whites to the yolks, stir.

5. Quench with vinegar, diluted in half with water, baking soda, add to the dough with flour. Gently stir.

6. Peel the apples, cut into cubes, mix in the dough. If the fruit is small, then you can take 3-4 pieces.

7. Transfer apple dough from jelly into a cookie cutter. Level the top with a spatula so that the height of the pie is the same everywhere.

8. Bake pseudo charlotte at 180 degrees. Before removing from the mold, cool so that the cake has matured and does not crumple.

Dry Jelly Pie with Cocoa

For this pie, it is advisable to use cherry concentrate of jelly. It will go well with the taste of chocolate, which gives cocoa powder. Recipe with butter.


• 2 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 150 g of oil;

• 250 g of jelly concentrate;

• 3 eggs;

• ripper 1 tsp;

• 4 tbsp. l Sahara;

• flour 130 grams.


1. The softened butter is mixed with granulated sugar, beat until white and gradually introduce one egg yolk from the chicken eggs. Beat the mass of oil until smooth, set aside, do not need to be removed to the refrigerator.

2. Break the jelly until smooth, send to the butter cream with the yolks, stir.

3. Pour flour with cocoa into a sieve, a pinch of cultivator can be added to them with rhinestone. Sifted. To brighten the taste, you can add a pinch of salt.

4. Beat the whites.

5. Combine the proteins, chocolate flour and butter mixture with dry jelly. Gently stir with a spatula.

6. We shift to a pre-prepared container for baking, the oven by this moment should already be warmed up.

7. Put the cake at 200 degrees, reduce the temperature by 170, bake until tender.

8. After cooling, it can be coated with chocolate.

Dry Jelly Pie with Filling

Another version of the cake is dried jelly, which is used to make the filling. For the pie, 2 types of dough are prepared: chocolate and vanilla.


• 150 g margarine;

• 200 g flour;

• 3 eggs;

• 250 g jelly;

• 2 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 0.5 tsp soda + any acid to extinguish;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar;

• vanilla.


1. Squirrels from eggs are removed in the refrigerator. Add two tablespoons of sugar to the yolks and beat.

2. Enter the softened butter and whisk again, add flour and soda, we extinguish the powder, so that the cake does not have an unpleasant aftertaste.

3. During the batch, we pluck off part of the soft dough, about a third. Add cocoa to it, knead. We put it in the freezer.

4. We knead the second part until smooth, this dough will be softer, add a drop of vanilla to it. We put it just in the refrigerator for now.

5. Beat the egg whites with the remaining sugar, add to them the jelly, previously mashed. Lumps should not be. Stir the filling with a spatula.

6. We take out the white dough from the refrigerator, distribute on the bottom of the form. It can be spread out by hand or rolled out, sprinkled with a piece of flour. We make small sides to help keep the filling.

7. We spread the jelly cream.

8. We take out a chocolate ball of dough from the freezer. Rub on top of the acid mass. Pie immediately sent to bake.

9. At 180 oven, bake the pie until the filling on the sides begins to brown. The cake will rise very much, it will be magnificent, but then immediately fall off. It should be so.

10. Take out of the oven, cool. Then we take out the jelly cake from the mold, cut into pieces, it does not need decoration.

Dry jelly sponge cake with mayonnaise

In this recipe, two unusual ingredients were woven together: jelly and mayonnaise. Use high quality preservative-free sauce. You can take any taste of jelly concentrate.


• 250 g jelly;

• 3 eggs;

• 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 5 tablespoons of flour;

• salt, vanilla;

• soda 0.5 tsp


1. Knead the jelly, add eggs, salt to it, beat it all with a mixer for two minutes.

2. Add mayonnaise, whisk for another minute.

3. Now we introduce flour and vanilla, add slaked soda, stir.

4. Pour the dough into a mold.

5. Send the jelly cake to the oven. At 180 degrees, it will be baked for 25-30 minutes.

6. After cooling, you can cut into two layers and smear with cream or simply decorate with powder on top.

Dry Kissel Kefir Pie "Sponge"

This is a cake and cake for the cake. It goes well with any kind of cream: creamy, custard, sour cream. You can lubricate with ordinary jam.


• pack of jelly (250 g);

• 100 ml of kefir;

• 3 eggs;

• 5 tablespoons of flour;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar.


1. Combine soda and kefir, stir.

2. Beat eggs with dry jelly, add kefir. Stir until smooth.

3. Enter the flour. Stir.

4. Pour the dough into a mold, sprinkle sugar on top.

5. We put on baking, cook at 180 degrees. Sugar melts on top, gives the cake a crisp.

Dry Kissel Pie - Tips & Tricks

• Due to the presence of jelly in the dough, the mass becomes viscous, can easily stick to the walls of the mold. So that there is no difficulty in taking out the cake, you can spread a sheet of parchment on the bottom, then well grease it with oil along with the sides.

• If you are replacing soda with a ripper from a sachet, take it at least twice as much. If you put soda according to the norm, then there is a chance that the dough will not rise, the cake will turn out to be dense and rubber.

• You can add raisins, pour nuts or poppy seeds into the jelly cake, use any dried fruits and candied fruits. Cakes can be soaked or lubricated with creams, jams, chocolate, syrups. According to one recipe, you can cook dozens of different pastries.


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