Jellied beef tongue: surprise both home and guests. Preparation and serving of beef tongue aspic


Jellied, but not simple, from beef tongue with quail eggs and vegetables. And so it seems that if such a dish is served then to the boyar table, or the king’s. Yes, even a mead bucket ... Well, about a mead - a matter of taste, and as for the taste of a jellied tongue - it’s very easy to try it. Prepare the products, and there are not many, a little patience and royal food - on your table.

Beef tongue fillet - general cooking principles

• Jellied differs from aspic in the thickness of the broth layer. If in jellied meat it should be at least a third, then in this dish it is practically absent. In addition, any fillet of beef tongue is prepared with the addition of gelatin, but if paws or bird wings are added during cooking, the gelling substance is not added.

• Beef tongue is washed several times in warm water before use, scraping its surface with a knife, paying special attention to its tip. Then pour exclusively cold water and cook with little heat for 2-3 hours.

• To make the broth transparent, the semi-finished product is first quickly brought to a boil, constantly removing the noise that forms. After which they cook the right time with very minimal heating, not allowing the broth to boil.

• Remove the skin from the boiled tongue with a knife and cut it according to the recipe: with longitudinal slices of a centimeter thickness or with thin strips. Pieces are laid out on the bottom of low dishes, and poured with broth, filtered, mixed with swollen gelatin, trying not to pour a lot of it. The meat broth should only slightly cover the meat slices. For hardening, aspic from beef tongue is placed in a common chamber of the refrigerator.

• To make the dish look original, it is often poured into silicone molds used in baking muffins or in pre-prepared blanks from eggshells. For beauty, canned or boiled vegetables, fresh herbs or eggs are added to the aspic. For greater nutrition, you can add other types of meat to the dish, for example, chicken or boiled eggs.

Jellied beef tongue with carrots, quail eggs and corn


• kilogram of beef tongue;

• large carrots of a sweet grade;

• 50 gr. celery root;

• a small onion;

• one raw protein;

• a quarter of a small lemon;

• 30 gr. fresh gelatin;

• a couple of spoons of canned corn;

• quail eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Place the prepared and processed tongue in a pot with drinking water and set it on high heat. As soon as the broth boils, lower the flame level and boil the tongue for half an hour. Be sure to remove the resulting var from the surface of the broth during boiling.

2. Remove the finished beef tongue from the broth and immediately transfer to a container of cold water and place it under a stream of cold water. Make some cuts in the tongue and remove the film from it directly under the stream.

3. Dip the purified offal back into the broth. Add peeled and diced celery root, a whole onion without husks, and carrots cut into pieces.

4. On an intense fire, bring to the very beginning of the boil, then reduce the heat so that the broth only boils a little, and leave to cook for an hour and a half. Be sure to cover the pan with a lid.

5. Put your tongue in cold boiled water so as not to darken. Put vegetables out of the broth. Throw the onion and celery, and leave the carrots.

6. Lubricate a clean bowl with lemon and pour the protein into it. Add a little salt, beat in a lush foam and pour it into the broth, put on the stove. Wait for boiling at low heat, and boil for three minutes, then cool.

7. On a sieve or colander, put gauze in several layers and strain through it the completely cooled broth. The more layers of gauze there are, the brighter the aspic will be.

8. Salt the filtered broth, and warm slightly with a little heat. Do not boil! Put gelatin and stir until its flakes completely dissolve in the broth.

9. Cut the boiled tongue into thin slices and put the slices in one layer along the bottom of the cooked dish.

10. Around the slices, carefully lay the carrots cut in thin curly slices, halves or rings of quail eggs and corn. You can also put parsley leaves.

11. Fill everything with broth and place the filler until completely solidified in the common chamber of the refrigerator.

Jellied beef tongue with green peas


• beef tongue, weighing about 1 kg;

• two leaves of lavrushka;

• four peas of black pepper;

• gelatin - 20 gr.;

• a glass of canned green peas.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the prepared by-product with boiled water and put on high heat. As soon as intense boiling begins, put the pan off the stove, drain the broth.

2. Wash the tongue well, put in a clean pan and pour clean cold water so that it only slightly covers it.

3. Add the lavrushka, peas of pepper and, slightly salting, put on moderate heat. In the process, even before boiling, remove the foam formed on the broth.

4. After bringing to a boil, adjust the heat so that the broth does not boil, but only slightly gurgles. Cover and let cook for about an hour and a half until the offal is soft.

5. Put the tongue in a bowl of cold water, cool the broth and place in the refrigerator so that all the fat rises and solidifies.

6. Strain the cooled broth using gauze, cut the cleaned offal into thin strips.

7. According to the instructions on the packaging, prepare the gelatin and dilute it in a slightly warmed broth.

8. Pour very little broth into the bottom of the small silicone molds and place them in the refrigerator until they solidify.

9. Put slices of beef tongue on the frozen layer, lay peas on top and pour the broth. He must completely cover the products. Chill.

10. Before final serving, lower each tin into the hot water for a short time. Then turn over and free the filler. On the sides, put fresh parsley.

Jellied beef tongue with heart


• a pound of turkey legs or wings;

• non-frozen beef heart - 1 kg;

• beef tongue weighing about 1 kg;

• four leaves of lavrushka;

• canned peas for decoration;

• a couple of spoons of canned corn;

• one small carrot;

• four peas of allspice;

• a small onion;

• quail eggs - 5 pcs.;

• several branches of fresh parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Beef heart, tongue and turkey paws, pour cold running water and soak for four hours. Then rinse thoroughly, carefully cut the skin off the tongue, remove the keratinized skin from the legs, and cut the heart lengthwise into four parts.

2. Rinse thoroughly the prepared meat products again and put them in a pan.

3. Fill the container with water so that the offal embedded in it is completely covered. Dip the peeled carrot and onion whole in the water, add allspice, salt to your liking, lay the lavrushka and put on a strong fire.

4. After boiling, reduce heat to a minimum, the broth should cease to boil intensively. The bones will give gluten better and completely if the contents of the pan languish.

5. After 20 minutes from the time of boiling, lay out the carrots and put it to the side. From boiled vegetable, it will be necessary to make jewelry for aspic, cutting it with a curly knife.

6. Once the broth is sufficiently sticky, after about three hours of languishing, remove the pan from the stove and carefully remove the meat products from it. To check the broth for gluten, moisten it with your fingertips. If they stick together, they welded correctly.

7. Cut the cooled heart and tongue into thin strips. If used to make a fillet, remove the meat from the pits.

8. On the bottom of the silicone molds, beautifully lay out the pieces of carrots and canned peas. For greater contrast, canned corn can be added. Pour a little cooled broth over the vegetables and refrigerate them so that they freeze well.

9. After that put pieces of tongue, heart and poultry meat removed from the wings in each tin. Lay the quail egg, cut in half, with the yolks up, and gently place the parsley leaves on the sides.

10. Pour all over the broth and refrigerate for three hours.

A simple recipe for beef jellied in a slow cooker


• fresh beef tongue;

• a small head of bitter onion;

• a couple of cloves of garlic;

• a large leaf of lavrushka;

• 20 grams of instant gelatin;

• 5-6 peas of black pepper;

• two carnation umbrellas;

• for decoration - fresh parsley, pitted olives, canned peas or corn.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly washed the tongue, place it in the cooking bowl of the multicooker and fill it with cold water. Add the onion, lavrushka and spices, cut into four parts.

2. Fill the offal with water and run the "Extinguishing" option for 3.5 hours. Do not pour a lot of liquid, it will be enough if the water covers the tongue only by 0.5 cm.

3. When there is an hour remaining before the end of the program, fill the gelatin with 500 ml of cold water.

4. At the end of the process, put the beef tongue from the bowl into cold water. After cooling in this way for three minutes, remove and peel the skin from it. Cut into thin transverse slices.

5. Strain the finished broth through folded cheesecloth and mix hot with gelatin. Put on a stove and, not boiling, simmer until gelling substance is completely mixed.

6. On the bottom of the mold prepared for pouring, lay out the components prepared for decoration. Lay lumps of beef tongue on top of them and cover with sticky broth.

7. Leave the filler on the table until it cools completely, and then place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Jellied beef tongue - Faberge Eggs


• fresh chicken eggs - 7 pcs.;

• 200 gr. beef tongue;

• 150 gr. chicken breast;

• canned corn and peas - 100 g each;

• 50 gr. freshly frozen cranberries;

• Lavrushka - 2 leaves;

• fresh parsley - leaves;

• black pepper - 4 peas;

• instant gelatin - 2 sachets.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse raw chicken eggs thoroughly in warm water and make a hole on the blunt side of each, about 2 cm in size, pour the whites and yolks, and soak the shells for a quarter of an hour in warm soda solution. For one liter of water, use a tablespoon of baking soda.

2. Remove the egg molds prepared in this way from the solution, rinse well in cold water and dry by placing the holes down on the towel.

3. Thoroughly rinse chicken and beef offal and boil individually in slightly salted water with lavrushka and black pepper peas.

4. Put the boiled meat products, and filter the broths through cheesecloth. You can mix them or use only one type of meat broth. Cut boiled chicken fillet and beef tongue into thin strips.

5. Gelatin pour 100 ml of cool drinking water and leave for half an hour. Then mix the swollen gelatin with 250 ml of one of the broths or a mixture of them, mix well and set aside to cool. For the adhesive to dissolve well, the liquid must be hot.

6. Place the dried shells in the egg container and place the filling in them.

7. At the bottom of each harvest, place a pair of thawed cranberries and a leaf of parsley. Put strips of chicken meat and tongue on top, pour the broth, cooled with gelatin, to the top, and place in the refrigerator overnight.

8. After that, free the aspic from the shells, place the “eggs” on a flat dish and decorate to your taste with greens.

Three-layer aspic from beef tongue, with mayonnaise and herbs


• beef tongue;

• large onion;

• a few peas of pepper;

• a small carrot;

• gelatin;

• a sprig of parsley and dill;

• mayonnaise 72% fat - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and scrape the beef tongue well with a knife. Pour heavily chilled water, slightly salt. Dip the well-washed onion along with the husk and peeled whole carrots to offal. Add the parsley with peas and boil for at least 2 hours. A quarter of an hour before being ready, dip a sprig of parsley into the broth.

2. Chilled, peeled tongue, cut into slices of a centimeter thick, put in a bowl and temporarily set aside, covering with a lid so that the pieces do not wind off.

3. Strain the broth, measure its volume and take gelatin based on its quantity. To make the jellied well frozen, 40 grams of gelling substance should be taken per liter of meat broth.

4. Pour gelatin with cold water for half an hour. Determine its quantity, following the instructions on the packaging. After this, mix the swollen gelatin with the hot broth and divide it into three equal parts, cool.

5. Add finely chopped greens to one, mix the other with mayonnaise, and leave the third without additives.

6. Lay the pieces of beef tongue along the bottom of the prepared for jellied dishes, lightly laying on top of each other, and pour them with a simple broth.

7. When it hardens, pour the broth mixed with mayonnaise on top and place it in the cold until it hardens. Pour the dill broth with the last layer and place in the refrigerator again.

Beef tongue filler - cooking tricks and tips

• If the broth is cloudy, lighten it with protein. To do this, grease a small bowl with lemon and thoroughly beat the raw protein in it. Then enter it into the broth. Bring to a boil quickly, but do not boil, cool slightly and filter.

• To make the broth not only transparent, but also with a pleasant yellowish tint, when cooking the offal, put in it an unpeeled onion and carrot. Do not cut vegetables, carrots can be cut original decorations for aspic.

• The filling is guaranteed to solidify if gelatin is taken at the rate of 40 grams per liter of finished broth. Before mixing with a meat broth, the gelling agent must be soaked in cold water so that its flakes are well swollen.


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