Female opinion: Most women do not want to give birth in front of her husband


Surely if you have children or you are in an interesting position, you have been thinking about the question of whether your husband should be present at the birth. Recently, the presence of relatives in childbirth has become not only popular, but also has become widespread. So what is it: a tribute to fashion, another surge in female emancipation, or a woman’s simple desire to have her beloved man next to her at a difficult moment?

The Women's Opinion portal decided to conduct a survey and find out whether a husband should be present at childbirth. Of course, this issue is currently very relevant and worries many expectant mothers and fathers.

So, 62.8% of the women surveyed said that the husband should not be present at the birth and participate in this process. These women assure that childbirth has been a women's affair for centuries and there is nothing for a man to do in the delivery room. Moreover, some fear that the husband will not only not help, but will interfere, and you will have to worry and be nervous not only because of the birth of the child, but also because of your beloved spouse. Women who hold this opinion explain their position by the fact that childbirth is a matter exclusively for women and should be shrouded in mystery, and let men deal with their male duties. Some, nevertheless, answer this question with the caveat that there are situations related to women's health when it is impossible to do without a husband during childbirth.

And only 37.2% of women who participated in the vote believe that the husband must be present and support the woman in childbirth; with her husband they feel stronger and more confident. They say that a man can not only help and support in this difficult moment for a woman, but also relieve pain, and most importantly, with his own eyes see the miracle of the birth of a little man. These women claim that after joint birth, a man is more careful and reverent in his wife and in his child.

As we see, most women still do not accept for themselves the presence of a husband in childbirth. In any case, the most important thing is that such a complex and responsible decision should be mutual and coordinated.

The survey involved 2580 Russians from 173 cities aged 20 to 38 years.


Watch the video: Husband Experiences the Pains of Giving Birth for Mother's Day (May 2024).