Questions you should never ask men


A woman speaks an average of 30,000 words per day. A man is limited to only 12,000 words. And while he returns tired after work home, as a rule, his entire vocabulary has already been exhausted. This simple example shows the difference between the sexes: women want to talk a lot, men don't.

Have you noticed that certain questions asked to your partner cause him some mixture of horror, doubt and even panic? And the reason is not at all that they do not want to communicate with you. They just don’t know what they have to answer, or at least they don’t have an answer that you would like.

To avoid such situations in the future, we have collected several questions that should not be asked to men.

  • "Do you love me?"

Countless men live on our planet who clearly have trouble pronouncing these three simple words. In any case, what answer do you expect: "No, but I really enjoy having sex with you"? It’s better to wait until he himself declares his love for you, then it will be more pleasant and romantic.

  • "Could you buy me tampons?"

If you think about it, there seems to be nothing shameful in this matter. Nevertheless, the man, for any reason, considers such purchases inconceivably inconvenient. Imagine how in a supermarket with a flushed face he puts his hand behind his back and hides the packaging with tampons somewhere under pasta, if only they would not be seen.

  • "What should I wear?"

Most men choose comfortable clothing or the first thing that comes to hand in the closet. Only a man experienced in fashion issues can loyally answer such a question. One always wants to see you in a sexy dress, and the other all the time strives to cover your knees and bare shoulders. In one case or another, you may not be happy with the choice of your man.

  • "Am I not too fat?" or "Don't you think I’ve gotten a little better?"

What to answer the man? If he says “yes”, he will have an unsweetened dream on the floor, he will say “no” - you will immediately be outraged that he is dishonest with you. In fact, men do not always like tortured models that eat only salad. They could rather scare him than seduce him. Firstly, love is not measured by the weight of your body, and secondly, you still do not want to know the answer!

  • "Is that you, a bald spot has appeared?"

Many men, especially at a young age, are panicky afraid of hair loss. How else to explain the presence of thousands of remedies for baldness, and even not the cheapest? If you pointed out this flaw to a man, then be prepared for the fact that he will look at any reflective surface at the first opportunity and check whether all the hair is in place.


Watch the video: Ten Things You Should Never Say to a Guy (July 2024).