Custard chocolate cream always turns out delicious! Chocolate custard recipes for soaking, filling and decorating


Chocolate custard is widely used by culinary specialists. They are stuffed with cakes, rolls, muffins, smeared cakes in the manufacture of cakes and biscuit rolls. Custard chocolate cream always turns out to be gentle, with a bright taste, which allows you to serve it as an independent dessert. The technology for the preparation of some custard chocolate creams allows you to use them to decorate culinary products.

Custard chocolate creams - general principles of preparation

• The taste of the creamy mass largely depends on the quality of the products used and their freshness. Do not save, it is better to choose a cheaper recipe. It’s easier to make a more modest cream than throw it away.

• Butter must be natural, the recommended fat content of the product for the preparation of creams is less than 72%. It is such an oil that softens well in heat, and creams based on it quickly solidify and do not melt in the future.

• Milk should also be oily and always fresh. Stale dairy product may curl when heated. To prepare a lighter cream mass, milk can be replaced with water, more oily - with cream, the percentage of fat in which should not be lower than 22%. Low-fat cream, as well as stale milk, can heat up when heated.

• Cocoa powder should be taken only. It should have a rich dark color and a bright chocolate flavor. When using light powder or instant granulated cocoa, the chocolate cream will have a light color. In some formulations, cocoa is replaced with chocolate or used in combination with it. Porous chocolate is not suitable for the preparation of cream, it is also not recommended to take chocolate bars with fillers in the form of nuts, raisins and waffles.

• Eggs and condensed milk may be added to custard chocolate creams. Aromatic additives in the form of coffee, vanilla powder or sugar only improve the taste of the cream.

Delicate custard chocolate with cocoa on eggs

The recipe for the most tender custard chocolate cream in milk, eggs are used in the preparation. The creamy mass has a light, subtle vanilla flavor. Vanilla sugar is perfectly replaced by vanilla powder while halving.


• three glasses of milk;

• two tablespoons of first-class flour;

• four eggs;

• dark cocoa powder - two tablespoons;

• 10 gr. fresh vanilla sugar;

• a glass of white granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Pour half a glass of cold milk into an enameled small bowl. Pour the sifted flour and mix well, crushing the lumped flour with a spoon. If it was not possible to break everything, strain the milk mixture through a sieve. Grind the flour lumps remaining in it and mix thoroughly the strained mixture.

2. Mix the cocoa powder with granulated sugar and, adding the yolks, grind until a homogeneous pasty mass is obtained. Separated squirrels put in a jar, cover, put in the refrigerator.

3. Bring the milk to a boil. Pouring half a cup, and each time thoroughly and intensively stirring, dilute the chocolate mass with it.

4. Add vanilla sugar, pour the diluted flour, mix well and set to minimum heat. Vigorously stirring, bring to a boil, then reduce heat and boil for another three minutes. Then remove from the stove and cool, but not completely, to about 36 degrees.

5. Beat the whites, transfer the airy protein mass to the cooled chocolate mixture and gently mix.

6. Put the brewed chocolate cream in a clean bowl and leave it on the table until completely cooled.

Saturated yolk chocolate custard with chocolate and cocoa

The use of cocoa powder, in combination with dark chocolate, allows you to prepare a cream of rich dark color, with a bright chocolate flavor. It is not recommended to use dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa, the most suitable 76%. The higher the percentage of cocoa in the product, the bitter the taste of the creamy mass.


• chocolate with 76% cocoa content - 50 gr.;

• 100 gr. refined sugar;

• four yolks;

• 10 gr. cocoa powder;

• a glass of medium fat milk.

Cooking method:

1. Fold the chocolate into pieces into a small bowl. Add hot milk and, while stirring, dissolve the chocolate slices in it.

2. In a thick-walled stewpan, grind the yolks with a mixture of cocoa and sugar. Pour the chocolate dissolved in milk, stir and place on a small fire.

3. Stirring, bring the chocolate mixture to a boil, then reduce heat and boil, without ceasing to stir, to the desired density.

Chocolate Coconut Custard Recipe

The color and taste of such a cream depends on chocolate. Darker color and rich taste gives dark chocolate. If you take a tile of milk, the creamy mass will turn out to be lighter with a delicate, softer chocolate flavor. Do not use a product with a high cocoa content, the cream may be bitter. Potato starch can be replaced with corn or flour, this will not affect the quality of the cream.


• two large spoons of sugar with a slide;

• 100 gram bar of dark, 76% chocolate;

• one and a half tablespoons of starch;

• two eggs;

• butter, high-fat oil - 20 gr.;

• a glass of milk, with a capacity of 250 ml.

Cooking method:

1. In a small bowl, rub the eggs with sugar. Pour the starch and grind well again, trying to crush all the lumps.

2. Pour in half the prepared cold milk. Intensive mixing, bring the mixture to homogeneity. Use a whisk, this will help speed up the process.

3. Place the chocolate broken into squares in a water bath to melt. At the same time, put the remaining milk to boil and when it begins to boil, introduce a starch-egg mass into it with a thin stream. Be sure to vigorously stir the contents of the pan, otherwise the creamy mass will take lumps.

4. Without stopping stirring, so as not to burn, boil the cream over low heat for about two minutes. By this time it should thicken well. Do not forget to mix the chocolate drowned in the bath.

5. Remove the thickened cream base from the heat, immediately pour over it and mix the melted chocolate. Add the butter and mix again.

Custard chocolate cream on boiled condensed milk - "Tauride"

Condensed milk is added to the cream mass. The taste of chocolate cream depends on the type of product used. Condensed milk can be taken both boiled and white. Normal, GOST, milk should be taken a little more, literally on a spoon. Such a custard has a rare consistency, so it is better to use it for spreading cakes or biscuit pies.


• four tablespoons of first-class flour;

• a liter of pasteurized milk;

• 250 gram glass of sugar;

• high-fat butter, butter - 250 gr.;

• boiled GOST condensed milk - 4 tbsp. l .;

• a quarter of a spoon of vanilla powder;

• dark powdered cocoa - 3 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. In a thick-walled saucepan over high heat, but not boiling, warm all the milk. Reduce the heat to the minimum, and intensively stirring the milk with a whisk, introduce the flour. Having achieved uniformity, increase the heat to medium and, stirring occasionally, continue to cook the cream base for another five minutes. It should thicken well.

2. Remove the pan from the stove, put the film on the surface of the cream mass, leave to cool.

3. While the brewed mass is cooling, soften the oil. Cut it into pieces and leave it on the table, laying out in a small bowl.

4. Whisking at a moderate mixer speed, combine the cooled base with soft oil. It is advisable to add it in small portions, introducing no more than a tablespoon each time.

5. After that, without ceasing to beat, gradually pour the mixture of sugar, cocoa and vanilla. At the end, enter the boiled condensed milk.

Light custard chocolate cream without eggs on the water

The cream is prepared in water without eggs. Flour is used as a thickener, but if desired, it can be replaced with potato or corn starch. Thanks to the added oil, it keeps its shape well. Before using the custard, it is advisable to cool for a quarter of an hour in the refrigerator. After that, it will be better to keep in shape and will not spread if it is necessary to smear warm biscuit cakes, for example, for rolls.


• granulated sugar - 100 g .;

• half a glass of water;

• a full spoon of flour (with a slide);

• 100 gr. oils, 72-85%;

• dark powdered cocoa - 4 tbsp. l

Cooking method:

1. Pour sugar with the fourth part of the norm of water indicated in the recipe and, putting on medium heat, cook a clear, thin syrup. Be sure to mix from time to time, otherwise the sugar will settle at the bottom of the pan and will not dissolve.

2. Dilute the flour another 1/4 of the initial volume of water. Stir thoroughly; no lumps should remain in the mixture.

3. Intensively stirring the boiling syrup, pour the diluted flour into it with a thin stream, and just as intensively stir, boil the cream base until thickened. Do not breed flour in advance, it will settle on the bottom. But if nevertheless they have done this, thoroughly stir the solution again before administration.

4. Remove the container with boiling dense mass from the stove. For faster cooling, transfer the brewed base to a clean cool bowl and be sure to tighten it with a film, otherwise the surface will become chapped.

5. At room temperature, soften the oil. To speed up the process, put it out of the package, and then cut into small pieces. You can soften the oil in advance by laying the pack on the table an hour before cooking.

6. In a soft oil, sifting through a sieve, add cocoa and mix until smooth with a spoon. Do not use a mixer in this case, a light powder will rise in a cloud and scatter around.

7. When the cream base reaches the temperature of the fresh milk, begin to beat it with a mixer, setting the average speed. Step by step increasing speed and adding in small parts, enter all the chocolate butter.

8. The custard chocolate cream will be ready when the traces of the corollas do not spill.

Thick custard chocolate cream with a light coffee flavor

No extra liquid is used in the preparation. Due to this, the cream is thick, which allows you to use it for decoration of any confectionery. For filling or impregnation, it is better to cook another. Cocoa needs powdered, sugar-free, and instant coffee.


• 80 gr. dark, preferably milk, chocolate;

• icing sugar - 80 g .;

• 30 gr. cocoa powder;

• half a spoon of instant coffee;

• butter 72% butter (not a spread!) - 140 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Diced butter, leave at room temperature until tender. This may take from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the quality of the product.

2. Fill a wide pot with water, put on an intense fire. When it boils, set a smaller bowl on the container and put the chocolate broken into pieces into it. Reduce the flame to medium.

3. While mixing regularly, dissolve all pieces of chocolate. Pour soluble coffee into a homogeneous mass, mix well and immediately remove from heat.

4. Transfer on a sieve of cocoa together with powdered sugar.

5. Whip the butter until fluffy, then, continuing to whisk, introduce a mixture of cocoa and powder into it. Then gradually pour in a little warm chocolate mass.

Custard Chocolate Creams - Cooking Tips & Tips

• The taste of custard chocolate cream will become more noble if, after cooling, a little alcohol is added to it - liquor or cognac. For a light aroma of 300 grams of cream, it’s enough to take an incomplete tablespoon of an alcoholic drink.

• If the cream is rare and does not freeze even after cooling, add a little cocoa to it and beat well afterwards. The creamy chocolate mass served as a dessert can be dipped with crushed chocolate chip cookies.

• Products with cream should preferably be stored in the refrigerator. If you plan to only decorate the product with a creamy mass, do it a couple of hours before serving, and then place the dessert in the refrigerator so that the cream decorations solidify well and do not flow when you are on the table for a long time.


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