How to remove yellowness from hair at home: remedies and folk recipes. How can I remove yellowness from hair after dyeing?


Hair can produce a completely different reaction to the use of cosmetic products for grooming or the conduct of various procedures with them.

Often, it is precisely because of improperly implemented techniques that lighten or highlight strands, use aggressive chemicals to lay strands and acquire an unattractive yellowish tint. Before figuring out how to remove yellowness from hair at home, you need to understand the causes of its occurrence.

Causes of color change - how to remove yellowness from hair at home

It will be easier to fight the yellowness of the hair, knowing the real reason that could provoke its appearance. Among the most common causes are the following:

1. Improper hair lightening technique. This reason is most common. Hair begins to turn yellow as a result of non-compliance with the stages of the dyeing procedure, both during an independent session and during the work of a specialist. The error may lie in the incorrect calculation of the exposure time of the dyeing or brightening composition on the hair.

2. Use of poor quality or expired products. Trying to save on the procedure, girls and women not only produce stains on their own, but also choose cheap products for these purposes.

3. Rinsing hair. It is advisable to use purified water to wash the substances after the staining procedure. Ordinary running water may contain various impurities, salts, rust, which leave an indelible imprint on the condition of the hair, as well as their shade, reacting with the dye.

4. Abrupt clarification of black hair. With a radical change in image, for example, repainting from a brunette to a blonde, yellowness will be difficult to avoid. This is a natural hair reaction in which the original hair pigment will try to extinguish the artificial one.

Ways to normalize color: how to remove yellowness from hair at home, photo results

With the appearance of the problem of yellowing of the hair, many ways were also invented to deal with this unpleasant consequence. Among them were home methods and the so-called "store-based" methods. The effectiveness of any of them will depend on the original natural hair pigment. If any of them does not give proper results, do not prematurely become discouraged. You can experimentally find a suitable tool, but do not forget to observe breaks at least 2-3 days between the procedures for lightening hair. Several ways to eliminate yellowness:

1. Silver shampoos - such a product can be found in specialized stores, they differ from the usual corresponding mark. They include a special tinting pigment with a purple tint that can neutralize yellowness. It is thanks to him that an unpleasant shade is drowned out, and the hair acquires whiteness. But this bleaching method has a significant minus - if it is overexposed on the hair, then the hair can acquire an ash or lilac tone.

2. Hue shampoos, tonics and balms are another effective way to combat yellowness. It is worth giving preference to pearl, silver, platinum, pearl shades. These funds act on strands in a similar way, like silver shampoos. Accordingly, they have the same drawback. To increase efficiency, you can use a tinting agent in combination with ordinary shampoo, mixing them in equal proportions. Keep the substance on the hair for no longer than 3 minutes. The frequency of use of funds should be in the range of 1 time for every 3-4 hair washes. It is preferable to give preference to professional means to achieve good results.

3. Ready-made masks for lightening strands. Shop products have a lot of ingredients in their composition that can eliminate the yellow pigment of curls. Usually for each product there is a detailed instruction, according to which you need to apply them.

How to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing - effective recipes and alternative methods

If professional products for certain reasons are not suitable for lightening, you can use folk recipes for masks that will help not only to remove yellowness, but also to some extent improve the hair.

1. Natural mask based on honey. To lighten the strands, it is enough to smear them with honey in the evening, insulate with a plastic cap and leave overnight for maximum absorption. This method can even rehabilitate hair that has become red, yellow or straw-colored as a result of unsuccessful dyeing.

2. A decoction of onion peel. If the shade of yellow does not stand out too clearly on the hair or is slightly noticeable, then the brewed and infused onion peel will help to get rid of it. When the broth is well infused, you need to apply it to your hair also at night, and wash off only in the morning.

3. Rinsing according to a popular recipe can eliminate the yellowness of the hair by collecting herbs. After each wash, you need to rinse with filtered water, to which rhubarb infusion is added in a ratio of 2: 1. To prepare the latter you need 1 tbsp. l pure petioles pour 1 liter of boiling water, wait 20 minutes and strain. When rinsing, water can be acidified by adding 1 cup of lemon juice in 1 liter, which itself has whitening properties.

4. The combination of vodka with lemon. You need to get fresh lemon juice, 40-60 ml and the same amount of vodka will be enough. But the dosage of such a mix can vary depending on the length and density of the hair. In order for yellowness to go away without harming the hair, you can keep such a composition for no more than 40 minutes.

5. A mixture of shampoo with improvised ingredients. You will need a raw egg, up to 60 ml of slightly warmed kefir, 30 ml of vodka, 40-50 ml of lemon juice and 20 g of shampoo. Stir the mask to a homogeneous consistency, apply evenly to the strands and hold for at least 30 minutes.

6. Chamomile broth with glycerin and castor oil. A bag of chamomile need to fill in 100 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes. When the broth cools down to a warm state, 20 ml of castor oil and 50 g of glycerin can be added to it. Keep the mixture on your hair for at least half an hour.

How to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing or to prevent its appearance?

It is always easier to prevent the occurrence of a problem than to deal with its consequences. In order not to fight the yellowness of hair, you can simply prevent its appearance in the following ways:

• you need to choose high-quality products with a current shelf life for staining, and it is better to purchase them in specialized verified stores;

• when self-staining, it is desirable to comply with all the rules specified in the instructions of the compositions;

• it will be more reliable to turn to a professional for help, especially if you are going to lighten dark or thick hair;

• to wash off hair dye, use purified or filtered water, not tap water;

• Too dark shades of hair to lighten is not recommended, a high probability of a yellow tint.


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