Conspiracy: how to find a lost thing at home


The keys disappeared, the mobile phone disappeared somewhere and the mobile phone did not respond, and the glasses lying in the most visible place disappeared again. In everyday life, we constantly lose and find dozens of items. But what if the necessary thing seemed to have collapsed under the ground, and it is impossible to find it literally in a half-empty room? Do not rush to call a private detective, try more unusual ways.

What conspiracy will help find the lost thing at home?

Magical rituals - a powerful weapon that helps to find the right thing in a short time. Before embarking on powerful conspiracies to determine if the item was stolen, you should try more simple ones. We give the most effective of them.

On the shawl

For the ritual, you need a new copy, not a sock. Choose a large scarf with smooth edges. The presence and nature of the picture does not matter. Sit on the couch, squeeze the handkerchief in your left palm, submit the desired object. Name aloud its name and at the same time tie into a bundle of any of the corners of the fabric. If the loss is soon found, the knot must be untied.

On matches and milk

In addition to the full matchbox, you need a glass of milk with a high percentage of fat. Stand in the center of the room, strike the box with a match and, glancing at the flame, focus on the memories of the missing item. After the fire burns out, draw a cross on the left palm of your charred end.

After completing the first part of the ritual, sit on the floor and be silent for a couple of minutes.. At this time, say to yourself the names of places where there may be a search object. After washing away the cross from the hand with milk, repeating to yourself: "My disappearance, find yourself and return to my hands, amen!" Repeat the plot 3 - 4 times. Wipe your palms with a clean cloth.

On the thread

To tie the missing thing in order to pull it to itself anew - this is the purpose of this conspiracy. Take the coil of red thread and cut the length equal to your height. Fold the thread three times., in the process of presenting the loss. After this, try to fold another 7 times, make 2 - 3 knots on it. The resulting ball is placed under a pillow for the night. Belief says that in a dream you will be told where to look. If not, pull out the bundle in the morning and free it from knots.

None of the above helps? Ask for help from the true owner of the home. Enlist the assistance of a brownie can, using a conspiracy on wool thread. A piece of red thread is tied to the table leg. At this time, whisper the following: "Grandfather Domovoi, do not play with me. Return the thing (its name), and take your treat!" Read the plot four times in all corners of the room. Do not forget to arrange the house offering in the corners - sweets, biscuits, a glass of milk.

Often what we are looking for is missing through no fault of ours. Perhaps the thing was stolen. Then conspiracies of a different kind, stronger, are used.

With chair

Pick up a worn wooden chair that is no longer used as a piece of furniture. Wipe it off with dust and break off one of the legs. Bring the chair out, crush the broken part into slivers. Make a fire out of them. Rising to the fire, read the plot: "Yes, the supplicant will be heard. My thing is stolen, the evil thief has been taken away. If he does not return it (the name of the object) in speed, he will take it to himself!"

Repeat the spell three times; bring the ashes and the chair at midnight to the nearest road intersection. The plot is not "dark", but the attacker will lose peace until he returns the stolen.

With candles

For the procedure is suitable church wax candle. It is lit in the evening, after sunset. Take the candle and go around the room. Sentence words: "The one who took it, will lose a hundred times more! May he not find peace until my thing returns. Let his hunger and poverty overtake me, and good luck and my thing returned, Amen!"

Put the candle in an inconspicuous corner, it should burn out there. Melted wax is placed in a bag of natural cloth and hides in a secret place in the house.

Preparation for the conspiracy

Preparing for a conspiracy is, above all, emotionally:

  • Refer to the subconscious. Remember where you last saw the item you’ve needed or used it. Limit the search for a circle where it is usually located;
  • If necessary, take a sitting position, sit back. Take a deep breath and try to turn off the negative psycho-emotional background. Frequently, annoyance and a general tense state are the reasons why it is difficult to use rational thinking.

There are cases when you can do without magic. Often, lack of concentration and general irritation interfere with the search process. Draw a conditional plan of the apartment or room. Divide it into zones, mark each with a number, and start the search, gradually exploring each section. Check out the checked square from the list and go to the next one.

Effective conspiracy to search for things

Appeal to higher forces for the return of the lost is often more effective than any other means.

To search for the missing item, read the appeal to the martyr John the Warrior:

"Oh, the great martyr of Christ, John, the champion of the Orthodox, the persecutor of enemies, the defender of the offended! strong from visible and invisible enemies who, with your help, will be ashamed of us.forever and ever. Amen! "

After once again, thank the higher forces, focusing on positive thoughts. If everything is done correctly, the lost item will quickly show up.


Watch the video: 24 Hours Exploring Mystery Hidden Crawl Space with Found Secret Conspiracy Cassette! (July 2024).