Beef roast - for the British and more! New and classic recipes for beef roast beef in different marinades, with mushrooms, vegetables


Roast beef - a piece of meat. But he is not quite ordinary. The classic English recipe is supposed to cook roast beef with blood.

Although, no one forbids holding it on fire or in the oven for a little longer. There are actually a lot of cooking options for this dish, here is a selection of the most successful recipes.

Beef roast - general principles of preparation

Ideally, marbled beef is used for roast beef. Streaks of fat will not allow the meat to dry, become hard, dry. But you can use other parts of the carcass with a minimum content of muscle tissue. A delicious roast beef is obtained from tender veal, by the way, it is not marble due to the age of the animal. The dish is cooked in a whole piece. The size can be any, but not less than 0.5 kg. The meat is pre-marinated or sprinkled, rubbed with spices.

Ways to cook roast beef:

• in a pan;

• in a pan and in the oven;

• just in the oven.

The choice of technology is determined by the recipe. If the meat has not previously been marinated, it will be more difficult to make it tender and juicy, but it is also possible. Very often, in order to save time, roast beef is supplemented with other products: mushrooms, potatoes, various vegetables. Immediately you get a complete dish.

Before roasting, the classic roast beef is wrapped in twine; it will retain the shape of the piece. But at home, you can not do this. Served meat in sliced ​​form with lettuce, various vegetables, herbs, but this is not the rule. Beef goes well with baked and fried potatoes, rice, pasta and other popular side dishes, cooked separately.

English beef roast beef (classic recipe)

A true classic beef roast beef recipe. This is how this dish is prepared by the British. Additionally, you will need lard, on which a piece will be prepared, but you can replace it with any other fat, for example, sunflower oil.


• 500 g of marbled beef;

• 100 g celery (root);

• 2 carrots;

• 2 onion heads;

• 50 g of olive oil;

• 2 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 30 g flour;

• salt, parsley, laurel, pepper;

• 100 g of fat.


1. Straw the celery root. You can use a grater. Add carrots and onions, cut vegetables approximately as well.

2. Sprinkle vegetables with salt, sugar, pepper, and begin to knead with your hands until they release juice.

3. Add olive oil, bay leaf to the vegetables. We break it into several parts, mix.

4. A piece of beef must be thoroughly washed. If suddenly there is a film on it, then be sure to remove it.

5. We cover meat with vegetables and oil from all sides. It is better to do this right away in the container. Close, leave to marinate for a day, keep in the refrigerator.

6. After a day, beef for roast beef needs to be removed. Shake the vegetables, they are no longer needed.

7. Fry fat from fat. Or pour oil into a skillet of small diameter. Warm up.

8. Breaded a piece in flour, fry on all sides until golden brown.

9. And immediately rearrange the oven to 220 degrees warmed up.

10. Bake classic beef roast beef for 30 minutes. When serving, cut across the plates.

Beef roast beef in foil

A recipe for beef roast beef, which certainly does not dry out and turn out to be juicy. In addition to beef, you will need a few pieces of fresh or salted lard.


• 600 g of marbled beef;

• 30-40 g of fat;

• 1 tsp olive oil;

• 0.5 tsp black pepper;

• 0.5 tsp red paprika;

• 1 tsp salt (without tubercle);

• garlic, onions for flavor.


1. Wipe the washed beef dry. We combine salt, pepper, sweet paprika, add a little olive oil, bring the mixture to homogeneity.

2. Rub the meat. We put it in a bag, put it in the refrigerator for 10 hours. But you can use any container of a suitable size.

3. Tear off the sheet of foil, put on any pallet. You can use a skillet or pan. We lubricate the central part with a drop of oil so that the meat does not stick.

4. Take out the beef from the bag, put it on the foil. Around you can put a few cloves of garlic, slices of onions, but they should not be in contact with roast beef.

5. Cut the fat into several parts, lay the pieces on top. They will not allow the foil to touch the beef, and will also soak a piece of fat as it melts.

6. We pack everything in foil.

7. We send the meat to bake. Cook 1 hour and 15 minutes. Temperature 200. If you need to make a golden crust, then the foil at the end can be opened, pieces of bacon removed.

Beef roast beef (classic mustard recipe)

Another classic recipe for beef roast beef, which is often prepared by the British. The taste of meat will directly depend on mustard. It is advisable to take a sharp, fresh sauce. By the way, this recipe is better if you do not use marbled meat, but a simple clipping. From mustard it will be softer, more tender.


• 1 kg of beef;

• 1.5 tbsp. l mustard;

• 0.5 tablespoons of salt;

• 2 tablespoons of honey;

• 3 tbsp. l balsamic vinegar;

• 1 tablespoon of oil;

• 1 tsp freshly ground pepper (black).


1. Rinse a piece of meat, grate with salt and pepper, grease with mustard on top. Leave to marinate for a couple of hours.

2. Turn on the oven 220 degrees. We put the grate in the central part, wipe it so that there are no dirt.

3. Under the grid we put a mold or a baking sheet that will collect the draining juices.

4. Place a piece of meat directly on the grill. Cook for about 35-40 minutes.

5. Mix honey and balsamic vinegar. You can add a little mustard to them. Pour in the oil. Mix well.

6. Take a brush or just a spoon, gently grease the beef with the prepared mixture. Cook another 10 minutes. Now you can reduce the temperature to 180.

7. Open and grease again, bake for another five minutes, repeat this several times until the meat is covered with a golden caramel crust. It should become very dark, fried.

Beef roast beef with mushrooms and onions

A recipe for a wholesome meal. To cook such a roast beef with mushrooms in the oven, you need mushrooms.


• 1 kg of beef;

• 5 onion heads;

• 400 g of mushrooms;

• spices, oil.


1. Grate the meat with salt and pepper. If there is a lot of time, then remove the pickle. If desired, spices can be supplemented with mustard, soy sauce, and other seasonings.

2. Heat the oil. We spread the meat, fry over the strongest fire, so that a crust appears on all sides. Do not allow moisture to leak. We remove the piece. You can immediately shift to foil.

3. Throw in the pan washed, cut into quarters champignons. Miniature mushrooms can be cut in half or left as a whole. Also fry on the highest heat.

4. Spread the mushrooms around the meat.

5. Cut the onion into half rings, season with salt and pepper. You can add a drop of sour cream or mayonnaise to it, but not necessarily. Spread the onion on top of the mushrooms.

6. Cover everything with foil, remove the dish with roast beef in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Cooking for 40 minutes.

Beef roast beef (classic recipe with vegetables)

This dish is especially successful in the summer. The British add a variety of vegetables to meat: peppers, eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes and much more. Here's a simplified classic recipe for beef roast beef in soya marinade.


• 700 g of meat;

• 2 peppers;

• 2 eggplants;

• 5 potatoes;

• 150 ml of soy sauce;

• various spices;

• 1 tsp dry mixed herbs.


1. Soak a piece of meat in soy sauce. Take out after 2-3 hours. Periodically, beef needs to be turned on the other side.

2. Sprinkle the meat with dry spices, grate with herbs. Put in hot oil, brown for a couple of minutes on each side. Transfer to a high baking dish. Pre-lubricate.

3. Vegetables all need to be washed, we cut eggplants in half or in 4 parts. If the vegetable is bitter, then you can soak it. Cut the pepper in half. Peel the potato, cut it into quarters.

4. All vegetables are watered with soy sauce, in which meat previously lay. You can add other spices. Stir, put in a form around the fried roast beef.

5. Pull the foil, put in a preheated oven for about 45 minutes. Cook at an average temperature of 180-190.

Beef roast with blood

This is also a classic recipe for beef roast beef, but it is not as popular with us as in England. Not everyone likes meat with a sweetener.


• a piece of beef 1.2-1.4 kg;

• four cloves of garlic;

• a small lemon;

• a pair of sprigs of fresh thyme;

• 2 tbsp. l mustard;

• a couple of sprigs of fresh rosemary;

• 0.5 tablespoons of salt, pepper to taste.


1. Wash a piece of meat, dry it. Spread in hot oil and quickly fry, literally a minute from all sides.

2. Remove zest from the washed lemon, chop. Add herbs and garlic. They also need to be well chopped, lay mustard, salt, pour 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Rubbing thoroughly.

3. Coat the fried roast beef with the cooked mixture. Put in foil, wrap the ends.

4. Send to the oven. Cook at 200 degrees for 20 minutes. If you stand more, then the blood is baked.

Beef roast beef - tips and tricks

• Do not use cold meat for roast beef, even pre-pickled meat. You need to warm the beef in a warm room so that it cooks evenly.

• Do not use frequently sharp objects to check readiness. If the meat is pierced with forks and knives, then it will lose juice. The first 30-40 minutes can do without this.

• If during the roast beef roasting in the oven a little juice is released, meat can be poured with any wine.


Watch the video: Slow Cooker Beef Pot Roast Recipe - How to Make Beef Pot Roast in a Slow Cooker (July 2024).