Oven meatballs in tomato sauce - gravy dish! Recipes of various meatballs in tomato sauce in the oven with rice, vegetables, mushrooms, fish


Meatballs are not meatballs, and not meatballs! Meat balls are distinguished by special tenderness, juiciness, as they are stewed in sauce. They are often cooked in a saucepan or in a saucepan on the stove, but the dish turns out to be much more aromatic and tastier if baked in the oven.

Oven meatballs in tomato sauce - general cooking principles

• Stuffing. For meatballs, meat can be twisted at home or bought. The first option is preferable, since you can chop vegetables at the same time. And as chopped minced meat there will be more confidence. For meatballs, you can take beef, poultry, pork, lamb, but it tastes best when mixing two or three types. You can cook meatballs from fish, such a recipe is below.

• Fig. It is almost always added to meatballs, this is what they differ from cutlets. Boil the cereal almost until cooked, but it’s important not to digest it. You need to pour a lot of water, then the rice is drained into a sieve or in a colander with small holes.

• Vegetables. They can be used for sauce, but are also added to minced meat. Usually, onions, garlic, sometimes carrots, peppers are laid inside.

• Sauce. For tomato pouring, you can use fresh or canned tomatoes, pasta from them, mashed potatoes, ready-made ketchup. If necessary, the base product is diluted with water. Dairy products, vegetables, mushrooms can be added to the sauce.

• Egg. It is often present in the recipe, helps to hold together the mass, does not allow meatballs to disintegrate.

• Roasting. Formed meatballs, you can immediately pour the sauce or pre-brown a little in the oven. Balls are laid out in a form in one layer, the distance between them is not necessary to leave.

Oven meatballs in tomato sauce in the oven

To prepare a filling for meatballs in the oven in a tomato sauce, ordinary paste is used. Everything is done very simply and quickly, especially with minced meat.


• a pound of minced meat;

• 40 g of pasta;

• a spoon of flour;

• two onion heads;

• egg;

• 4 tbsp. l rice;

• 1 carrot;

• some oil, spices;

• clove of garlic.


1. Boil the washed rice almost until done. Throw it in a colander, let the water drain.

2. Cut the onion head, peel and grate the carrots. Put in a heated frying pan together, fry for two minutes.

3. Add flour, stir quickly. Dissolve the tomato in 500 ml of water. Pour in a thin stream into vegetables. Bring to a boil, salt, pepper.

4. Chop the onion. If the mince will twist yourself, then immediately add the onion with garlic. Fall asleep rice. Add one egg to the meatballs and season with salt. Stir.

5. Blind round balls of 70-80 grams. Lay in a single layer in the mold.

6. Pour meatballs with cooked tomato sauce. Flatten with a spoon. Cover the form with foil on top.

7. Bake the dish for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180, the exact time depends on the stuffing. If it has beef, then the meatballs will cook a little longer. At the end, the foil can be removed from the mold so that the meatballs are slightly browned.

Ovens in tomato oven sauce (with sour cream)

Recipe for meatballs in the oven in tomato sauce with sour cream. The taste of such a dish is softer, more tender; even minced meat without fat or chicken can be used for minced meat. The advantage of the recipe is that the sauce does not need to be boiled separately.


• 0.7 kg of ground beef;

• 100 g of dry rice;

• 2 onion heads;

• clove of garlic;

• 180 g of tomato puree;

• 150 g of fat sour cream;

• one egg;

• spices, oil.


1. Chop or chop the onion into small cubes. Put in a pan, lightly fry on a spoonful of oil, but not until golden brown.

2. Grind a clove of garlic, add with fried onions to minced meat.

3. Boil rice, pour into a colander, leave for ten minutes to drain the water and cool, then pour it into minced meat.

4. Add the egg, pepper, salt and stir.

5. Blind round meatballs. To spread out in the greased form, to put for 15 minutes in the oven warmed up to 200 degrees. We reduce the temperature to 180.

6. Mix the tomato puree and sour cream. If there is no ordinary puree and only concentrated paste, then you can add water. Throw spices into the fill. Stir, you can add a little dill. Dilute the sauce with 200 ml of water.

7. We take out the meatballs, which are already strong, began to brown. Add the cooked sauce. We return the dish to the oven, bring to readiness.

Rice-free meatballs in tomato sauce in the oven

There are also meatballs without rice, they can also be cooked in tomato sauce in the oven, and more vegetables are added to the minced meat.


• 600 g of minced meat;

• a couple of carrots;

• two onion heads;

• large peppers;

• 2 eggs;

• 4 tbsp. l flour;

• spices;

• 2 tbsp. l tomato paste;

• oil or fat.


1. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes, put in a pan with oil. Pass a minute.

2. Add grated carrots, followed by chopped bell pepper. His crumb very finely. We pass it all together until half cooked, the fire is slightly below average, you do not need to brown the vegetables.

3. Separate 2/3 of the vegetables, transfer to a bowl. To the rest, add a spoonful of flour, tomato paste, heat and pour 600 ml of water. It is better to use boiling water immediately. Boil the sauce a minute after boiling, season with spices.

4. To vegetables that have been postponed earlier, add minced meat, lay eggs, season with spices, mix thoroughly.

5. We make small balls, roll vegetable meatballs in flour.

6. Spread on a frying pan, quickly fry on both sides. Immediately shift to the form.

7. Pour the sauce that was previously prepared, set to bake in the oven.

Ovens in tomato sauce in the oven (with fresh tomatoes)

The recipe for the simplest tomato sauce for meatballs in the oven. If the tomatoes are fleshy and ripe, you get a very tasty dish.


• a pound of mixed minced meat;

• one onion;

• 150 g of boiled rice;

• 4 large tomatoes;

• 2 tbsp. l sour cream or mayonnaise;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• egg, spices.


1. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water for a minute. Remove the skin, cut into several parts, remove the seeds. We only need clean pulp. Grind it in mashed potatoes. Add garlic with sour cream and salt, stir. Mayonnaise may be added.

2. Cook the minced meat from the chopped onion with rice and meat, season with spices, a raw egg, stir and sculpt small balls. We shift them into shape.

3. Top with tomato sauce and sour cream, spread with a spoon.

4. Pull a piece of foil onto the mold, press the tips against the walls.

5. Send the dish to the oven for fifty minutes. The cooking temperature is 190 degrees.

Mushroom meatballs in tomato sauce in the oven

In general, absolutely any mushrooms can be used for this dish, but with forest mushrooms it turns out much more aromatic and tastier. Another recipe for dishes without rice.


• 150 g of boiled mushrooms;

• 500 g of minced meat;

• onion;

• two eggs;

• one carrot;

• 50 g of tomato paste;

• 450 g of water;

• 1 tsp with a hill of flour.


1. Cut boiled mushrooms into cubes, also onions. Grate carrots, put everything in a pan with two tablespoons of oil, fry for three minutes. Cool.

2. Combine the minced meat with the mushroom mixture, add two eggs, salt.

3. Stir all products, mold round meatballs.

4. Place the formed balls in a greased form, bake for 15 minutes. We set the temperature in the oven at 180-190 degrees.

5. Fry a teaspoon of flour in a spoonful of oil. Add tomato paste diluted with water. Boil the sauce until it begins to thicken, the mass will resemble a liquid jelly. Add salt, pepper, add greens.

6. Pour the meatballs with sauce, bake the dish for about half an hour in the oven. If desired, you can cover the form with foil so that the sauce does not evaporate, the meatballs will be more juicy.

Oven fish meatballs in tomato sauce

For meatballs, it is best to use homemade minced meat. It can be prepared from the fillet of any white fish.


• 500 g of minced fish;

• 50 g of dry rice;

• 2 large onion heads;

• 2 eggs;

• 2 carrots;

• 120 g of tomato puree;

• 400 ml of water;

• spices, oil, clove of garlic.


1. Fried carrots and chopped onions, fry in a pan, divide into two parts. Remove one immediately, it will go to minced fish.

2. Put tomato puree in a frying pan. You can use pasta, but half the norm. Warm up. Dilute the sauce with water and salt.

3. To the fried vegetables add boiled rice and vegetables that were previously set aside. Beat two eggs, salt and pepper.

4. Stir the mass, mold the balls. If the forcemeat turns out to be a little liquid, it happens when using some varieties of fish, then you can add 3-4 tablespoons of breadcrumbs.

5. Place the meatballs in a mold, pour in tomato sauce.

6. The dish is cooked for 35 minutes in a conventional oven; set the temperature for meatballs to average around 180 degrees.

Oven meatballs in tomato sauce - tips and tricks

• The better the stuffing is mixed, the easier it is to sculpt meatballs, they will turn out to be even, the same, smooth.

• To prevent the mass from sticking to your hands, they must be periodically rinsed with cold water.

• If you use frozen homemade or purchased meatballs for baking in the oven. Then you can not remove them from the freezer in advance. But you need to remember that additional moisture is released, so the sauce can be poured a little less.

• If the tomato is sour, you need to soften its taste. The best way is to add a little sugar, you can pour a spoonful of vegetable oil.

• Meatballs will be very tender and juicy if you put a piece of butter inside each ball.


Watch the video: Jamie Oliver's meatballs and pasta - Ministry of Food (July 2024).