The meaning of the name Zarina, the nature and fate of a woman with that name. What does the name Zarina mean: origin and history


A person’s name is a specific letter code that determines his fate. It is important to interpret it correctly. What does the name Zarina mean? What is the origin and history of the name Zarin?

The meaning of the name Zarina

Zarina - "morning dawn", "dawn." The girl is active, smart, courageous. Zarina is quite emotional and often excessive emotions spoil her life. The zodiac sign that protects her is cancer. That is why the girl is reputed to be amorous and loyal.

What does the name Zarina mean? “Dawn”, “early” - these meanings of the name determine its success in life. She is always the first to try to figure out complex issues. Loves helping people. I’m even ready to sacrifice my blessings for the blessings of other people.

The color that suits Zarina more than others is raspberry, green, aquamarine. The plant that serves her as a talisman is poppy, water lily, rose. The stone that acts as a talisman is an amethyst. He protects from external negativity, envy. Allows you to establish personal life.

The origin and history of the name Zarina

The name Zarina is of Armenian origin, but a number of historians are convinced that it could come from the old Slavonic names of Zarya, Zarnyava. In the Armenian tradition, the name is used in the form of Zara - "priestess of the temple of fire."

The meaning of the name Zarina determines its low prevalence in Europe. It gained significant distribution among the Caucasian peoples. Zarina does not celebrate the birthday, since there is no corresponding saint in the Christian tradition.

The figure that is cherished for Zarina is a deuce. She defines her mistress as a woman is not constant, not defined. She scorches everything with her energy and inner light, but it is difficult for her to sometimes cope with emotions.

The nature and fate of Zarina

Zarina’s character is quite complex. That is why, she often hesitates in choosing the right solution. She lacks internal strength in order to make important and balanced decisions on her own.

The positive character traits of Zarina should include:

• Creativity;

• Creativity;

• Romanticism;

• Love for the weak.

The negative traits of her character are:

• Anxiety;

• Fears;

• Phobias;

• Nervousness;

• Jealousy;

• Suspicion;

• Short temper.

Zarina is quite worried about trifles. She needs to learn how to share important life events less important. She is often afraid to make decisions, because once in the past she already made a similar mistake.

Zarina is quite biased towards others. She believes that if she managed to achieve something colossal, then it means that the people around her will be able to do the same. Zarina often forgets about respect for the interlocutor. She can flare up and allow herself a scandal with strangers.

Such a complex character is formed in her from early childhood. Only the wisdom of parents can help her achieve a high level in self-development. Zarina can even quarrel with close friends because of the little things. Friends will understand and forgive her, but strangers will not like this situation.

Emotional imbalance does not allow Zarina to build a full life. She often hesitates in choosing not only a profession, partner, circle of friends in general, she can hesitate even in petty matters.

If Zarina does not begin to develop herself as a creative person, she can even bring herself to a nervous breakdown. If this happens, she will come to her senses for a long time. Zarina is too dependent on memories. The experience of the past puts tremendous pressure on her. She is not ready to forgive insults. Thus, she does worse not to the offender, but to herself.

Zarina is almost never silent in a dispute. Even if initially he did not concern her interests, she will certainly enter into a discussion. She lacks the thrill and diversity in life. It is difficult for her to decide on a profession.

Zarina practically can not work in a large team. She feels like a black sheep, which no one understands. Those around them cannot understand her arrogant and changeable nature and do not consider it necessary to find time for this.

Zarina will perform well in journalism, stage art, management, and trade. She knows how to position people with her charm. If Zarina very much wants to get promotion on the career ladder - she will easily receive it. It will be enough for her to simply show cunning and ingenuity. She can even lie for her goal.

Zarina always has best friends who will support her even at the most difficult moment, but she also contends with them regularly quarrels. Since the girl is quite generous and wise, she can quickly gain the favor of her friends back. In business, she does not succeed in developing precisely because of the complexity of her character. She does not know how to plan and predict events. Zarina is used to taking matters into her own hands, but not to answer for anything.

Zarina's love

The nature and fate of Zarina determine that difficulties in personal relationships await her. Due to character difficulties, Zarina often becomes aggressive and unrestrained. In order to build a strong relationship, she needs a wise and loving man next to him who will not blame her for her actions.

Zarina loves children very much and is ready to become a mother from an early age. But home routine is not for her. She does not seek to get married early precisely because of this. Zarina loves luxury and prosperity, so she is trying to choose a partner for her husband who will provide her with a comfortable life.

Developing creatively, Zarina provides herself with a feeling of deep inner pleasure. She is filled with joy from the relationships that life gives her. She is generous, loves to be helpful. If people do not appreciate her kindness, Zarina may be depressed for a long time.

She attracts the opposite sex from an early age. Zarina is like a magnet for men. But she does not fall in love often and almost all of her loves end in scandal and breakup. If Zarina learns to control emotions - she will find happiness.


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