Step by step recipes for a gentle and airy protein cream. Cooking creamy protein cream as a dessert or for baking (step by step)


Preparation of protein cream is a delicate, but not complicated, task and takes very little time. Although homemade cream is stored much less than a store cream, it is worth trying to cook it to understand how delicious it is!

A sweet snow-white cream with your favorite berries will be your signature dessert. The main product of a step-by-step recipe for protein cream is egg whites. And in addition, you can add butter, vanilla sugar, fruits or berries, spicy herbs, alcoholic flavoring or food coloring. Such a protein cream will become part of a sponge cake or cake. It is perfect for decorating homemade cupcakes, waffles or cakes.

Step-by-step protein cream recipe - general principles of preparation

Eggs for cream must be taken with fresh and trusted brands. We check freshness by dropping an egg in a glass of water, it should emerge. We wash the eggs under cold running water and dry.

For cooking, the first thing to do is to carefully separate the yolks from the proteins. If even a drop of the yellow component of the chicken egg enters the protein, then it will not work to beat it into a lush mass.

Beat with a whisk, blender or mixer. With the latest kitchen utensils, squirrels whip much easier and faster. At the very beginning, you should interfere at a low speed, and then gradually it needs to be increased.

Either just sugar or sugar syrup is added to whipped proteins. If sugar is added, the cream is prepared in a water bath. And sugar syrup is added to the proteins in a hot form gradually, in small portions. In the second case, you do not need to put a cream on a water bath. If there is no time for cooking syrup, then it can be replaced with powdered sugar.

Step-by-step Protein Cream Recipe


• four egg whites;

• 200 g of granulated sugar;

• 1 g of vanillin;

• 4-5 g of citric acid.


1. Egg whites should be chilled. If whole eggs are taken, they must first be washed in warm water and wiped with a clean cloth. Then break each egg and separate the protein from the yolk. Protein is poured into the container, while the yolk remains in the shell divided into two parts. Proteins can be cooled again to prepare a protein cream, and yolks are not needed in this step-by-step recipe, they can be left for another dish.

2. Pour the cooked cold squirrels into an enameled cup and beat a little with a whisk or mixer at low speed.

3. Add sugar and vanillin to the proteins. Stir whisk.

4. Fall asleep citric acid (can be replaced with lemon or lime juice). It is needed to give the cream a snow-white color.

5. Beat the blender with a whisk until the sugar dissolves. To make things go faster, instead of granulated sugar, it is recommended to take powder.

6. Put a cup of cream in a water bath.

7. This is done in this way. Take a pot or any other enameled cup that can be placed on the stove to heat.

8. Pour into it half the volume of water, put on moderate heat.

9. Place a cup or other convenient container with cream in this pan. At the same time, the cup should not be drowned in water, but should be above it, holding onto the walls of the pot with water. As soon as the water in the pan starts to heat up, the cream will also heat up from the steam.

10. So, a cup of cream is heated in a water bath.

11. Now you need to start whipping the warming cream with a whisk of a blender.

12. Beat until the cream thickens. This is a custard because it is brewed in a water bath.

13. Then you need to remove the cup with cream from the stove.

14. Continue to beat for a few more minutes until it cools at room temperature.

15. Now the cream needs to be cooled in the refrigerator or immediately put it in the confectionery syringe and decorate the cake, cakes or poultry.

16. A portion of the cream can be set aside and mixed with the food color of the same color. For example, from red and green cream, you can make sweet flowers and leaves. Cocoa, coffee or turmeric are also used as a colorant.

Step-by-step cream-protein cream recipe


• two egg whites;

• half a pack of butter;

• 120 g of granulated sugar;

• 15 ml of liquor.


1. Butter must be softened. To do this, simply take the oil from the refrigerator and put it in a cup, leave it on the kitchen table for half an hour. The butter will be soft and ready for whipping. If desired, the oil can also be slightly softened in a microwaves.

2. Now whisk the blender with a whisk or mixer to beat the butter until a thick and uniform mass is obtained. It takes no more than a minute.

3. Proteins should be used only chilled, pour them into a bowl for whipping.

4. Add sugar to the proteins and whisk together until a thick foam. The volume should increase approximately threefold. But it also happens that squirrels do not want to whip. In this case, you need to add a pinch of ordinary salt to them, beat a little, and then add sugar and beat again. It should also be noted that you need to whisk the proteins first at the minimum rotation speed of the corolla, and, gradually, switch to a higher speed.

5. Now you need to switch the rotation speed to minimum again and beat, while adding the oil mass with a tablespoon. You need to do this without rushing, otherwise there is a risk that the protein mass will decrease in volume. The speed must be reduced so that when mixing the two components, they do not spray.

6. When all the oil is mixed with proteins, you need to add liquor and beat at low speed until it is as homogeneous as possible. Instead of liquor, you can take dry table white wine. But, in no case, cognac is not suitable for the preparation of creams. This drink gives the cream a dark gray tint.

7. Then increase the speed and beat for about a minute.

8. The step-by-step recipe for protein cream is complete! The cream is ready!

9. Such a cream is perfect not only for decoration, but also as a layer for cakes.

Step-by-step recipe for protein cream with syrup and berries


• three egg whites;

• 150 g of sugar;

• 20 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice;

• 2-3 g of lemon peel;

• a few leaves of fresh mint;

• 50-70 g of Victoria berries;

• 100 ml of water.


1. A step-by-step recipe for protein cream begins with the preparation of syrup. Pour water (filtered or boiled) into a small enameled cup or pan and add sugar and lemon juice.

2. Place the cup on a small plate heater.

3. Stir, bring to a boil.

4. Cook until the syrup boils with a large number of small bubbles. So, the syrup has boiled and thickened.

5. Remove the syrup from the stove and let stand a little.

6. Egg whites to cool and pour into a bowl for whipping.

7. Start whipping at the first speed of the mixer or blender.

8. Then go one by one to the second and third.

9. Finish whipping at the highest mixer speed. The mass should be airy and thick.

10. Now reduce the speed to a minimum.

11. Continuing to whisk, holding the mixer in one hand, with the other hand, add hot syrup to the proteins. This is called brewing protein with hot syrup. Add syrup gradually so as not to disrupt the airiness of the mass.

12. Beat until a glossy snow-white mass is obtained. During this time, the cream will also cool.

13. A step-by-step recipe for protein cream continues by cooling the resulting mass on the top shelf in the refrigerator. There the temperature is quite low.

14. In the meantime, there is time, you can deal with berries and mint.

15. Victoria's berries to sort out. That is, select only undamaged, evenly matured specimens. You can take any berries. Perhaps one species or a mixture thereof. For example, blueberries or a mixture of strawberries and blueberries.

16. Clean them and put them in a cup with cool water. In this state, they will leave all the sand and dirt that may have remained.

17. Dirt sinks to the bottom of the cup, and remove the berries floating on top and put it on a clean towel or kitchen towel.

18. The same is done with mint leaves. Go through them, rinse and dry at room temperature.

19. If the berries are small, use them whole. Large berries should be cut into slices with a sharp knife on a cutting board.

20. So, the final stage of a step-by-step recipe for a protein cream with berries and mint. Put the cream in a bowl or a low glass. This can be done with a regular spoon or you can use a pastry bag (syringe) with a wide curly nozzle.

21. Put the berries on top of the cream and arrange it all with mint leaves and lemon zest.

22. If desired, zest can be taken and dry. But, to get fresh, you first need to scald the lemon with boiling water. Then the fruit will be cleansed of the harmful mixtures with which it is coated, preventing early decay. Now rinse the lemon with cool water and wipe dry. With a special or ordinary knife, remove the zest and grind it on a cutting board.

Step-by-step Protein Cream Recipe - Tips and Tricks

• To whisk the whites faster, you can first put them in the freezer for a while.

• It’s more convenient to whip the squirrels if you slightly tilt the bowl with them.

• It is better to use the cream immediately after preparation, otherwise it will lose its airiness and splendor.

• If you add cocoa to the protein cream, it will turn out to be chocolate. You can also change the color of the cream using food coloring. With such creams, you can decorate cakes and pastries.

• To make the protein cream current, you just need to add a little water.


Watch the video: Sugar-free Protein Ice Cream Recipe-Protein Treats by Nutracelle (July 2024).