Minced potato: a step-by-step recipe for a simple but satisfying dish. Stew, fry and bake potatoes with minced meat (step by step recipes)


Stuffed potatoes can be stewed, fried or baked. Depending on the method of heat treatment and the type of forcemeat, a variety of dishes are obtained. For example, steaming potatoes with chicken or turkey mince will give a low-calorie diet dish. A fried potato with minced pork will be a very appetizing, slightly high-calorie dish for a hearty dinner. Adding other vegetables and greens to potatoes enriches the dish with vitamins and also allows you to diversify cooked dishes. Add, for example, the following vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, broccoli or cauliflower. And if you add cream, sour cream or cheese to the ingredients, you get a dish that will not be ashamed to please guests for the holiday!

Potato with minced meat (step by step recipe) - general principles of preparation

Potatoes for a dish will suit anyone. Whether he is young or takes from last year's harvest. The main thing is that it should not be damaged by pests and diseases, not rotten and frostbitten.

You can peel potatoes using a special peeler or an ordinary knife. The first option will be a little more economical. To peeled potatoes do not darken, it should be poured with cold water.

Before cooking, potatoes should be chopped. Can be cut into large cubes or strips. We do the same with peeled onions.

Minced meat for the dish is also suitable for anyone. You can even combine different types of meat. If the minced meat is taken, it needs to be thawed a little at room temperature. At least until it can be cut into pieces and sent to fry. If you have whole pieces of meat, then you need to cut them first, then, together with the onions, pass through a meat grinder. It is better to add salt, spices and ground black or red pepper to the minced meat immediately.

Stuffed potatoes can be stewed in a pan. You can also bake them in the form of casseroles or you can cook a dish in the sleeve. Before serving, allow time to brew.

Braised potato with minced meat: a step by step recipe


• 300 g of minced meat;

• one head of onion;

• 20 ml of tomato paste or ketchup;

• 400 g of potato tubers;

• 40 ml of vegetable oil;

• salt to taste;

• ground black pepper to taste.


1. Cooking of any dish always begins with the preparation of selected products. Dip the potatoes in a bowl of cold water and peel each tuber from the skin. This can be done right under the stream of cool water. Pure potatoes are placed in a cup with clean cool water. If you leave the tubers on the table, they can quickly darken, due to the high content of starch in them.

2. Then, when the tubers are clean and the dirty peel removed from the table, you can chop the potatoes. First, we cut each potato into plates about 2 cm thick. Then we cut these plates lengthwise and into medium-sized cubes.

3. Leave the chopped potatoes while in a cup with cold water.

4. Rinse the bulb with cold water and cut off its neck and bottom. Remove the scales and rinse the head in water again.

5. Cut the onion in half with a knife on a cutting board. And now we cut it into cubes or into half rings. Any cut is suitable here.

6. To cook a stewed potato stew with minced meat, you can take any minced meat. For example, a mixture of pork and beef or pork and chicken.

7. So, we pour vegetable oil into the pan and put on a moderate heating plate.

8. On the other ring of the stove we set the water in the kettle to heat. She will be needed a little later.

9. When the oil is warmed up (it will become a little thinner), put the minced meat in a pan, cutting it into pieces.

10. Do not touch the pan for 2-3 minutes.

11. Add the onion to the minced meat and mix with a spatula.

12. When the onions are slightly fried, put the tomato paste in the pan. Mix and fry for a few more minutes.

13. Take a bowl of chopped potatoes. We merge water from it and fill another. We rinse and pour water.

14. Put the potatoes in a pot for minced meat. Do not mix.

15. Pour hot water from the kettle into the pot so that almost all of the potatoes are in the water.

16. We add the heating of the stove and wait.

17. When the foam appears, you need to remove it with a slotted spoon or an ordinary spoon.

18. Now we reduce the fire so that the broth boils a little. Close the lid is not tight and simmer.

19. When the potatoes are almost ready, season them with salt and pepper. Mix.

20. The step-by-step recipe is over. In the prepared stew of potatoes with minced meat, a little broth should remain.

21. We use the dish hot. If desired, you can sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs.

Baked potato with minced meat and vegetables: a step by step recipe


• 400 g of potato tubers;

• one onion;

• one carrot;

• 100 g of tomato;

• 250 g of meat or chicken minced meat;

• 40 ml of vegetable oil;

• salt to taste;

• pepper to taste;

• a bunch of fresh parsley.


1. Choose potatoes, you need clean and not beaten tubers. You can use new potatoes, it is much easier to peel.

2. Peel the selected potatoes and put them in a cup of cold water.

3. Then thoroughly rinse the tubers under running water.

4. For a step-by-step recipe, potatoes with minced tubers can be cut in any way, but not large, otherwise it will not be baked. For example, you can cut into strips and put them in a bowl of clean cold water.

5. Take care of onions and carrots. We clean and rinse these vegetables with water. Chop them. Onions - in half rings, carrots - in rings.

6. Wash the tomato and finely chop it into a cube.

7. You can use the culinary sleeve for baking. This is a special culinary dense film in the form of a sleeve. Then cut off the desired length of the sleeve, close one end of it with a clip (they are included with the sleeve, but instead of it you can take a dense thread).

8. We put all the prepared products in the sleeve: potatoes, minced meat, carrots, onions, tomatoes, vegetable oil, salt and pepper. If desired, you can add your favorite spices. Hand mix them.

9. Press the sleeve to the table and tie the second end.

10. Put the sleeve on a small baking sheet.

11. And now you will need a toothpick or a sharp knife with a thin blade. We pierce one or two times the sleeve near the edges. This is necessary for the release of excess hot steam.

12. We turn on the oven or oven to heat up to 180-200 ° C.

13. Put in the oven a baking sheet with a sleeve.

14. In the meantime, potatoes and minced meat are prepared, you can do the greens. Wash the parsley in a cup with cold water.

15. Put the greens on a cutting board. Finely chop with a knife.

16. After 15 minutes, we take out the baking sheet and carefully turn the sleeve.

17. We set to bake again.

18. After 40-50 minutes from the start of baking, the potatoes should be ready.

19. We take out the baking sheet. Carefully cut a hole in the sleeve with a knife and leave it for a minute. Otherwise, hot steam can be burned.

20. Following a step-by-step recipe for potatoes with minced meat, put the dish on a plate (you can have a large total) and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Potato casserole with minced meat: a step by step recipe


• 300 g of potatoes;

• 300 g of turkey minced meat (can be replaced with ground beef);

• one onion;

• two cloves of garlic;

• 30 ml of tomato paste;

• 100 g broccoli cabbage;

• 150 ml cream of 10% fat content;

• 150 g of Russian cheese;

• 30 ml of vegetable oil;

• salt to taste;

• ground pepper to taste.


1. Peel the potatoes and rinse thoroughly in cold water.

2. Then cut the tubers into thin strips and leave in a bowl of clean cold water.

3. Onions and garlic are peeled and rinsed in water. Finely chopped with a knife. If desired, garlic can be passed through a special garlic press.

4. At the broccoli cabbage we cut off the inflorescences and put them in a cup with salty cold water. This is necessary to clean the inflorescences of parasites that may be in it.

5. After 10 minutes, pull out the cabbage and rinse it with clean water. Cut into smaller pieces.

6. Cheese can be taken in any name, only it must be hard. Grind it on a grater. It makes no difference to let cheese pass through a large or small hole. Cheese in this step-by-step recipe is needed only because the potatoes with minced meat will be under the cheese cap.

7. We collect all our ingredients in layers. Take a small baking sheet with high sides and grease it with vegetable oil.

8. Spread minced meat with an even layer on the bottom of the baking sheet, grease it with tomato paste.

9. Then lay out the onions and garlic.

10. The next layer is broccoli.

11. With the last layer we spread, evenly distributing, potatoes.

12. Sprinkle with salt and ground pepper.

13. Pour cream and sprinkle with cheese. If heavy cream is used, then reduce their bookmark and mix with water, bringing to about 150 ml.

14. We send in the oven to bake at 180 ° C for 40-50 minutes.

15. We give the dish to brew.

16. Serve by cutting the casserole into portions. Decorate the dish with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Potato with minced meat (step by step recipe) - tricks and useful tips

• Foil can be used instead of the sleeve.

• For potato casseroles, mashed potatoes can be preliminarily made, so the dish will turn out even more tender.

• You can add any other ingredients to your taste to dishes. You can add vegetables, mushrooms or even fruits.

• A variety of spices and spices will not spoil the dish at all, so you can add any seasonings in moderation.

• For a festive table, you can cook potatoes, cut in half, stuffed with minced meat and sprinkled with cheese.


Watch the video: Scalloped Potato Roll (June 2024).