Pancho Cake - step by step recipes for a juicy dessert. Cooking Pancho walnut, pineapple and chocolate cake according to step-by-step recipes


Pancho is a delicious and sweet cake. It differs from other biscuits with a special assembly technology, it always turns out to be juicy, it looks unusual, but cute. For the cake, you can even use broken cakes, trimmings, but it is best to bake the base specially.

Here are collected step-by-step recipes of the famous Pancho cake in three different versions. Which one will you like more?

Pancho Cake - General Cooking Principles

Cake biscuits are usually prepared the simplest on the eggs. It makes no sense to add butter or sour cream, to clog the porous cake with other products, as it will be soaked in a large amount of cream and still get excellent. In step-by-step recipes of the Pancho cake, two types of cakes can be used, usually vanilla and chocolate, but there are only cocoa or only white options.

What cream can be used:

• sour cream;

• custard;

• creamy.

Often the cake is supplemented with nuts or fruits, one of the most popular variations is prepared with canned pineapples. Instead, you can use bananas, strawberries, peaches and other soft fruits or berries.

Collect a cake in the form of a slide from pieces moistened with cream, the layers are sprinkled with nuts or pieces of fruit. Slices of biscuit greased with cream should complete the slide. Dessert is often coated with melted chocolate on top. After that, the cake is sent to soak for 5-6 hours.

Classic Pancho Cake: A Step-by-Step Recipe for Biscuit with Nuts

One of the classic dessert options. The Pancho cake recipe uses white and dark cakes, as well as walnuts. To enhance their flavor, you need to lightly fry the kernels in a pan, then cool well, only then chop.


• six eggs;

• 280 g of sugar;

• 10 g of ripper;

• 1.5 cups flour;

• 2 tbsp. l millet. flour.

For cream:

• 450 g sour cream;

• 150 g of sugar;

• 200 g of fat cream;

• vanillin.

In addition, you need a glass of nuts, 80 g of chocolate and 30 g of butter.


1. If the mixer is powerful and the eggs are fresh, then they can simply be broken into a bowl, add granulated sugar and beat at the highest speed until the volume is increased three times. If there is concern, then the proteins with the yolks need to be separated in different bowls.

2. Add half sugar (not a peephole) to the proteins, beat in a strong foam. Do the same with the yolks, but beat them simply until the grains dissolve.

3. Combine the yolks with proteins and flour, add a cultivator to them. Stir the mass and divide in half.

4. Pour one part into the mold, immediately put in the oven, bake light cake.

5. In the second part add 30 ml of water and sift the cocoa. Stir the dough, pour into another form.

6. If the oven allows space, then chocolate cake can also be put on baked goods. Cook at 180 degrees to a dry stick.

7. Cream can be made simply from sour cream, but with cream it turns out much tastier. Mix sour cream with sugar, send to the refrigerator. Beat the cream until lush foam, combine with sour cream, add vanillin if desired.

8. Cool the baked cakes.

9. Cut the chocolate biscuit lengthwise, place one part on a flat dish, coat with plenty of cream.

10. Sprinkle with nuts, but not much. About a third of the glass should remain for decoration, and the rest will go inside the cake, it is advisable to distribute evenly.

11. The second part of the dark biscuit is cut into pieces, the same is done with white cake. Finely chopping is not necessary, but large parts should not be, about 2-3 centimeters.

12. Wet the slices in the cream, put on top of the greased cake, also sprinkle lightly with chopped walnuts. We collect the whole cake in this way until the biscuit ends.

13. The remaining cream is coated with "Pancho" on top.

14. Break the chocolate bar, drop it into a bowl, add butter. You can melt the icing in the microwave or in a water bath.

15. Let the chocolate cool slightly so that it is not too liquid, pour the cake on top, let the chocolate rivers down. Smear frosting is not necessary.

16. Immediately, until the trickles of chocolate “grabbed”, we scatter and glue the remaining pieces of walnuts.

Pancho cake: step by step recipe with pineapple

This option is also often called classic. Probably all because of its prevalence. The Pancho Cake recipe uses canned pineapple. But that is not the rule. If it is possible to put a fresh product in dessert, then do it safely. If desired, walnuts can also be added to the pineapple version, there is such a recipe, a couple of handfuls are enough.


• five eggs;

• 250 g of sugar;

• 220 g flour;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 20 g of cocoa;

• 1 spoon of sour cream or 2 tablespoons of milk.

For cream:

• 800 g of fat sour cream;

• 200 g of powdered sugar;

• vanilla.

Additionally, you need 300 g of pineapples, one bar of chocolate and two tablespoons of butter.


1. In a large bowl with high sides, break the eggs, immerse the mixer. Turn on the most powerful mode and beat for about ten minutes. After the fifth minute, we introduce granulated sugar in parts.

2. Combine the flour and the cultivator, add to the egg mass, mix gently and immediately divide in half.

3. Pour one part of the dough into a laid shape, send it to bake. Cook at 180 degrees.

4. In the second part of the dough, add sour cream or a little milk, add cocoa powder, stir. We prepare another form, pour out the dough.

5. Bake the second cake after the first.

6. All biscuits should be well cooled so that the cream does not drip, there are no problems with slicing pieces.

7. Mix sour cream with icing sugar. To improve the aroma, add a bag of vanillin.

8. Cut one of the cakes into two thin plates, put one on a flat dish, coat with cream.

9. Cut the remaining parts of the biscuit into pieces of arbitrary shape.

10. If canned pineapples, then let the syrup drain. Then cut into small pieces.

11. Wet the cream in small pieces of biscuits. We spread the first layer on the cake, but not very tightly.

12. Between the greased slices of biscuit stick the prepared pineapples. We try to distribute evenly.

13. And again we spread the biscuit, pineapples, collect the “Pancho” to the end.

14. We prepare the simplest chocolate icing from tiles and butter. Melt in a water bath, stir. As soon as the lumps dissolve, remove.

15. Leave on the table, stand for five minutes. Glaze should be cooled, but not to achieve solidification.

16. Pour the cooked cake with chocolate, send it to the refrigerator for several hours.

Pancho cake: a step-by-step recipe for the chocolate dessert itself

Option with chocolate cakes, cream and chocolate cubes inside. You can lay any sweets at your discretion. In a step by step recipe for Pancho cake, the biscuit will be cooked on kefir. But you can use other cakes with cocoa to your taste.


• 250 g of kefir;

• 4 eggs;

• 250 g flour;

• 300 g of sugar;

• 1 tsp soda;

• 3 tbsp. l cocoa;

• vanilla optional.

For cream:

• 380 g of condensed milk;

• 3 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 400 g sour cream.

For glaze and laying cakes, you need 2 tiles of any chocolate, but not porous. An additional 30 g of oil.


1. Beat all four eggs into lush foam and gradually add granulated sugar. Continue to beat until the grains dissolve. Set aside for a couple of minutes.

2. Mix kefir with soda. At this time, the reaction will take place, the mass will foam, so the dishes should be taken spacious. If you pour the cultivator into a glass, everything will pour over the edge.

3. Combine kefir with flour and beaten eggs, add the sifted cocoa powder, knead the biscuit dough.

4. Pour into a large form with a diameter of 23 centimeters.

5. Bake in the oven until dry sticks at a temperature of 180-190 degrees.

6. After baking, cool the cake for 2-3 hours.

7. Cooking the cream. To do this, mix cocoa powder with condensed milk, you can beat it with a mixer, add sour cream, stir. You can sprinkle some vanilla. A delicious cream will be obtained when using chocolate condensed milk from cans; you do not need to add cocoa powder to it.

8. For cooled cake, it is necessary to cut off the layer for the base, 4-6 millimeters thick is enough. We do this with a long and sharp knife, transfer it to the plate with the cut up.

9. We coat the base with chocolate cream.

10. The remains of the cakes are cut or torn into pieces, as you like.

11. Separate 60 g of chocolate, crumble and send into a bowl. Add oil so that the glaze remains soft and does not harden strongly. We set to melt.

12. The rest of the chocolate can simply be broken into cubes, but it’s better to cut it even smaller so that there are more pieces in the cake. For laying, you can use white chocolate.

13. Spread the first layer of the cake from the pieces in the cream, spread the chocolate. We repeat all this.

14. Coat “Pancho” with the rest of the cream, glaze, let it brew in a cool place.

Pancho Cake - Tips & Tricks

• If the cream is too thick, then do not need to moisten the slices, otherwise the prescription amount is not enough. In this case, it is better to lay out the cut slices of biscuit in layers, spread with a standard method.

• The cake can be cooked with other types of nuts, but they also need to be roasted first. Not only peanuts behave very well inside the dessert: it becomes sour, the flavor is lost, it tastes like raw beans.

• If you need to speed up the process of soaking the assembled Pancho cake, then the dessert should be allowed to stand for a couple of hours in the heat, then put in the refrigerator for an hour.

• Fresh biscuit does not absorb cream well. It is recommended to cook cakes the day before the assembly of the cake, so that they have time to lie down.


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