Getting ready for childbirth with the help of gymnastics for pregnant women. What gymnastics is useful for a pregnant woman (video)


During pregnancy, a woman’s body functions differently. Pressure on the internal organs, an impressive load on the spine and legs can lead to serious diseases. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, gynecologists have developed gymnastics for pregnant women. With its regular implementation, you can maintain the body in good shape.

Gymnastics: the optimal load for pregnant women

In order not to cause injury to the fetus, you must adhere to the rules of the sports complex.

Consider them:

1. Fresh air. A pregnant woman is best at outdoor sports. Leave the room and practice on the street - in the park, in the forest, in the country, and so on. If this is not possible, a well-ventilated room is suitable;

2. Clothing made from natural fabric. This is an important point in training for pregnant women. Avoid synthetic tracksuits. Clothing should allow skin to breathe;

3. Warm up. Without it, you can not begin to perform gymnastics, especially pregnant women. To do this, it is enough to perform rotational movements of the hands, knees, neck and other joints;

4. Rest. After each exercise, the body needs rest. Time is unlimited, to complete comfort. The article indicates the maximum number of times, but not required. Perform the exercise by listening to the body;

5. The pulse. Training should be stopped if the heart rate goes off scale at 130 beats per minute. This must be monitored.

Note! It is impossible to perform gymnastics without consulting a gynecologist. Be sure to familiarize your doctor with the exercises that you are going to do. Go in for sports only with his consent.

We do gymnastics according to the rules: attention, expectant mothers

For each of the three phases of pregnancy, there are rules and recommendations for performing exercises. Consider them:

1. First trimester. This stage of pregnancy is considered the most inappropriate for performing even the simplest exercises of gymnastics. At this time, the fetus does not hold firmly to the uterine wall, so it’s not worth the risk. If you ignore this recommendation, the risk of abortion will increase. As for professional, trained athletes, engage only under the supervision of special trainers;

2. Second trimester. During this period, most of all you need to protect your stomach. Overexert it is strictly prohibited. In the second trimester, doctors forbid to download the press, but approve of swimming and work on the buttocks. This will help maintain the pelvis and make it stable. Strength exercises are also prohibited. Keep track of the amplitude of the exercises. She must be moderate;

3. Third trimester. At this phase, it is allowed to do the simple exercises of gymnastics aimed at relaxation, breathing training, stretching the pelvic muscles. Good exercise classes.

Note! Exercises for pregnant women are designed for women who lead an active lifestyle. If you didn’t exercise before pregnancy, don’t start doing it. For all three trimesters, a single general rule applies: do as much, as little as possible, but in no case more!

Improving gymnastics: 4 gymnastic complexes for expectant mothers

Specialists have developed many gymnastic exercises for women in position. We will consider the most famous. These include:

• Respiratory complex;

• Positional complex;

• Knee-elbow;

• Using fitball.

The first complex: working on breathing

Note! Perform the complex for 10 minutes no more than once a day.

1. Exercise "Breathe chest." At the heart of this exercise is breathing with inflated chest. Sit back and place your hands on your ribs. Breathe slowly and calmly with your nose and chest;

2. Exercise "Diaphragmatic". Touch the ribs with one palm and the belly with the other. Inhale the nose so that the stomach is pouted. Hold your breath for a moment. With a mouth we make a slow exhale;

3. Exercise "Four phases." Sit comfortably. Inhale the air for 5 seconds with your nose, after which you need to stop the flow for a while (about 3 seconds). Exhale for 5 seconds. Total lead time - 3 minutes;

4. Exercise "Dog breath". Imitate the dog’s breathing (sit on all fours and sticking out your tongue, take frequent breaths and exhalations).

Thanks to the above exercises are achieved:

• Relaxation and calm;

• Respiratory rhythm control during contractions;

• Improving blood circulation;

• Safe performance of other exercises.

Second complex: positional gymnastics

It is important to know! The main goal of this complex is to achieve comfort during childbirth.

1. Exercise "Kitty". It is necessary to bend and unbend like a cat from a position on all fours. Bend in the back down and raise your face up. Bend your back up and lower your face down;

2. Exercise "Butterfly". Take the lotus position. Press with your hands on your knees, imitating the movement of the wings of a butterfly;

3. Twist exercise. Position to choose from. The hips are motionless. Turn the case in different directions, spreading arms;

4. Kegel exercise. In any position, contract the muscles of the vagina. So you will achieve their firmness and elasticity.

Third complex: study of the knee-elbow region

Get on all fours. Put your hands on your elbows. Keep your body in this position for 5 minutes. Over time, increase the load to half an hour.

What is the importance of this exercise? At about the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to put strong pressure on all the organs of the mother. This position relieves all pressure, thereby protecting the woman's body.

Fourth complex: fitball for pregnant women

Note! Fitball will well train the muscles of the chest, arms, legs and buttocks. Do not do these exercises in the first trimester unless you have been involved in sports before.

1. We train a breast.

• In a seated "Turkish" position, hold the ball in front of you and push it 15 times;

• Sitting on a ball with dumbbells in hand, spread your arms to the sides 15 times at a right angle.

2. We work out the hands.

• Take the dumbbells in your hands and sit on the ball. Press your elbows to your body. Raise and lower your hands 7 times. It is impossible to tear off elbows from a body;

• In the same position, place your arms with dumbbells in front of you. Palms up. Lift weight up, running over your shoulders 8 times;

• Sitting there, rest your elbow with your free (without a dumbbell) hand in the knee. The body will be slightly lowered. Bend and unbend the arm with dumbbells at the elbow 7-8 times. Change your hand.

It is important to know! Performing these exercises, you prevent venous diseases.

3. We work on the buttocks and legs.

• Sit flat. Rest with the foot of one foot on the fitball and the other on the floor. Start rolling the ball on the floor with your foot. Repeat, changing legs;

• The situation remains. Only now you need not roll the ball, but imitate the movement of the legs of a bicycle ride;

• In the same position, start to rotate the foot on the ball.

Maternity Sports: Basic Inhibitions

In some cases, pregnant women should not perform gymnastic exercises. In which, it is considered below:

• Severe vascular disease;

• Heart disease;

• All acute inflammations;

• Tuberculosis (both in the mild phase and during exacerbation);

• renal failure;

• Diseases of the bladder;

• In the presence of toxicosis;

• There were bleeding during pregnancy;

• The threat of miscarriage.

Note! If you have nausea, pulling or cutting abdominal pain, dizziness, darkening in the eyes, headache, and other unpleasant symptoms when performing the exercises in accordance with all the recommendations described above, contact your gynecologist immediately.

We present to your attention a video on which a full gymnastic complex for pregnant women is presented:
