Oven pies with cabbage: step by step recipes. Oven options for dough and toppings for cabbage pies in the oven


Pies with cabbage - not only tasty, but also economically. The vegetable is available absolutely all year round and is usually quite symbolic. Cabbage stuffing is prepared mainly from fresh cabbage, options with pickled stuffing are for everybody.

The article selects the most popular options for toppings of fresh cabbage pies in the oven. The step-by-step recipes give recommendations on how to prepare yeast dough for pastry on a sponge and a simpler, fresh, which is kneaded on the water in a matter of minutes. Recommended fillings can be combined with any kind of dough.

The technological principles of cooking pies with cabbage in the oven according to step-by-step recipes

• You can bake pies with cabbage from any dough. The most popular is airy yeast baking. The preparation of such a test is quite painstaking and time-consuming process. There are options for easier dough for pies from cabbage - on the water, without rippers and eggs. These pies are popular in Moldavian cuisine, they are called "Werzere". You can also take your favorite test recipes as a basis or use the express method by buying a ready-to-cook semi-finished product of puff or yeast dough.

• The filling for pies is most often prepared from fresh cabbage, white cabbage varieties. Options for replacing fresh vegetable with sauerkraut are not ruled out, but this is a matter of taste. If cooking happened for the first time, stop at the pies stuffed with fresh cabbage.

• The best choice would be late varieties of white chick. The forks should be white, it is from such a cabbage that the filling will turn out juicy. The cabbage is finely chopped or twisted in a meat grinder, depending on the type of filling. If you have to stew the cabbage, it is better to finely chop it, raw, so that it is steamed well, chopped with a meat grinder, but if there is a wooden trough with a chopper, it is advisable to use them.

• Bake pies on a baking sheet, the bottom of which is rubbed with vegetable oil. In order for the yeast bakery to retain its shape and the pies not to fall apart, the products are laid down with a seam. Before being placed in the oven, they should be moistened with a beaten egg for a pleasant shine and a better blush.

• Any pastries are placed exclusively in a preheated oven. You can not put a baking tray with pies in an unheated oven, be sure to bring the temperature to the recommended one.

Oven pies with cabbage in the oven: a step-by-step recipe for yeast dough

Air baking cannot be achieved without yeast. The proposed recipe involves the use of dry fast-acting yeast, but if desired, they are completely replaceable with fresh ones. In this case, the dough is prepared in the same way, only fresh yeast must first be crumbled with your fingers and rub with the same amount of sugar.


• a kilogram of high-grade wheat flour;

• one and a half cups of medium-fat milk;

• 1.5 tablespoons high-speed yeast;

• glass of water;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• two selected eggs;

• lean, well-refined oil - 100 ml;

• a spoonful of evaporated salt.

To the filling:

• two onion heads;

• kilogram of white cabbage;

• a quarter pack of oil.


• large chicken egg.

Cooking method:

1. First, knead the yeast dough, it needs some time to rise. Let’s deal with cabbage filling until the dough is apart. All products necessary for kneading should be brought to the same temperature, so they must be laid out in advance from the refrigerator and left on the table for at least an hour.

2. Preparing the dough. Mix the sugar and yeast in a bowl, add half a glass of heated water and mix thoroughly. Pouring 2 tablespoons of the sifted flour, mix well until the density of liquid sour cream. We cover the bowl with a cloth and set it for half an hour in the heat. How quickly and well the dough rises, and later the dough, depends on the quality of the yeast, and on the temperature of the liquid. It is unacceptable to dilute and add unnecessarily warm or, conversely, cold liquid to the dough. Water or milk should be heated to a temperature not lower than 38, and not higher than 41 degrees. Hot liquid will destroy the yeast bacteria, and cold liquid will not be able to activate them - the dough will not rise in any case.

3. Check the dough. When using high-quality yeast and observing temperatures, after a quarter of an hour the surface will begin to bubble intensively, and after half an hour it is guaranteed to rise with a froth, increasing approximately twice. If this does not happen, we repeat the procedure and preferably with new yeast, if the result is positive, we proceed to the preparation of the dough.

4. In a deep, spacious bowl, pour the eggs and put the salt, shake it well with a fork or a whisk. Beating until foam is not necessary, we are faced with the task of preparing a homogeneous egg mass. Pour warm milk to the eggs and the same temperature water, the remaining 100 ml, add vegetable oil and, stirring well, bring to uniformity. Combine the prepared liquid base with dough, stir again and gradually add flour to achieve a uniform dough. We spread it on a greased table, we crush it with our hands. As soon as it becomes soft and plastic, we roll it up with a ball and lay it back in a bowl. Covering with a cloth, set in heat. Yeast dough does not like drafts, be sure to make sure that they are not in the room. For reliability, wrap the bowl with a blanket.

5. After an hour, the dough needs to be checked, by this time it should rise well. We shake hands and leave it warm for another hour.

6. The filling should begin to cook, immediately after the dough has been placed on the dough. The cabbage needs to be put out and cooled well before the dough rises again.

7. Thinly and not long shred cabbage. Finely chop the onion, and, pouring the oil in a deep saucepan, put it in it. Fry over low heat, stirring. As soon as the onion slices lose their dullness and become almost transparent, we spread the cabbage and leave it under the lid. Stew, lowering the heat, a little more than an hour, well softening the cabbage. At the end, add salt to the filling, put and stir the butter, cool. You can pepper to taste.

8. We form pies. Separate some of the dough, and cut it into small balls. Then, one by one from each, with our hands we form cakes in such a way that the edges are thinner than the middle. We spread in the center no more than a spoonful of cooled cabbage filling and, tightly pressing with your fingertips, pinch the edges. We give the product the shape of a pie, lay it upside down on an oiled baking sheet. Covering with a linen towel, let stand for a quarter of an hour near the warming oven.

9. Lubricate the surface of the spaced cabbage pies with a beaten egg, place the baking sheet in the oven. Bake, preheating the oven to the recommended 180 degrees, about 25 minutes.

Simple cabbage pies in the oven: a step-by-step recipe from unleavened dough

When there is not enough time for long chores, a step-by-step recipe for pies with cabbage in the oven from unleavened dough can help out more than ever. The dough is kneaded in minutes, does not require time to rise. Cooking should begin with kneading the dough so that it has time to lie down while it is preparing and cooling the filling.


• two glasses of high-quality white flour;

• half a glass of water;

• refined oil - 0.5 cups;

• half a spoonful of salt.


• cabbage, fresh - 300 gr.;

• a small carrot;

• half a glass of tomato juice or tomato paste diluted with water.

Cooking method:

1. Cooking unleavened dough. Pour cool water into a bowl, dissolve the salt in it. Then add and stir the oil well. After pouring into the bowl the third part of the sifted flour, carefully mix it with a liquid base. Having obtained a homogeneous mass, pour the remaining flour in small portions, stirring just as well. Switching to manual kneading, interfere with the remaining flour. We knead with our hands until the plasticity of the dough. Covering with a linen napkin, leave it on the table for at least half an hour. The test must be stood, during this time it will become softer and more elastic.

2. While the fresh dough is resting, we are engaged in cabbage filling. Rub the carrots coarsely, put in a spacious bowl. Finely chop the cabbage to it, add half a spoonful of salt and mix thoroughly, gently squeezing with your hands. Pour tomato into the cabbage, mix, spread in a thick-walled pan or cauldron. Stew at moderate temperature until soft and cool.

3. When the filling cools well, proceed to the formation of pies. We cut the dough into eight balls of equal size, roll them into rectangular layers, up to 5 mm thick. On one of the wider sides, put the filling so that 2 cm of empty dough is left from each edge. Having bent the sides to the filling, we roll the pie in the form of a roll.

4. Bake pies at 180 degrees for twenty minutes, until the top is well browned. If you grease the cakes with a sprinkled egg before baking, their top will acquire a very appetizing shade.

Cooking stuffing for cabbage pies in the oven: a step-by-step recipe with an egg

Perhaps the most common filling of yeast pies with cabbage in the oven. A step-by-step recipe describes in detail how to make fresh cabbage filling without a long heat treatment. To prevent cabbage in pies from getting raw, it must be chopped. Vstar used a chopper for this, we will twist in a meat grinder.


• a small forks of a white chick, about a kilogram in weight;

• four large boiled eggs;

• 40 grams of sweet cream butter.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the cabbage coarsely, grind it twice with a meat grinder and stand a little.

2. We cut boiled eggs into slices, the smaller the better.

3. Strain the excess juice from cabbage and mix it with eggs, add salt to taste and mix well so that the products evenly disperse.

4. Place the butter in a small saucepan, melt, setting the minimum heat. Pour the liquid fat into the cabbage filling and mix it thoroughly.

Oven stuffing for cabbage pies: step by step recipe with dried mushrooms

Another variant of the filling for baked cabbage pies in the oven. In this step-by-step recipe, fresh cabbage is boiled, chopped with a meat grinder and lightly fried in butter with onions and mushrooms. Dried mushrooms are recommended by prescription, but they can be replaced with mushrooms or fresh wild mushrooms.


• a pound of juicy fresh cabbage;

• 5 pieces. large dried forest mushrooms;

• two hard-boiled eggs;

• three tablespoons of milk;

• large onion;

• butter "Traditional" butter - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and inspect the mushrooms, leave in cool running water for an hour. Rinse and boil until soft, recline in a colander and drain but do not throw out all the liquid. Instead of dried mushrooms, you can take fresh forest or champignons. The filling will turn out not so fragrant, but no less tasty. After washing, fresh forest mushrooms are boiled until cooked for about half an hour, half of this time is enough for mushrooms.

2. Cut the cabbage coarsely, fill it with water and milk, cook until soft. After which we cool and squeeze well with our hands.

3. We assemble a meat grinder, adjust it to medium size grinding - install a grill with small holes. We twist the boiled cabbage and mushrooms, finely chop the onions and eggs.

4. Put the onion in a pan with melted butter, fry until a pleasant golden color appears. Add the minced cabbage, spread the mushrooms and eggs, add and mix. Warming the filling over low heat for five minutes, cool well.

The technology of baking pies with cabbage in the oven according to step-by-step recipes - tips and professional recommendations

• In addition to fresh cabbage, sauerkraut is also suitable, but only if the filling needs to be stewed first.

• Sauerkraut should be tried, too sour cabbage will require soaking. For this purpose, it is poured with water and left for half an hour, after which it is carefully squeezed. Sour cabbage can not be laid in the filling without first stewing, it will be stiff.

• Dry yeast used in a step-by-step recipe for airy cabbage pies in the oven is replaceable with fresh yeast. To accurately determine their quantity, carefully read the recommendations on the package, usually it indicates how much flour the serving is for.


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