Blackcurrant jelly - a pantry of health. How to make tasty and healthy blackcurrant jelly with citruses, gooseberries, raspberries


Fragrant, with a pleasant acidity, rich burgundy color - this is the kind of blackcurrant jelly that we love since childhood. In winter, a jar of this sweetness is a great help in the fight against colds. And all because there is a lot of vitamin C in blackcurrant - only two dozen berries provide the daily rate of ascorbic acid. How to keep all the benefits and taste? To help - a selection of various options for blackcurrant jelly.

General principles for the preparation of blackcurrant jelly

To make jelly, take ripe juicy berries. They are cleaned of twigs and leaves, washed well and allowed to dry. Then they start processing.

As a rule, blackcurrant juice is used to make jelly. But in some recipes, the berries are simply chopped with a blender or passed through a meat grinder and gelled with seeds and skin.

Jelly juice is obtained in many ways. The berries are heated with a small amount of water, while kneading them with a spoon or a crush, and then crushed through a sieve. Another option - blackcurrant can be ground in a blender, and then passed through a sieve to separate juice and oilcake. The latter, by the way, do not rush to throw it away, you can cook a delicious compote from it.

Since there is a lot of pectin in blackcurrant, it perfectly forms jelly without any thickeners. Gelatin is used when blackcurrant jelly is prepared as a filling for cakes and pastries or as a separate dessert.

Jelly is obtained either by boiling juice with sugar, or it is made in a cold way, without heat treatment. For "live jelly" it is recommended to take berries and sugar in a ratio of one to one and a half, otherwise it may not thicken and will be poorly stored. For boiled, less granulated sugar is taken, the classic proportion is 1: 1.

For cooking jelly should choose the widest possible capacity. The larger the surface, the faster the liquid will evaporate when boiling the juice and the less time it will take, more vitamins will remain.


Raw blackcurrant jelly

The main plus of raw jelly is that it remains the maximum amount of nutrients that are destroyed by heat treatment. However, it will have to be stored exclusively in the refrigerator.


A kilogram of black currant;

one and a half kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Sort currants, tear off all twigs and leaves, dry fruits, mine.

2. Pour berries into a wide container with a thick bottom, for example, a basin. Heat over low heat for five minutes, at the same time knead a crush. We need to soften the berries, make them give away the juice.

3. Press the berry mass through a sieve. Use the same pusher or a strong spoon. At the exit, we get thick juice or berry puree.

4. Add the granulated sugar in small portions. It is important to properly stir it so that it dissolves completely. The mass gradually begins to gel. Pour into jars, close the lids, put in storage in the refrigerator.

Raw blackcurrant jelly (second option)

This recipe is even simpler - you do not need to squeeze the juice from the berries, they are gelled just grated with sugar.


A kilogram of black currant;

one and a half kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Sort the black currants and wash them, put them in a saucepan, mix with sugar and pounding as small as possible, so that the mass becomes completely homogeneous.

2. We lay out in previously sterilized jars, close. After a while, the currant wiped in this way is gelled, we store it in the refrigerator.

Boiled blackcurrant jelly

A thick and transparent delicacy according to this recipe will please its taste for a long time. Rolled up in jars, it can be put in a cupboard where it is cool and dark, and stored at least until the next harvest.


A kilogram of black currant;

kilogram of sugar.

Cooking method

1. We put sorted washed currants in a metal colander and blanch in boiling water for several minutes.

2. Press black currant through a sieve with a pusher. Pour the juice into a basin, pour sugar, mix well and let stand for about two to three hours.

3. Put the basin on a slow fire, cook for about a quarter of an hour. Stir occasionally to prevent burning.

4. We pack the finished jelly in jars, cork with lids.

Jelly Berry Mix of two types of currants and raspberries

The taste, aroma and benefits of your favorite garden berries in one jar. Pectin is scarce in raspberries, but abundant in currants, and together they are perfectly gelled.


2 cups raspberries;

2 cups of black currant;

6 glasses of red currant;

1 kilogram 200 grams of sugar.

Cooking method

1. We sort through the berries. Unlike currants, raspberries are not mine.

2. Punch the black currant with a blender, then wipe it through a sieve to obtain juice. We do the same with red.

3. We also make raspberries with a blender, you can simply squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.

4. You should get a glass of blackcurrant and raspberry juice and about 3 cups of red currant. We combine them in a pan, we fill it with sugar. We put on the stove, heat over low heat, constantly mix. As soon as the sugar dissolves without a trace, we pack the jelly in jars.

Blackcurrant Jelly with Orange

The rich taste of blackcurrant and light shades of citrus, and even a double dose of vitamin C - this jelly is indispensable in the cold season.


A kilogram of black currant;

one and a half kilograms of sugar;

two large oranges.

Cooking method

1. Peel the oranges, cut the flesh into slices without white films.

2. The berries are taken apart, cleaned, washed.

3. Grind oranges and blackcurrant with a blender or through a meat grinder. We spread it in the pelvis, fill the resulting mass with sugar, let it stand for a couple of hours.

4. We put the basin into the stove, let it boil over low heat, take just a few minutes to cook. Then we pour it into cans, previously sterilized, corking with lids.

Blackcurrant Jelly with Citrus and Vanilla

Compared with the previous recipe, there is also a slight sourness of lemon, as well as sweet fragrant notes of vanilla.


A kilogram of black currant;

one lemon and one orange;

a bag of vanilla sugar, preferably with natural vanilla;

one and a half kilograms of sugar per liter of juice.

Cooking method

1. We sort and currant. Dip in a colander for several minutes in boiling water and squeeze through a sieve to obtain juice.

2. Squeeze juice from citrus.

3. We connect in one container all the liquid obtained, measure its volume with a measuring jug. We take juice and sugar in a proportion of one to one and a half.

4. Pour citrus-currant juice into the pan, put on low heat. Add vanilla sugar, gradually add granulated sugar, stir to dissolve.

5. Pour the finished jelly into jars, while it is still warm, cool, clog.

Blackcurrant and gooseberry jelly

This is a classic duet of berries for jam or jam, they ripen at about the same time and perfectly harmonize with each other.


Half a liter of blackcurrant juice;

half a liter of gooseberry juice;

one and a half kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Berries must be sorted and washed, blackcurrant should be separated from brushes and leaflets, and the tails of gooseberries should be cut off.

2. We shift the prepared berries into a pot or basin. On low heat, heat for several minutes, while slightly kneading them with a spoon so that the berries begin to give juice.

3. The resulting mass is ground through a sieve. We measure the amount of juice with a measuring jug. Take a kilogram of sugar per liter.

4. Pour juice into a wide saucepan. Add sugar in small portions, stir thoroughly each time. It will take time, about an hour. Once all the sugar has dissolved, cover the container with a lid and leave overnight for gelation.

5. If the jelly has become dense enough, slightly heat it over low heat and pack it in jars. Is the jelly not thick enough? After heating, add more sugar to obtain the desired consistency.

Blackcurrant jelly with gelatin

This is a light beautiful dessert that can be served with whipped cream or used to decorate a cake. Cakes with layers of such jelly are also tasty.


300 grams of black currant;

1 cup of sugar;

28 grams of instant gelatin;

700 ml of boiled water.

Cooking method

1. Pour gelatin with a small amount of cold water, it will swell in half an hour.

2. The berries are sorted, cleaned, washed. We put them in a stew-pan, pour boiled water. Now put on the stove, boil for about 10 minutes over low heat.

3. Cool the resulting mass. Then we press it through a sieve. We bring the juice to a boil once again, add sugar, stir it so that it dissolves without a trace.

4. Remove the blackcurrant syrup from the heat, introduce the gelatin, mix everything. Pour jelly into molds, let it cool, put it in the refrigerator for final solidification.

Blackcurrant jelly - secrets and tricks

· If the jelly in the jars is still not frozen, do not turn them over, shake, shake them. Any shake can interfere with the gelling process.

· In order to keep the raw jelly better and not moldy, put a glass of paper soaked in vodka under the lid of the can.

When jelly is prepared in a cold way, it is difficult to dissolve all sugar. To speed up the process, you can grind sugar in a coffee grinder to a powder state, so it dissolves faster.


Watch the video: Making Red Currant Preserves - Great Tasting & Very Nutritious (July 2024).