Scientists: an early rise can cause heart disease


There is an opinion that the biorhythms of the larks have a more beneficial effect on the human body than the biorhythms of owls. A number of scientists even recommend that owls with an effort of will be rearranged into larks. However, recent studies show that with respect to the rhythms of people rising from the first ray of the sun, everything is not so simple. Japanese scientists based on a study of the case histories of 4,000 people between the ages of 20 and 90 found that an early rise could contribute to the development of heart disease. It turned out that lack of sleep affects the load on the heart muscle.

Also, scientists recommend day to arrange a thirty-minute sleep, allowing you to recuperate and reduce the level of the stress hormone. According to the available statistics, daytime sleep reduces the possible risk of sudden death by 37%.


Watch the video: 10 Warning Signs Your Heart Isn't Working Properly (July 2024).