Masks for shine hair at home. The best recipes, tips of experienced stylists: how to achieve shine


The main sign of beauty and grooming of a woman are silky shiny curls, coquettishly falling on her shoulders. A housewife who has a family or a business lady has time for complex cosmetic procedures in beauty salons.

Then masks for shine of hair at home come to the rescue, which will help bring the condition of curls to the perfect look at a time convenient for a beautiful lady.

The main causes of hair damage

Small scales cover the core of the hair, which ideally should fit snugly together. Improper care and exposure to external factors leads to fiber dehydration. Scales do not have the ability to create a smooth surface, they begin to delaminate, rise up and in different directions. As a result, the structure is broken, the hair becomes brittle, they begin to get confused, it is almost impossible to comb them. The lack of moisture and the required amount of fat makes it impossible to create a surface that can reflect light. That is why untidy hair lose its luster and elasticity. In order not to damage the hair structure, it is recommended to observe the following requirements:

1. Washing head. With proper hair washing, the head should be in its natural position. In no case should it be tilted forward, because when soaping, the scales will rise up. The entire washing procedure should be performed in the direction of hair growth, especially when washing the shampoo with water.

2. Combing hair. It is recommended to comb the hair with a natural comb or a brush with natural bristles. The procedure should begin at the tips and gradually rise up. It is very important to remember that wet hair should never be combed. This damages the structure very much.

3. Drying out. After washing your hair, gently pat it dry with a towel. It is not recommended to thoroughly wipe the hair, especially in the opposite direction of their growth. Using a hairdryer is extremely rare and preferably in ionization mode.

The benefits of homemade shine masks

To maintain or repair damaged curls, you need to constantly use the necessary nutritional products. The effect will be achieved only through complex treatment. For this, a mask for shining hair at home is suitable. It can be made from available ingredients at a convenient time for yourself.

• The main advantage of self-applied masks at home is their affordability. The ingredients that make up the composition are available in almost every home or nearby store. The knowledge and confidence of a person that he uses natural high-quality raw materials are also pleasing.

• Any cosmetic procedures of a similar plan involve complex treatment and frequency of use. A mask for hair shine at home will allow you to go through all the necessary steps in a comfortable environment. Beauty salons require extra time. The round trip, in turn, the lack of opportunities to relax, can deter even the richest woman from this visit.

• An important point is the ability to experiment. The complex of wellness procedures is 4-6 weeks for 1-2 sessions. If the effect is not achieved or allergic reactions occur, you can safely change the composition of the mask. It will not cost extra money and you can find out exactly which component is not perceived by the body.

• Mask for shine of hair restores the structure of hairs. Nourishing enveloping restores the keratin natural coating, which gives the hair shine and elasticity. During the procedure, the bulbs are also strengthened, from which the hair stops falling out, and their growth is enhanced.

Step-by-step instructions for using a mask for shine hair at home

The first rule to give your hair a radiant shine will be the constant use of shampoos and conditioners to wash your hair in an appropriate direction. It can be any line chosen to taste with the obligatory mark "for shine".

1. Thoroughly wash your hair with warm water, after combing your hair. Wipe them lightly with a towel.

2. Mash the components of the mask previously whipped with a blender in the palms of your hands and gently apply to the hair. It is necessary to do this from root to tip, processing each strand in turn.

3. The application of the mask may be accompanied by a massage of the scalp. This will enhance blood circulation and contribute to a more active assimilation of the mask.

4. On neatly gathered hair from above (very long can be attached with a non-metallic hair clip) put on a plastic hat or bag, wrap a towel on top.

5. Keep the mask on the head for 30-60 minutes.

6. Rinse hair thoroughly with warm water. To give brightness to the color, blondes can rinse the curls with a decoction of chamomile, brunettes are suitable for brewed tea, coffee, oak bark or onion husks.

7. Wipe the hair with a towel, dry in a natural way without using a hair dryer and curling iron.

Recipes for making hair shine masks

There are many recipes for hair gloss masks at home. All of them are made from natural raw materials and are very effective. One should only pay attention to some ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction. First of all, it concerns honey and citrus fruits. For safety, apply the component to the skin and wait 2-3 hours. If the reaction does not follow - you can safely apply a mask.

Egg masks. The egg itself has a great effect for strengthening, growth and bright shine of hair. Stir the protein with the yolk, apply to the hair for several minutes and rinse with water. For oily hair, masks made from eggs and lemon juice or vinegar are suitable. For dry - an egg with all kinds of vegetable oils or honey.

Oil mask. Dry hair needs fat replenishment, so procedures with applying directly pure oils are suitable for them. Castor, olive, sunflower, corn, avocado oil and wheat germ will be effective.

Dairy products. Masks from yogurt, whey, sour cream, mayonnaise and cottage cheese with sour cream have miraculous properties.

Cucumber. Cucumber juice is an excellent ingredient in combination with egg white and salt or olive oil.

Gelatin. Pour 1 part gelatin with 2 parts cold water and leave for 30 minutes. Then slightly warm, stir until completely dissolved and add another 1 part of any of the oils. Such a mask should be held on your hair for about an hour. It replaces keratin strengthening.

Cognac. This drink has a strengthening effect and gives an unusually bright shine to the hair. It can be mixed in equal parts either with lemon juice for hair with high fat content, or with any of the oils for dry hair.

Beer. An excellent basis for a mask that helps to acquire shine and silkiness is beer. A glass of this foamy drink should be combined with a teaspoon of oil, slightly warmed and applied to the hair.

Burdock oil + cognac + aloe juice + honey. Combine all components in equal parts, beat on a blender and apply to hair.

Yolk + glycerin + vinegar. On one yolk relies 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of glycerin, mix everything thoroughly and use.

Castor oil + olive oil + onion juice + honey. These ingredients are combined in equal parts, whipped on a blender and applied to the hair.

Hair Shampoo Rinse

If there is no painful hair loss and brittleness, but the curls do not look so bright, you can use rinsing agents. They will restore their former silkiness and relieve dandruff. Rinse your hair after a normal shampoo.

• Universal rinse aid. This category includes products that are suitable for hair of different shades. This is water with the addition of vinegar, citric acid, as well as a decoction of hops or burdock.

• For blondes, a decoction of chamomile or birch is suitable.

• For brunettes - brewed tea or coffee. A wonderful golden hue will give onion peel.

Beautiful shiny hair is real wealth. It is enough to devote several hours a week to caring for them, and the result will be visible in the mirror and the admiring glances of others.


Watch the video: Instant Glossy Hair In Just 5 mins demonstration. सरफ 5 मनट म तरत चमकदर बल (June 2024).