Kitten runny nose: first aid, how to treat, whether to be taken to the veterinarian. What to do if a little kitten has a snot


Runny nose is the most common disease in cats. It is about him that will be discussed in the article, as well as about the symptoms, treatment and prevention of the disease.

Symptoms of a runny nose in a kitten

It is very important to closely monitor the behavior of the kitten. Indeed, on the basis of it, it is possible to identify the symptoms in time, which are important for an accurate diagnosis. They can be different, at first glance invisible. But for attentive people who love their pet, a number of the following should be highlighted Signs of a runny nose in a kitten:

• Lethargy and motionless state;

• Constant friction of the nose;

• poor appetite;

• Marked worsening of smell;

• Fever.

So, the first sign. Most often, a runny nose is observed in young kittens. They are known to be very active. But if fatigue is noticed - this is the first bell for the owner.

When a cat scratches or rubs a nose, it means that in this way he tries to remove excess mucus from his nose. After all, it significantly affects the performance of smell.

If the cat began to eat poorly, this does not mean a bad mood or that he is simply hungry. This means that at the moment his immunity is experiencing a difficult situation and requires immediate treatment.

Whole life depends on the smell of cats. With its help, they are oriented in space. Therefore, if the cat began to walk strangely or make unsuccessful jumps, then it is necessary to pay attention to this.

High fever has always been a sign of various diseases. That is why, having discovered it, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Causes of snot in a cat

Many people often have the stereotype that cats are very persistent and able to control their health themselves. But they, like people, are prone to various diseases.

There can be many reasons for this, namely:

1. Subcooling or drafts;

2. Poisoning;

3. Infections;

4. Chemical household products;

5. Allergy

Despite the fact that cats have a fairly warm coat, they are prone to hypothermia. This is often due to a long stay on the street during frost or rainy weather.

Many owners do not suspect that by feeding the cat raw fish from the market, they can cause illness. Very often, seals are poisoned by poor-quality or expired dry and wet food.

Infections most often enter the cat's body on the street. It can be calcivirosis, pneumonia or other ailments. Therefore, they can easily cause a cat's runny nose.

Cats react very poorly to chemicals. Only able to interact with them, and in cats, chemistry causes only irritation and resistance of the body.

Allergies also cause a cold in a kitten. It can be caused by the above chemistry or even natural phenomena. You should not be safe from this and you should not worry.

Do not forget that young kittens still have weak and undeveloped immunity. That is why they are so prone to various diseases, and all these reasons can easily spoil their young body.

Treatment for snot in a young kitten

The first right step in the fight against a runny nose in a kitten will be to contact a specialist - a veterinarian. It is he who will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

It is very important to trace and fix all the symptoms in a kitten. Why is this necessary? The veterinarian will not be able to determine the disease in the cat, based only on the fact of snot. He needs to clearly know about the behavior, activity and nutrition of the cat. No matter how funny it sounds, even a chair will need to be studied, this will significantly open your eyes to the cause of the cat’s common cold.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the causes of the disease. And now in order. If this is an allergy, then special medications are prescribed, and, most importantly, the item that caused the allergy is eliminated. For example, the same chemistry. You can put it in an inaccessible place for a cat or replace it with more natural substances.

More serious is the case with infections. In such cases, treatment occurs with the use of antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Perhaps you can not do without injections. The main thing to know is that viruses are strong today, so you should seriously approach treatment.

If the common cold is caused by hypothermia, then it is necessary to create more comfortable and warm conditions for the life of the cat. What does it mean? You should insulate the place where the cat sleeps with blankets or put a heater nearby. Cats love heat, especially in winter. The veterinarian also prescribes a number of vitamins to fight colds and increase immunity.

Prevention of the common cold of a cat or kitten

Prevention most often depends on the host. There are responsible people and vice versa. But if a person loves a pet, then it is worth watching and not allowing a kitten to have a runny nose. How to do it?

First of all, it is necessary to study the many causes that cause a runny nose. Based on them, it is worth building a prevention plan.

The correct decision would be a continuous examination for prevention. This will not bring harm, and you can be sure of the health of the kitten.

To avoid colds, the kitten should be protected from drafts and try not to let it freeze. Although it is difficult, because cats love to walk, but rightly so. You should often create warm conditions at home and try not to give cold food.

There are various preventive drugs to strengthen the immune system. They can also be given to a kitten, like other all kinds of vitamins. After all, the young body needs them so that in the future it can cope with ailments.

It is very important to protect the kitten from possible pathogens of allergies. Especially chemicals should be stored in closed places. Dust can also cause an allergic reaction, so continuous wet cleaning will not be superfluous.

It is important to remember that the whole life of a kitten depends on the owner. After all, he is not able to talk about his problems. Therefore, it is often difficult to determine a runny nose in a kitten. The main thing is to constantly monitor the behavior, nutrition and even the stool of a pet. It is necessary to pay attention to him and then he will become happy.


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