How to quickly cook pizza at home - popular recipes. Secrets and tips for quickly making pizza at home


Pizza refers to dishes that are obtained in the home kitchen no worse than in a restaurant, and thanks to the almost limitless variations of its recipes, it will never get bored with its new, original version, it is easy to surprise home and friends.

How to quickly cook pizza at home - the basic principles of cooking

Ideally, they bake it in a wood-burning stove, but at home - it’s somehow customary in an oven heated in the range from 180 to 250 degrees.

The working surface to form the basis of pizza from a piece of dough should be sprinkled with flour or anointed with vegetable oil. Always sprinkle flour on a baking tray for pizza, so that the cake does not stick and it turns out to be pleasantly crispy.

In addition to open pizza, there is a closed pizza - calzone, which is the same pizza, only folded in half, with a filling inside.

Recipe 1. How to quickly cook pizza at home: pizza Margherita


• 270 ml of water;

• 250 g of mozzarella;

• 12 g of yeast;

• 175 g semolina flour;

• 325 g of finely ground wheat flour;

• 200 g canned tomatoes in their own juice;

• basil leaves;

• 40 g of olive oil;

• 10 g of salt and sugar;

• ground black pepper.


Semolina flour is very similar to semolina, but flour cannot be replaced with cereal, if there is no semolina, take an equal measure of wholemeal flour.

• sift in one bowl two varieties of flour, add salt and pour a slide from the flour with a hole in the top;

• mix sugar with yeast and dilute in heated water, set aside for a quarter of an hour;

• add oil to water;

• gradually pour the liquid into the hole on the flour hill, kneading the dough;

• keep kneading the dough for about 12 minutes;

• cover the dough with foil and wait a quarter of an hour before you can roll it into pizza cake;

• turn the tomatoes into mashed potatoes in a blender bowl or in a strainer, use the juice from them, pepper;

• cut the mozzarella into slices;

• with your hands form the basis for pizza and send it for 3-4 minutes to the oven warmed up to 250 degrees;

• remove the cake and grease it slowly with the sauce, spread the cheese and herbs, return to the oven and bake in anticipation of how the cheese will look well melted.

Recipe 2. How to quickly make pizza at home: Hawaiian pizza


• 540 g of flour;

• 50 ml of vegetable oil for dough and a little more for frying;

• 210 ml of milk and 90 ml of water;

• 6 cloves of garlic;

• two large fresh tomatoes;

• 120 g of tomato paste;

• 150 g canned pineapples in syrup;

• 220 g of parmesan or any other hard cheese;

• 12 g of salt for the dough;

• ground white and black pepper, salt - for the filling;

• 320 g of ham;

• 12 g of yeast.


• combine warmed milk and water, add salt and yeast, mix;

• add flour slowly, for greater tenderness of the dough you can do this directly from the sieve;

• somewhere after adding half the flour, add vegetable oil, knead and continue to introduce the flour;

• cover the bowl with cling film and set aside to warm for 30-45 minutes;

• take up the preparation of tomato sauce;

• heat on oil, fry the garlic and remove the cloves;

• put the tomatoes in the oil, peeled from the skin (this is easier to do after scalding them with boiling water) and chopped smaller and, stirring, simmer them, knead well;

• add tomato paste, pepper and salt to vegetables, mix everything;

• form the approached dough into a cake and for 4 minutes send the cake into an oven preheated to 180 degrees;

• remove the cake that has begun to brown and grease it with tomato sauce;

• spread the ham, cut into strips, and pineapples, cut into pieces;

• sprinkle with coarsely grated cheese;

• Put in the oven to bake until cooked for half an hour.

Recipe 3. How to quickly make pizza at home: pizza Four seasons


• 420 g flour;

• 130 g mozzarella;

• 100 g parmesan;

• 35 g of olive oil for dough;

• a quarter of bell pepper;

• fresh large tomato;

• 10 g of yeast;

• 150 g of fresh shiitake or champignons;

• 100 g smoked sausage;

• two eggs;

• 180 g of tomato sauce;

• 60 g pitted olives of pickled and canned artichokes;

• 10 g of salt for the dough;

• 240 ml of water.


• thoroughly mix dry ingredients - flour, yeast and salt;

• add oil to the heated water and, gradually pouring it into the dishes with flour, start kneading the dough;

• knead the dough for about 8 minutes until it sticks to your fingers;

• the bowl for the dough should be deep enough, because, in it, covered with cling film, it will have to come in warm for 10-16 hours;

• during this period, knead the dough a couple of times, and again knead when put on a work surface;

• gently and slowly mash and stretch the dough onto the pizza cake;

• apply tomato sauce to the cake;

• if the store’s sauce is not currently available in the kitchen, the home-made sauce can be easily prepared from peeled tomatoes, stewed to softness in olive oil and chopped, then mixed in equal proportions with tomato paste, the final touch of the sauce is a pinch of salt and ground pepper to taste;

• for winter filling, boil the eggs and chop finely, cut the mushrooms into strips and fry until tender. Spread the filling mixed;

• for autumn - cut into thin slices mozzarella and fresh tomato. Put this stuffing lap;

• for the summer, chop thinly salami and chop the pepper into strips, put the pepper on top of the sausage;

• for spring, cut off the unnecessary bases at the artichokes and cut the artichokes into slices, cut the olives in half, put the stuffing mixed in;

• as a result, each filling should occupy one quarter of the pizza circle;

• Sprinkle the whole pizza with grated Parmesan and put in the oven for 25 minutes, heated to 220 degrees.

Recipe 4. How to quickly make pizza at home: Pepperoni pizza


The proportions of an additional type of flour to wheat flour can be changed; instead of rye, you can take oat, rice, corn or buckwheat.

• 180-210 g of rye and wheat flour;

• half of the bulb;

• 10 g of yeast;

• fresh parsley;

• 260 ml of water;

• melted butter for frying;

• 50 ml of red wine;

• ground black pepper;

• 250 g of gouda;

• 70 g of olive oil;

• 300 g salami;

• 250 g of tomatoes in their own juice;

• 10 g of salt for dough and 5 g of salt for sauce;

• 5 g sugar for sauce and 5 g sugar for dough.


• mix two grades of flour, add salt;

• pour yeast with sugar into warm water, pour in oil;

• pour the flour with a slide with a depression in the center and gradually pour in water, mixing more and more flour;

• knead the dough so long that it does not stick to your hands;

• cover the bowl with it and wrap it in the heat for an hour to rise;

• chop the onion with a knife and spasser to caramel color in ghee;

• Turn canned tomatoes with a blender in mashed potatoes and put onion, add salt with sugar and pepper;

• pour red wine into the sauce and add heat to almost a boil;

• pour chopped parsley and, stirring, boil the sauce until the desired density;

• roll the dough into pizza cake, it is better to thinner, so that the pizza comes out crispy;

• grease the base for pizza sauce;

• put thinly sliced ​​salami;

• crush grated cheese on top;

• send for 15-20 minutes to bake in the oven at 190 degrees.

Recipe 5. How to quickly make pizza at home: Pizza Frutti di Mare


• 350 g of a sea cocktail from pre-boiled shrimp, squid, mussels and octopuses;

• a spoonful of flavored olive oil infused with herbs and / or spices;

• 35 ml of vegetable oil for dough;

• 2 eggs;

• 12 g of yeast;

• 200 g of mozzarella and 60 g of parmesan;

• a quarter pack of butter;

• 480 ml of milk;

• 120 ml of water;

• 130 g of tomatoes in their own juice;

• fresh dill;

• 10 g of sugar and salt for the dough;

• 480 g and 2 tablespoons of flour;

• ground pepper and a pinch of salt for the filling.


• warm 180 ml of milk, dilute it with 100 ml of water and dissolve yeast, salt and sugar in a liquid;

• break one egg into a mixture of milk with water, then add sunflower oil and stir;

• start sifting into the liquid almost a pound of flour, stirring so that there are no lumps;

• when the ingredients thicken, the dough will form into a lump, cover it with a film and set aside for 30 minutes to approach in a warm place;

• fry two tablespoons of flour until brown in a dry frying pan;

• heat the remaining milk and melt the butter in it;

• pour in flour slowly, stirring so that no lumps form;

• beat the egg and add to the milk sauce, mix;

• grate the parmesan, shake in a pan, salt and pepper everything;

• boil the sauce to the desired density;

• canned tomatoes turn into a mashed blender;

• stretch the dough with your hands, form a cake;

• lubricate it, alternating stripes and lines of milk and tomato sauce;

• put the sea stuffing;

• spread on top slices of mozzarella and sprinkle with chopped dill;

• put pizza in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 22-27 minutes;

• Before serving, sprinkle pizza with aromatic butter.

Recipe 6. How to quickly cook pizza at home: dessert pizza with pear


• 420 g flour;

• a pack of cottage cheese;

• 40 g of sugar;

• two eggs;

• 40 g of liquid honey;

• 10 g of salt;

• 125 g of dor blue, gorgonzole and mozzarella cheeses;

• 80 ml of vegetable oil;

• a teaspoon of walnut oil;

• 250 ml of kefir;

• a pair of sweet hard pears;

• 8-10 g of soda.


• pour soda into kefir;

• put the cottage cheese in a bowl, fill with kefir and rub in mashed potatoes without lumps;

• salt, add sugar, pour 40 ml of vegetable oil and mix;

• break the egg into the curd, mix again;

• in small portions, add flour to the curd mass and knead soft dough;

• you cannot work on it, kneading. Just wrap the dough with foil and put on the shelf of the refrigerator for half an hour, then warm to room temperature and roll into a cake;

• mix honey with the remaining 40 ml of vegetable oil and grease the cake with it;

• evenly distribute slices of mozzarella and thin slices of pear;

• put small pieces of gorgonzola and dor blue on top;

• put pizza for 23-25 ​​minutes in an oven preheated to 220 degrees;

• Remove, drizzle with peanut butter and return to the oven for another 2 minutes.

How to quickly cook pizza at home - tips and tricks

• so that the dough during baking does not rise in bubbles, before applying the sauce and the filling, pierce it in several places with a knife or fork;

• grated cheese can not only fill the pizza from above, but also distribute part of it with a layer between the sauce and the filling, which, with the juiciness of the latter, will protect the cake from getting wet, and besides, if there is a lot of cheese, its entire mass will not stick together at the top.


Watch the video: The Best Homemade Pizza You'll Ever Eat (July 2024).