Snuff: good habit or bad addiction? Amazing facts about the benefits and harms of snuff, how it is used, contraindications


Everything new is well forgotten old. Nowadays, quite often you can see representatives of the younger generation using a snuff, which was popular several centuries ago. So is the danger of a newly emerging habit?

What is a snuff?

Snuff - (Eng. Snuff), an interesting word that translates: sniff, inhale. Such an unusual foreign name is snuff. The meaning of this product is the use of nicotine without smoke.

Snuff is regular tobacco, the leaves of which are crushed into dust. Such an unusual tobacco product is not smoked, but inhaled or laid on the cheek or lip.

Snuff is produced in tobacco factories. It contains tobacco leaves that are not suitable for regular cigarettes. At the moment, there are many manufacturers of this type of tobacco product, since snuff is allowed in many countries of the world, including Russia. Its sale is carried out in special dosage boxes or packages.

Varieties of snuff: which species is the most harmful?

There are a lot of types of snuff, but they are not as popular as the following:

Dry Snuff

Wet Snuff

The use of dry snuff consists in inhaling the composition of tobacco through the nose, that is, it is a usual snuff. The more common name for this species is European tobacco, since its production is concentrated in European countries (Germany, Great Britain).

Wet, or as it is also called, chewing tobacco differs from snuff only in the way it is used. Chewing snuff is rolled into small balls and laid behind the cheek or between the gum and lower lip. In terms of their effects on the human body, these species do not differ, since both dry and wet snuff have a high content of nicotine in their composition.

Unlike snuff tobacco products (dry snuff), chewing tobacco is prohibited for sale and distribution in the Russian Federation, as well as Swedish snus.

Ways to use snuff

Of course, every consumer of snuff tobacco can use it the way he likes, but nevertheless, they highlight the main ways of using snuff:

1. Small balls are made from a small amount of tobacco. They are laid in the nostrils and take a sharp breath. A feeling of euphoria appears after 2-3 minutes.

2. Tobacco crushed sand spread long thin paths. Inhale tobacco through a tube suitable for the diameter of the tracks.

3. Chewable snuff roll up balls (if it is not sold in this form), and lay it on the lip or cheek.

The benefits of snuff

What benefits can snuff bring? Well, for example:

1. Inhaling snuff can get rid of a cold

2. Snuff stimulates mental activity

Snuff containing mint leaves effectively eliminates nasal congestion. But the first statement, nevertheless, should be adjusted, since snuff is not worth constantly using to treat a cold. In the case of a viral disease or chronic nasal congestion, you should consult a doctor, and not resort to the use of nicotine.

Snuff, like any drug, briefly stimulates the human thought processes. But the key word is - briefly. It is worth paying attention to if using snuff is considered for quick solution of mental problems.

Why is snuff harmful?

It is widely believed that snuff is absolutely harmless, since there is no smoke when used. First of all, you need to understand that snuff is a nicotine drug that can provide the following problems:

· Addiction

Snuff is a light drug and, like any drug, it is highly addictive. Before each dose of snuff is taken, the body gets used, and the next time it will require more. Snuff has a slow negative effect on various body systems.

· Oncological diseases

Nicotine is the leader in snuff. It is well known that this substance has a devastating effect on the human body and leads to the formation of malignant tumors. Disease users have such diseases as: cancer of the oral cavity, cancer of the nasopharynx, cancer of the throat.

Chronic runny nose

Regular use of snuff reduces the sense of smell, provokes nasal congestion and leads to chronic runny nose.

Fatal effects on various body systems

Snuff has a slow negative effect on various body systems. Snuff has the greatest effect on the cardiovascular and reproductive systems.

· Intoxication of the body

Snuff poisoning can occur as a result of an overdose. In this case, the user of the snuff has vomiting, nausea, unconsciousness or clouding. In more severe cases of tobacco intoxication, a person may fall into a coma. It should be noted that in medicine there are cases of death due to an overdose of snuff.

What effect does snuff have on the human body?

Like any narcotic drug, snuff has "effects" that are strongly attracted to its use. The fact is that snuff is not very different in impression from smoking regular cigarettes. During inhalation of tobacco through the nose, nicotine enters the body faster and retains the effect of euphoria for longer. Basically, the use of snuff can "give" the following sensations:

Feeling of euphoria

· Relaxation

· Pleasant dizziness

Blurred consciousness

· Concentration

· Cheerfulness and good mood

The effect after eating snuff lasts approximately 35 minutes.

The harmful effects of snuff

At the beginning of the use of snuff, consumers do not notice a negative effect on their body. On the contrary, people see only positive aspects. This is a known effect of drugs, because it is very difficult to recognize and recognize addiction, as well as to control the dosage of drugs.

The consumer of a snuff who inhales tobacco for a long time and uncontrollably has the following unpleasant consequences:

Disruption of the heart (arrhythmia, tachycardia)

Impaired olfactory function

· Damage to the oral cavity

Oncological diseases of the throat, mouth, nasopharynx

Weakening of the gingival region and tooth loss

Early heart attack

Impaired thinking

High blood pressure

Chronic runny nose, nasal congestion

Destruction and hypersensitivity of the oral mucosa

Destruction of the skin of the lips and bleeding from the gums

From all of the above, one should take into account the seriousness of the harmful effects of tobacco products on the body.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that before using it is necessary to clearly understand the purpose of using snuff and take into account its destructive effect on the body, as well as the dubious feeling of euphoria. Ignorance and lack of control will lead to depressing results using snuff.


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