To control the temperature of a kitten is necessary for healthy growth. What to do if the kitten’s temperature is elevated?


Having got a furry pet, it's not enough just to feed and admire it. A caring owner needs to carefully monitor changes in the behavior of a kitten who cannot say that he is sick. A serious indicator of a disease or some kind of disturbance in the animal’s body is fever. Knowing what the temperature of a healthy kitten is and how to measure it, you can provide the necessary assistance in time.

What temperature is the norm for a kitten?

The responsible owner, knowing what the temperature of the kitten is normal, will be able to monitor his health and in time to seek specialized help. The indicator of the thermal state of the body of a pet changes with age and depends on the activity of a lifestyle. So in a newborn kitten, the temperature does not exceed 36.5 ° C, and at the age of more than a week - 37.8 ° C. A natural increase in body temperature to 39.5 ° C occurs in restless kittens or after active games.

A cat, like a warm-blooded animal, under normal health conditions has a stable body temperature, independent of the environment. There are factors that provoke a natural change in the temperature of the body of a kitten:

· Excessive food intake.

· Increased mobility and active games.

· Long exposure to the sun.

· Low rate of adaptation of the animal to hot weather.

· Natural increase in body temperature in the evening.

· Stressful situations.

Changes in kitten behavior that should alert

The reason for concern and thermometry are unusual behavior of a small pet and characteristic symptoms:

· The kitten is slaughtered in a secluded place where it lies motionless.

· There is a reduced desire, as well as a complete lack of appetite.

· The pet often drinks water.

· When the animal is calm, the nose and paw pads are dry and hot.

· Lachrymation appeared.

· The third eyelid is noticeable in a state of wakefulness, and not just in a sleeping kitten.

· The pet is trembling. Chills are a sign of a possible fever.

Indigestion expressed in vomiting or diarrhea.

Important! If thermometry detects an increase of one or more degrees, the pet should be immediately shown to a specialist.

Rectal Thermometry

How to independently measure the temperature of a small kitten that resists any treatment? Plugging a glass thermometer into the mouth is unsafe for health, so thermometry is often performed rectally. An animal that is nervous and breaks out of its arms is wrapped in a towel, leaving only the back of its body free. If the kitten’s head protrudes and its legs are not tightened, the future predator may bite or scratch during an unpleasant procedure. A pet that does not show anxiety is placed on its knees, as an option, put on a table or other non-slip, even surface.

Raising the tail, the device is smoothly, rotationally inserted into the anus of the animal to a depth of 1.5 cm. The thermometer is slightly tilted to provide direct contact with the wall of the rectum. The tip of the thermometer must be lubricated with oily baby cream or petroleum jelly, so as not to cause the kitten painful sensations. After completing the procedure, the device is thoroughly washed with soap and disinfected with alcohol or any cologne.

How to measure the body temperature of a kitten

The best option for the rectal method of measuring temperature is a specialized electronic thermometer. The thermometer was originally intended for children, and now it is successfully used in veterinary medicine, since it minimally injures the mucous membrane of the rectum of the animal. Temperature determination is as accurate as possible and in seconds.

A conventional electronic thermometer is also practical in application; it performs thermometry within 10 seconds. The device is less convenient, a stiffer tip when carelessly administered causes the kitten pain. Infrared ear thermometer, gives the animal less concern, but does not allow to obtain sufficiently accurate readings.

The traditional mercury thermometer does not lose popularity for conducting thermometry. During the "patient" procedure, it is necessary to hold it tight so as not to injure the animal by breaking the glass case of the thermometer. To get the correct indicators, the kitten will have to be distracted from unpleasant sensations by talking and petting for at least 5 minutes.

What should be done at a high temperature in a kitten?

Hyperthermia in a pet may be due to mild ailment or a serious illness. A body temperature of 40.5 ° C or higher leads to irreversible changes in the body, so the kitten should be immediately shown to the doctor. You should immediately deliver the animal to a veterinary clinic in order to timely pass tests and conduct the necessary diagnostics. A decrease in temperature without concomitant treatment worsens the condition of a sick pet.

Having identified the cause of hyperthermia, the veterinarian will give recommendations on how to treat and reduce the temperature of the kitten. You can’t give your pet an antipyretic drug created to treat a person, since many of them are contraindicated in animals. What needs to be done if the kitten’s temperature is elevated, and an antipyretic injection requires delivery to the clinic?

By applying ice wrapped in a cloth on the bends of the paws and in the neck, you can temporarily alleviate the condition of a fluffy pet. Instead of ice, you can use a cloth dampened with cold water. The kitten should be watered as often as possible to avoid dehydration. If the temperature does not drop below 40 degrees, the animal is allowed to give a half or a quarter tablet of dipyrone.

The task of the responsible owner is to monitor the health of the little kitten, as well as be able to correctly conduct thermometry. You should immediately visit a veterinary clinic for any deviation from the normal temperature indicator of the body of a furry pet. A timely detected pathology or developing disease will save the health and life of a beloved kitten.


Watch the video: How to Safely Bottle Feed a Kitten (July 2024).