Detox face masks: purpose, use, recipes. Which detox facial masks are most effective for mature skin


Face skin detox helps get rid of slagging, remove unnecessary toxins and excess fluid. Launched cases require attention from beauty salon specialists, for the proper appointment of a detox program. Women who want to prolong the youth of their skin must use detox face masks at home.

It is useful to arrange days of rejection of makeup and do simple skin care procedures. Cleansing and toning the skin will help make its appearance more healthy and well-groomed.

What are detox masks for?

1. Such cosmetic procedures deeply cleanse the skin. Cleansed skin must be toned with special products selected for a specific skin type.

2. Restoring skin metabolism.

3. Toxins and waste products are removed.

4. They prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.

To prolong the youth of the skin requires taking care of it from an early age. Yes, and the environmental situation at the moment contributes to the fact that people are looking for remedies against the negative impact of our lifestyle. The skin takes on the entire spectrum of impurities and prevents them from penetrating deeper. Toxins accumulate over the years and if you do not carry out cleansing measures, then serious diseases can be caused.

Alginate face masks

It is recommended to make such masks for mature skin. The components of the mask draw toxins from skin cells and deep subcutaneous layers, thereby increasing the regeneration process. Before applying the alginate mask, the face is well cleaned with salt or any other peeling. Then apply the mask for 20 minutes. Remove the dried mask carefully, starting from the chin and pull up. If desired, a light moisturizing emulsion can be applied. Use this mask no more than twice a week. After applying the complex of procedures, the skin noticeably changes.

Detox facial mask with clay

Cosmetic clay is a powerful cleanser for face and body skin. It helps exfoliate dead skin cells and promotes disinfection.

Detox with green clay.

If the problem of your skin is oily in the T-shaped zone and on the forehead, then green clay can solve it. Expanded pores become less noticeable, oily sheen leaves. Clay is famous for its lifting effect properties, tightens tired skin and smoothes fine wrinkles.

Recipe: mix a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with green clay to form a thick slurry. Apply to the skin of the face, except for the area near the lips and eyes. We leave to dry, and rinse with warm water and foam for washing. After the procedure, you may feel a slight tingling and tightness of the skin, so it is recommended to apply a good moisturizer.

Detox with white clay.

Suitable for owners of dry and very sensitive skin. Such a mask perfectly removes irritation and cures inflammatory processes.

Recipe: Dilute white clay with boiled warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Add vitamin E and aloe juice. Due to vitamin E, the mask will moisturize the skin and penetrate deep into the cells to nourish it. Rinse off the mask with warm water after half an hour.

Detox with blue clay.

Blue clay works well on tired and irritated skin. The tendency to acne and acne will gradually pass if you use this mask regularly.

Recipe: mix clay with warm water, add a few drops of rosemary oil and aloe juice. Apply the mask to the skin until completely dry. After applying the mask, it is recommended to take a prone position so that facial expressions do not cause cracking of clay. It is better to wash with warm water and a moisturizer.

Detox face mask with apples

Ripe apples are used not only to cleanse the body from the inside, but also as a skin care product. The detox mask is made from ripe apples. Grind one apple on a grater and add protein from one egg to this puree. This procedure perfectly tightens the skin and narrows the enlarged pores. Malic acid evens skin color, helps eliminate age spots.

Activated carbon for face cleansing

To try a detoxifying face mask made of activated carbon is recommended in the fall. She very thoroughly cleans skin cells. To do this, grind the coal tablets into powder. This can be done in a blender or coffee grinder. Add 1 teaspoon of natural yogurt and the same amount of lemon juice. Mix the consistency well and apply on the skin for only 10-15 minutes. For a deep effect before the procedure, steam the face over the steam of potatoes. The enlarged pores will allow activated carbon particles to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and clean out the dirt from them. To soothe the skin after the procedure, wipe your face with an ice cube with mint or aloe.

The second way to clean your face with charcoal is with a mask film. The coal tablet is ground into powder and mixed with gelatin. To stabilize, it is recommended to add a few drops of cream or milk. In a warm place, allow the gelatin to dissolve and swell. When cooling, the mixture will solidify in the form of a film. At this point, it must be applied to the face, namely to problem areas - the forehead, near the nose and chin. Remove after the mask has completely dried, starting from the chin. If it is removed poorly, oh just wash well with a cleansing foam for the face.

Banana Face Cleansing

Using a banana face detox is a very pleasant procedure. Dry skin will fill with moisture, and oily skin will recharge with energy. Suitable for people with different skin types. Mash half a large banana in mashed potatoes and add a little liquid honey. After 5 minutes add 33% cream or sour cream and apply to cleansed skin. Ascorbic acid, which is contained in this exotic fruit, eliminates wrinkles and helps prolong skin youth.

Detox oatmeal face mask

Small oatmeal or oatmeal very well affects the skin of the face, which is why young girls and older women like to use it in face and hair care programs. It is necessary to mix oatmeal, liquid warm honey and half a banana. For oily skin, it is recommended to add one yolk and a few drops of aloe juice. Hold the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with water.

Help dry skin

Kefir detox facial mask will help in gentle cleansing of dry skin. Any dairy products are suitable for this purpose. We mix kefir, honey and cottage cheese of any fat content. You get a very thick porridge, which is applied to the face for only 15 minutes. The skin will have time to receive a full cleansing care.

Detox face mask with normal skin type

Normal facial skin also requires additional care and maintenance. A simple gauze mask of green tea is recommended. Brew large leaf green tea, add lemon oil or lemon juice to it. Soak gauze in solution and apply on face. Lemon and green tea tone and energize skin cells.

Features and indications for use

Beauticians do not recommend deep cleansing of the skin with detox masks more than 1 time per week. The best time to carry out the procedure is before bedtime. Cleansed skin will be able to recover. When conducting the procedure for the first time, it is recommended to do a test on the skin of the hand, in order to identify an allergic reaction to the components.


Detoxification with the help of home remedies has practically no contraindications, but you should use these types of cleansing with caution in the following phenomena:

Dermatitis, open inflammatory processes;

· Lactation;

· Oncological diseases;

· Allergy to mask components.

Premature aging of the skin is due to the fact that the water balance in the skin cells is disturbed. Detox face masks are able to maintain this balance at the right level and provide the necessary moisture to the skin. Various detoxification programs are offered by beauty salons, but even at home you will get an excellent result without extra costs, applying masks regularly. All mask ingredients can be found at home. The use of herbal medicinal extracts, fruits, and essential oils as part of detox face masks has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin inside and out. Such skin healing helps to eliminate dark circles under the eyes and reduce fine lines, reduce inflammation and relieve dull complexion.


Watch the video: DIY Detox Face Mask! Brightening & Exfoliating Face Mask! (June 2024).