Masks for dark hair - dyed and natural. Black Hair Mask Recipes - Color Depth and Beauty


Dark hair care has its own characteristics. One of the most important requests is how to preserve and enhance their natural or artificial color, at the same time giving the hairstyle shine and silk softness? Homemade recipes for black hair masks can help.

How masks for dark hair work and what they are made of

Many masks for owners of dark hair are distinguished by the feature that in their composition there are components that have a short-term coloring effect.

· Coffee

Cocoa in the form of powder or butter

· Walnut;

· Oak bark;

· soy sauce;

· mustard oil;

· Black tea.

Some herbs have similar properties. That's why masks for brunettes with caution should be used blondes, red and light brown-haired women.

Also, not only the aforementioned, but also many other components of masks for black hair do not stain them directly, but actively influence the synthesis of eumelanin. It is called one of two pigments, on the proportions and quantity of which the color of the hair of brunettes depends.

Naturally, the other components of hair masks affect the hair, treating their damaged structure, facilitating combing, giving shine and so on.

Recipes for dark hair masks with coffee and cocoa

Coffee shop

Cream and egg - restore the structure of brittle hair. And the coffee in the composition not only enhances their natural color, but, thanks to mixing with oil, also prevents their loss.

Prepare a strong drink by brewing 2 tbsp. tablespoons of ground coffee 100 ml of water. After half an hour, add 80 ml of drinking cream, 50 ml of odorless sunflower oil and egg yolk to it. Spread the mask over your hair, soak for 30 minutes and rinse.

Beer with brown bread and cocoa

The combination of ingredients of this mask instantly tidy up lifeless greasy hair, giving them obedience in styling. And a significant basal volume, which will last several hours after using the mask.

Soak in 120 ml of dark unfiltered beer 1 slice of brown bread without crust. Melt honey in a water bath and add it to beer with bread, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa powder. Apply to the hair, paying particular attention to the roots, cover your head with polyethylene and a towel, wait 40-50 minutes and rinse.

Coffee with mayonnaise

The composition of this mask is created to shine hair with a healthy structure, which is taken care of by the beneficial elements in the burdock. And yet, due to the mayonnaise after it, it will be easy to lay even the most stiff and naughty hair and straighten curly.

Make coffee by taking 2 tbsp. Of water in 200 ml of water. tablespoons of instant coffee. Leave for the mask thick, strain the coffee, and mix it warm with 1 tbsp. spoon of mayonnaise, egg yolk and 2 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil. Spread over hair and rinse off after 30 minutes.

From cocoa and henna

The main difference of this mask is the pronounced coloring effect of henna, as well as the laminating effect provided by cocoa. Cognac - a vitamin cocktail for hair, in addition, enhancing the circulation of blood of the scalp. Well, the yolk - nourishes and softens.

Prepare the henna by diluting it according to the instructions on the package. Add cocoa powder, egg yolk and 1 tbsp. To henna. a spoonful of brandy. Soak the mask with henna on the hair according to the instructions on it, then wash your hair.

Banana with chocolate

Chocolate on the tongue - improves mood, and when applied to the hair - saturates them with vitality. Banana with honey give them a silky softness, splendor, shine and smooth, giving a resemblance to the look that would be after a salon lamination procedure.

Put the chocolate bar to melt in a water bath, add 25 g of honey to it. Mash the ripe (with spotted skin) banana in the puree. Mix it with chocolate when it melts to a completely liquid state. Apply a mask over the entire length of the hair. Warm your head with polyethylene and a terry towel and wait 60 minutes. Then rinse off.

Collagen with chocolate

The secret of this original mask for splendor and radiance is collagen. It perfectly protects hair from the aggressive effects of the summer sun, winter frost and urban polluted air. Chocolate takes care of color depth. A set of oils strengthens the basal area of ​​the hair, giving them volume and, moreover, fighting dandruff.

Melt a bar of milk chocolate and pour into a bowl with collagen powder, stirring instantly so that there are no lumps left. Add also quickly to the warm, not yet solidified chocolate mass 20 ml of burdock oil and 12 drops of essential oils of chestnut and lemongrass. Apply the mask to the hair without leaving dry locks, cover them with polyethylene, insulate with a towel and leave for 45-60 minutes, then wash your hair.

Other homemade dark hair mask recipes

Vitamin with Oils

A mask of oils and vitamins perfectly moisturizes and restores dry hair, especially damaged, for example, by coloring. And cocoa butter enhances their color.

Pour 50 ml of cocoa butter and burdock oil into a bowl in a water bath, add 3 drops of the essential oil of sweet orange, and 5 drops of vitamins A and E. After mixing everything, apply the oil mixture to the hair, cover it with plastic wrap and wrap it in a towel . Rinse off after 20 minutes.

Tea Room with Cream

Not only tinting hair, tea also gives it elasticity and treats diseases of the scalp. The remaining ingredients mainly moisturize and soften, without affecting the degree of toning of the hair with tea leaves.

Brew black tea at the rate of 100-120 ml of water per 1 tbsp. teaspoon of tea leaves. Soak the infusion for 20 minutes and combine it with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil (you can smell) egg yolk and 2 teaspoons of heavy cream. Rub most of the mixture into the hair roots, apply the rest along the entire length, wrap the head with polyethylene and wait 30 minutes. Wash your hair.

Herbal with brown bread

The unique benefits of rye bread for the beauty and health of hair have been known since times about which written sources were generally found. And a bouquet of herbs is perfectly suited for dark hair — it enhances color, contributes to the development of coloring pigments for a long time, and protects against dullness due to the use of styling products and harmful radiation from the sun. All components together enhance hair growth.

Prepare the infusion from a mixture of dry herbs taken in 1 teaspoon - nettle, oregano, celandine flowers, sage and plantain. Strain the broth and soak the crumb of brown bread in it, in proportions sufficient for a thick slurry. Apply the product to the hair, from roots to ends, cover your head with polyethylene and insulate with a towel. Rinse off after 1-2 hours.

Nettle with mustard oil

Owners of dark hair can solve the problem of dandruff while strengthening and deepening the color of the hair - this is how mustard oil and nettle manifest themselves. Egg and sour cream nourish and soften the scalp. When rubbing a mask into the basal area of ​​the hair, the fiber acts as a massage tool, and also supplies useful trace elements.

Infusion of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry nettle leaf or 6 tbsp. tablespoons of juice from young (salad) nettle mix with egg yolk, 2 teaspoons mustard oil, 3 tbsp. tablespoons sour cream fatter and 2 teaspoons of oatmeal. Apply the mask, mainly on the roots, but slightly along the entire length. Wash your hair after 30 minutes.


Cherry shows the depth of color in this mask, it also nourishes the hair with vitamins, starch - deeply cleanses, lemon - gives shine.

Take 350 g of cherry berries, fresh or thawed frozen, remove the seeds from it and chop in a puree using a blender. Add 1 tbsp. teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of starch. Spread the mixture over your hair and cover your head with polyethylene. Wash off after 30 minutes.

How to use masks for black hair

It is impossible to know in advance how a mask with a coloring effect on dark hair will affect. To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is better to first try it on one strand - if the result is to your liking - the mask is given a green color.

The effect of this kind of masks can be strengthened and fixed if the hair washed after it is rinsed with an infusion of a plant that affects the pigmentation of hair - sage, nettle, oak bark, black tea, walnuts.

If the mask was precisely with coloring ingredients, then you need to dry your hair in a natural way, and not a hairdryer.

Apply masks to dirty (not literally, of course), slightly wet strands.

Masks for brunettes are kept on the head for about an hour, so that the coloring components have time to act, but for formulations with aggressive ingredients (onions, cognac, peppers, mustard and the like), less time is measured - 15-20 minutes and generally strictly until the moment on the head discomfort will be felt.


Watch the video: DIY Hair Mask for Dry, Damaged, Colored Hair (July 2024).