What is popular apple tree "Jonathan": description, characteristics, photos. Features of growing Jonathan apple trees, correct pruning


The Jonathan apple tree is popular all over the world; the variety is cultivated not only on private farms, but also on an industrial scale. Breeders use it to breed new varieties with good performance. It’s easy to grow an apple tree, it’s enough to remember its features.

Description of the Jonathan apple tree and the history of cultivation

The variety that is now popular was bred by American breeders in 1886 from Aesop Spitsenburg seedlings, which is almost impossible to meet today. The new variety was popularly called winter red apples; it was spread in areas with a temperate and warm climate, where mild winters and long autumn. In the northern part of Russia it is difficult to grow it, as the tree does not tolerate frosts. The variety is heat-loving.

The tree itself is low, but with a spreading crown. Skeletal branches are not too thick, under the weight of the fruits they become drooping. Secondary shoot formation depends on the number of young kidneys. Annual shoots are thin, greenish-brown, pubescent. The leaf cover is not too thick. The leaves are wavy, elongated, their surface is matte.

The variety is partially self-fertile with a late flowering period. There are many flowers, the fruits are tied well. However, to increase yield in the garden, it is better to have several varieties of pollinators. Good pollinators for the Jonathan apple tree are the varieties:




· Uman winter.

This planting technology allows you to get stable crops every year. The yield of apple trees increases with the age of the plant. One tree at the age of 6 yields no more than 18 kg of fruit, but by the 10th year of growing the number of fruits rises to 45 kg from the tree. And this is not the limit. With good care, the apple tree gives from 50 to 80 kg of fruit. The first fruits appear in the fifth year of cultivation.

Characteristics of the fruits of the apple tree "Jonathan" and photo varieties

Apples are round, large, the mass of one reaches 150 g. Their skin is thin, smooth, shiny. The ripe fruit takes on a red tint.

The flesh is fine-grained, of a pleasant greenish color, and may acquire a creamy tint during storage. The taste is sweet and sour, juicy, dense and very fragrant.

Fruits of universal purpose, suitable for winter storage, processing and various preparations, the preparation of juice, wine. Harvesting is carried out in late autumn, ripe apples do not crumble from the tree, are well stored until the end of winter in a cool room, and can easily be transported.

Healthy fruits are laid for storage, without spots and mechanical damage. The room temperature is maintained at 2-3 ° C, if the temperature rises, the shelf life is significantly reduced. Spoiled apples acquire bitterness during storage.

Variety features: advantages and disadvantages of Jonathan apples

The apple tree of this variety is characterized by a mixed type of fruiting. Fruits are tied at annual growths, gloves, spears. In addition, the tree has good immunity and resistance to various diseases. But it does not tolerate frosts, even a temperature of 15 ° C can become critical. Experienced gardeners recommend growing apple trees only in the southern regions of Russia.

Maturing dates depend on the region of cultivation, as a rule, this is the end of September or the beginning of October.

Among the advantages of the variety:

Early maturity;

· Large fruit size;

· Scab resistance;

· Long shelf life of the crop;

· Good taste characteristics;

· High crop mobility.

There are not many shortcomings, but they are present. The variety poorly resists powdery mildew; during storage, the crop may be affected by spotting. When grown on infertile soils and lack of moisture, productivity suffers. Apples are fading, their taste is deteriorating.

Growing apple trees "Jonathan"

For planting a tree, a well-lit place with loamy or sandy loam soil is chosen. Mineral fertilizers and humus are added in advance. Further, the tree is fertilized a year or two after planting.

The landing date is at the end of April, when the weather is warm. Seedlings are best purchased in the nursery. Pay attention to the condition of the tree. The optimal seedling length is not more than 80 cm. Before planting, it is cut, long and dry roots are removed. Apple trees are planted at a distance of at least 3 m. If the weather is hot, young trees should be pritenit.

Landing pit prepared in advance. Its depth should be at least 70 cm and a width of up to 1 m. A third of the holes are covered with fertile soil, which is mixed with fertilizers. Then proceed to planting a seedling. It is installed in a hole, straightened roots and sprinkled with earth. Remember to compact the soil and water it so that there are no voids. After that, the trunk circle is mulched with improvised material.

What care is needed for the Jonathan apple tree

There is no special care for the apple tree. The tree needs systematic watering, top dressing and pruning. In order to prevent it, it will be useful to carry out treatment for diseases.

Watering is moderate, if the summer is rainy, then there will be enough natural moisture. In the dry period, they are watered more often, especially young plants.

Feeding is done throughout the entire growing season with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, humus is added in the fall, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the tree.

Cutting of seedlings is carried out regularly from the second year of cultivation. At the beginning of growth, formative pruning and sanitary cleaning are done in spring and autumn. Anti-aging pruning is performed only on adult plants. The crown of the tree can be formed based on personal preferences. It can be tiered, cup-shaped or spindle-shaped.

Do not forget about disease prevention. To do this, remove fallen leaves in a timely manner, treat the crown with iron preparations in spring and autumn. If it was not possible to avoid infection, then use Topaz or Skor preparations.

How to prepare the Jonathan apple tree for wintering

The variety is not hardy, therefore, in some regions, additional shelter is indispensable. If the temperature is expected to drop to -20 ° C, then the root zone and skeletal branches need to be insulated.

You can tie a young tree with fir branches or other material that will allow the bark to breathe.

Popular Jonathan apple clones

Due to its characteristics, the Jonathan apple tree is often used in breeding work. As a result, new varieties are obtained, some of them are distinguished by good winter hardiness, earlier they begin to bear fruit. Here are the most popular:

· Jonagold;

· McFree;

· Prime;

· Excel;

· Morence.

There are at least 40 varieties of this apple tree. Each variety took only the best characteristics from the mother plant.


Watch the video: Top 5 Most Delicious Apple Trees. (June 2024).