Is it possible to feed a puppy with dry food: we take into account age, weight and activity. How much dry food per day does a puppy need?


Dog owners often have questions about nutrition. How to feed a pet so that it grows healthy and strong? Can a puppy give dry food along with homemade food?

The benefits of dry food

For the proper development of the pet, it is necessary to adhere to the correct ratio of vitamins, minerals and fats. Breeders appreciated the benefits of dry food, as it is much more economical than canned food and jelly.

Thanks to this nutrition, the puppy is less sick and leads an active lifestyle. Dry food has a positive effect on the dog’s gums and teeth.

It prevents the development of inflammatory processes and eliminates plaque.

Can a puppy give dry food up to 3 months? At this time, the pet eats mother's milk. It is necessary to introduce dry food gradually so that his body can get used to changing the diet.

Granules must be crushed and mixed with water, as the baby's teeth are just starting to form. Owners of animals note an improvement in puppies' well-being after switching to dry food.

Shiny coat and well-being indicate that the dog receives all the necessary substances. Experts do not recommend mixing dry food with porridge, meat or cottage cheese. Home-made food and dry food should not be put in the same bowl, as the puppy may experience digestive upset.

However, many owners cannot give up the temptation to treat their pet.

A treat can only be given as a reward after a basic feeding. For example, it can be a piece of cheese or a cracker.

The mistake of inexperienced breeders is an attempt to diversify the pet’s diet with homemade food. This leads to a deterioration in the well-being of the puppy. He begins to lag behind in development.

Is it possible to give a puppy dry food? Features of the choice of ready-made meals

The feed produced by the manufacturer can be divided into 4 types:

1. The cheapest food is packaged in packages marked with the sign "economy class". In the manufacture of such granules, low quality components are most often used.

2. Middle-class products are used to feed adults. It is of higher quality. However, this food is not suitable for puppies. After consuming the granules, a digestive upset occurs in young individuals.

3. To feed puppies, experts advise buying premium food.

4. Pet owners can use products that are labeled "super-premium." This food is recommended for individuals suffering from allergies.

Trying to save on food can lead to serious consequences. In the process of obtaining food, some manufacturers violate the drying regimes of meat ingredients.

This leads to a decrease in the amount of vitamins and minerals. Cheap food can cause an allergic reaction. The pet has constipation, slows down growth and development.

Is it possible to feed a puppy with dry food and homemade food at the same time?

Most dog owners prefer dry food. At the same time, they regularly feed the animal with natural food. Can a puppy give dry food along with homemade food? People believe that a cutlet or a slice of cheese will not do any harm to the puppy's body.

However, experts consider this opinion erroneous. Do not mix natural and dry food in one plate. Nutrition should be separate, as the puppy's digestive system is just beginning to form.

The rate of digestion of dry food and homemade food is significantly different. Typically, a cutlet passes through the entire digestive tract within 40 minutes. Dry food appears in the intestines of the dog only after 2 hours.

How much dry food should a dog be given daily?

Puppies eat much more often than adults. It is best to introduce dry food into the pet's diet in small portions, starting with a teaspoon per day. In the absence of allergies, the dose can be gradually increased. Consider the puppy's age, weight and individual characteristics.

How much dry food should a puppy give? A growing body needs a constant supply of vitamins and minerals.

The packaging indicates the amount of dry food to be given to the dog.

Puppies at the age of 2 months need to be fed 5-6 times a day. After a month, you can reduce the number of feedings up to 4 times.

At the age of 6 months, the puppy must be given food 3 times a day. If the pet weighs less than 2 kg, then the amount of food should not exceed 60 g per day.

How much dry food does a puppy give that weighs 5 kg? The daily norm for such a dog is 90 g. If the pet's weight has reached 10 kg, then 160 grams should be given.

How much dry food should a puppy be given based on its behavior? Pay attention to the motor activity of the animal. Puppies that spend most of their time at home are prone to overweight. The amount of feed in this case must be reduced by 20-30% of the norm.

Why not buy cheap puppy food?

Do not try to save on puppy nutrition. Medium quality feeds can only be digested by adult dogs. To avoid indigestion, choose at least premium products.

Thanks to the dry food, the dog is less sick and has a shiny coat. When buying ready-made food, consider the age of the puppy, physical activity, breed. Some animals have an allergic reaction after eating granules.

Can I feed a puppy with dry food for obesity?

There are breeds of animals prone to overweight. For such dogs medical feeds are provided. They need to be bought only after consultation with the veterinarian.

Products marked "normal" are intended for puppies leading a calm lifestyle. Puppies that are characterized by increased activity should be given products with the brand "active".

Dry food can not be selected only on the basis of flavor or appearance. These characteristics can be deceiving.

Breeders need to carefully study the list of ingredients from which finished products are made.


Watch the video: Dog Food - How To Care For Your Dog Feed - Bhola Shola (July 2024).