Canned fish cutlets: a whipping dish that surprises with an exquisite taste. Author's step-by-step photo-recipe for canned fish cutlets


For those who need to cook something in a hurry, and from the products in the house there are no truffles, no granular caviar, or marbled beef. We offer a recipe for fast budget cutlets of canned fish.

I fished it out of my mom’s recipe book, apparently stayed there from the very time when I managed to make a decent dish out of nothing. These cutlets are good with any side dish: porridge or vegetables. Even without a side dish, with the simplest sauce, they taste good. So, a dish with a touch of nostalgia - canned fish cutlets.


Canned fish - 1 can;

Potato - 1 tuber;

Onions - 1 piece;

Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;

Semolina - 6 tbsp. l .;

Salt, pepper - to taste;

Vegetable oil for frying.


First of all, we’ll deal with the vegetable component of cutlets. We clean onions and chop the onions. My potatoes, peel and three on a fine grater. In principle, for this recipe you can take other vegetables, for example, zucchini or a slice of pumpkin - vegetables that will not stand out with their taste in minced meat - also work. If you have a couple of boiled potatoes left for dinner, you can safely replace them with raw potatoes, but in this case you will need to take less semolina.

Putting all the ingredients together. We break the eggs, pour the semolina, pour the liquid from the canned food, but do not pour it out, and knead the fish itself with a fork. Add prepared vegetables. Salt and pepper.

Mix all the ingredients. We give the meat for the cutlets to stand for 15-20 minutes so that the semolina swells. In principle, the eggs and potato juice should be enough, but if you think that the minced meat is a little dry, add a couple of tablespoons of liquid from under the fish.

We fry fish cakes, like any others: until golden brown. Any vegetable oil you choose is suitable for frying. Since all the ingredients are cooked very quickly, and the main component - canned fish in oil - is completely ready for use right away, 2-3 minutes and on each side will be enough for the cutlets to be fried. Put the finished crispy cutlets first on a paper towel - so excess fat will go away.

That's all! We put a plate with cutlets on the table, cut the vegetables into a salad, put the side dish on the plates and call the family to eat. Mayonnaise, tartar sauce, ketchup or adjika are welcome! Canned fish cutlets are ready. Bon appetit to everyone!

Cooking time -30 minutes

Servings - 4

Per 100 g

Kcal - 186.33

Squirrels - 10.65

Fats - 7.72

Carbohydrates - 17.83
