The best historical series: how to spend time to good use? Especially for you - TOP 8 historical series


By popularity, historical series are leading among others. Millions of people are interested in history and want to learn interesting facts from the past. The history of our planet is rich in various events and directors often turn their attention to them.

Especially for "Women's Opinion" was compiled TOP-9 of the best series with a historical canvas.

"War and Peace"

One of Lev Tolstoy’s most popular novels was filmed by the British channel BBC One. This picture is not the first adaptation of this work, but one of the best. Connoisseurs of Russian classics will appreciate the stunning shooting in St. Petersburg. Six episodes of the best historical series will present an opportunity to go back to the beginning of the 19th century. Those who did not read the book, after watching it, would definitely want to read it cover to cover, the series was really interesting and exciting. I am glad that this work does not cease to be relevant, both in Russia and abroad. Well, the viewer can judge whether the British could convey the essence of the Russian spirit.


The entertainment of this series deserves special praise. Stunning views of ancient Rome and large-scale battles will captivate the audience from the first minutes. Watching the film gives the feeling that the actors do not play, but live their roles. The painting is of historical value. The main events are shown very accurately: the victory over the Gauls, the death of Caesar, the defeat of Pompey the Great. The characters of the prominent figures of his time are well conveyed - Julius Caesar, Octavian, Pompey, Cicero, and Marc Anthony. Surprisingly deeply shown, tormented by the Roman Empire, the problem - the eternal struggle with their own vanity along with the struggle for power. The delicate political game in Roman society and the causes of conflicts among the rulers are brightly sanctified. A series for ardent fans of historical cinema.

The Last Kingdom

The best historical series about the struggle of King Alfred the Great for the liberation of British lands. The scene is medieval England. The viewer will find out whether his ambitious dreams are destined to come true in uniting all the small fragmented kingdoms into one called England. The country is subjected to countless attacks by the Danish Vikings, robbing and destroying everything in its path. Those who love intrigues, investigations, revenge and that era will be pleased with the fascinating plot, the professional play of the actors, colorful decorations and costumes.


Perhaps the best of a few high-quality Russian TV shows. It is based on real events. The action takes place in post-war Odessa in the middle of the twentieth century. The film received a high audience rating for classic humor, the unique Odessa mother and a well-thought out plot. It was so long ago that it is not known where fiction is and where the truth is in this story. And only chestnuts on the French Boulevard, the Black Sea and the city of Odessa remember this. A series from the category of those that can be repeatedly reviewed.

"John Adams"

Thirteen Emmy Awards and four Golden Globes speak for themselves. Add to this that this is an adaptation of the novel by David McCullough, who received the Pulitzer Prize for him, and everything will become clear. This mini-series will appeal to even those who do not like history. The film is about the life of the second US President Adams and how he ruled a young independent state. In addition to historical factors, the film tells about the relationship between the head of state and his wife for 54 years. Their story is considered one of the most striking romance novels in America.

The Birth of the Mafia: New York

Place and time of action - New York at the beginning of the last century. At that time, the city was a refuge for refugees from all over the world and a hotbed of the mafia. All criminals and drug dealers came here in search of a better life. The supremacy over the underworld in those days was held by the Sicilian mafia. Under her control were all entrepreneurs, police officers and even some members of the government. The main character is Salvator Lucania, known by the nickname Lucky. His criminal activities and schemes for the sale of alcohol during the Prohibition period went down in history. The plot development vector is swift and it will not be boring to watch a series about the heyday of the Mafia in America.

"Catherine. Takeoff"

In search of completely reliable historical accuracy, you should pay attention to this best historical series. A wonderful, large-scale multi-part film about the biography of Catherine the Great is a victory for Russian cinema. The fate of the odious queen worried more than one generation of directors. This time the picture surpassed itself. Each viewer will look forward to the evening to watch the next series about one of the most significant figures of their country.


Character development, an original plot and a well-developed script made it possible to include the Vikings in the list of the best historical series. The viewer will be at the center of events among the ancient Scandinavians. A brutal world awaits him, various political passions and confrontation between pagans and Christians. The rapid development of history makes viewing even more fun. The film is about the main Vikings leader Ragnar, who seeks power. Prince of Novgorod Vladimir begins his campaign in Kiev. To take the rightful throne, he will have to go through a difficult path. The Vikings come to his aid. This film is about medieval values, motives of actions and faith that determines the ideological essence of the inhabitants of Ancient Russia. The excellent work of the film crew draws viewers literally from the first frames.

Historical series have long been one of the most popular genres in the movie. Refined costumes and scenery, balls, large-scale battles, secret communications, serious passions and intrigues have always attracted the attention of mankind. This is a great opportunity to enjoy the beautiful historic interiors, imagine yourself in the place of the heroes during the scenes of bloody battles and once again be glad that you live in our time.


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