How to detect the symptoms of a subcutaneous tick in a dog in time. What is demodecosis: signs, causes, methods of treatment


Dogs are best friends, protectors, faithful helpers and even colleagues in some areas of human life. Animals need love, attention, balanced nutrition, active leisure and relaxation.

Dogs need timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases in order to avoid serious consequences. One of them - demodicosis. The ailment causes discomfort to the pet and owners, so it is necessary to identify the symptoms in time and start the fight.

What is it, how does infection happen

Demodecosis is a serious disease in which the dog’s subcutaneous tick is activated and begins to feed on the blood and epithelial cells of the animal. Parasites linger on the hair follicles, in the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Every dog ​​has a tick, but it is activated only in certain cases.


• hypothermia, colds;

• period of estrus, pregnancy, childbirth;

• poor-quality nutrition;

• pet age up to 2 years;

• long-term effects on the dog’s immunity with antibiotics;

• injuries, surgical interventions.

Symptoms of a subcutaneous tick in dogs

Signs of the disease directly depend on the type of parasites. Attentive hosts can quickly detect demodicosis. But in order to surely eliminate the symptoms and the very cause of the disease, you should consult a specialist to find out the type of parasite and the degree of damage.

Signs of infection

1. With any type of subcutaneous tick in dogs, hair falls out on affected areas. The skin on these parts of the body becomes rough, red. Sometimes the epicenter may become wrinkled and crack.

2. On the affected areas pustules form. This occurs with pustular demodicosis. The color of sores and pustules can be yellow, black, red, brown. When running forms, an unpleasant odor appears.

3. Severe itching. The dog in the early stages can show the reason for his poor health. The animal tears the skin to blood. But itching does not always indicate the propagation of parasites.

4. The pet is trembling. This is due to the fact that immunity drops sharply in the body, the process of thermoregulation is disrupted. As a result, the dog shakes with chills.

5. Irritability, apathy, reluctance to play with the owner, decreased appetite are also symptoms of a subcutaneous tick in dogs. Possible manifestations of aggression, anxiety.

Important! If you skip treatment at the initial stage, then a bacterial and fungal infection can join the subcutaneous tick. They can cause serious complications that can lead to anemia, exhaustion, blood poisoning, and death. The treatment of subcutaneous tick in dogs should be taken seriously, take measures immediately after the detection of parasites.

Types of Subcutaneous Ticks in Dogs

An intradermal tick (demodex) is considered a conditionally pathogenic organism. Dogs have a genetic affinity for the disease. And the parasite for the time being lives in its master without manifestations. But you just have to catch a little cold, endure the dog a lot of stress, an emotional outburst, as a tick makes itself felt.

The development of demodicosis begins with a decrease in immune defense. When inside a dog, microscopic parasites begin to secrete harmful toxins. They cause irritation in the pet, redness of the skin, peeling, itching, burning. The tick dies after the release of toxins. This process contributes to baldness in the "owner".

According to the degree of localization, 2 types of demodicosis are distinguished.

1. Localized. Occurs in young dogs up to 2 years old. This is 90% of all cases. Only one place is affected. The plot has clearly defined boundaries. The skin quickly balds, reddens, itches. But secondary signs of the disease are not observed. As a rule, with timely treatment, after 2 weeks, demodecosis recedes.

2. Generalized. This type is more prone to older dogs. Demodecosis appears in several areas at once. Most often - the paws of the dog.

Localized demodicosis is scaly and pustular. The symptoms of subcutaneous tick in dogs can determine the type of disease. With pustular, pustules form, with scaly, severe itching, peeling, and redness appear.

In addition to demodicosis, a scabies mite can affect a dog. It penetrates from the outside world into the cells of the epidermis of its future "master". The parasite usually takes root in the outer parts of the auricles, in the tail, on the croup. Symptoms are very similar to demodicosis. The dog is very itchy, injuring himself to injury. Lack of treatment leads to scars and complications.

Methods for treating subcutaneous tick in dogs

It’s not easy to get rid of a disease. The stronger it appears, the longer the treatment of the dog for subcutaneous ticks will last. With a generalized type, the process takes about 2 years. But the owners should know that with a new weakening of the immune system, the parasite can return again.

Preparations for effective control:

• Amitan;

• Immunoparasitan;

• Amitraz;

• Dectomax;

• Ivermek;

• Sulfur-zinc ointment;

• Stomozan;

• Mitaban;

• Acarabor;

• Sulfoden shampoo;

• Cloditan;

• Lawyer;

• Stronghold;

• Cyclone;

• Fukortsin;

• Pikhtoin, etc.

The veterinarian will prescribe a comprehensive treatment, which will include shampoos, ointments, creams, tablets. In some cases, antibiotics, prebiotics and probiotics for the stomach are prescribed.

Dog Health Prevention

Dog owners should understand that the best remedy for parasites is strong immunity. They should be engaged from the first months of the puppy's life. Strengthening immunity includes a balanced diet, vaccinations on schedule, preventive treatment for all types of parasites, active walks, minimizing stress and excitement.

Also, to improve health, it is necessary to take Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. There are high-quality immunomodulators. For example, Maksidin or Fosprenil.

For many, a dog is a full member of the family. The animal should be protected, visit the veterinarian on time, observe the diet, leisure and rest. If signs of a subcutaneous tick are detected, it is necessary to immediately begin the fight against the parasite.


Watch the video: Antiparasitics Against External Parasites - Plain and Simple Part 2 (July 2024).