Shawarma with chicken - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook shawarma with chicken.


Shawarma, so beloved by many, came to us from Armenia, and there it was borrowed from Turkish cuisine. The dish is simple, but always eaten with pleasure.

The essence of it is simple: roasted meat and various vegetables are laid in pita bread. All this is poured with sauce and - done! Shawarma will always help out in the midst of a busy day, she also saves when you get home late at night and you need something to eat quickly.

Of course, you can buy it literally at every step, in kiosks and tents. But the most delicious will be the shawarma that you make yourself.

Shawarma with chicken - food preparation

The taste of shawarma, no doubt, depends on the set of products from which the filling is made for pita. But do not discount the pita itself. You can buy it in the store, but there is another option - bake it yourself. Like all homemade, this pita will seem more delicious.

For its preparation will need: warm water (1 cup), dry yeast (1 teaspoon), flour (0.5 kg).

Yeast should be diluted in 1/4 of the volume of water, leave for a quarter of an hour.

Add flour, remaining water, lightly salt it, knead. The dough should be steep.

Divide it into balls, they will turn out to 8 pieces.

Each roll carefully - it should be a very thin plate.

Baking pita bread is made in a frying pan, dry, without adding any fat. In this case, you need to turn it very quickly. As soon as bubbles appear that are characteristic of pita bread, a coup is immediately accomplished. It takes no more than 40 seconds to bake one piece.

Shawarma with chicken. Best recipes

Recipe 1: Shawarma with chicken and carrots in Korean

The delicious shawarma cooked according to this recipe will turn out juicy, and the carrot will do its bit - a touch of sharp taste.

Ingredients Required:

- fresh cabbage (300 g),

- tomatoes (2 pcs.), the same number - fresh cucumbers,

- chicken fillet (0, 5 kg),

- vegetable oil (for roasting chicken),

- mayonnaise, ketchup,

- Korean carrot (100 g),

- to taste - salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

It is better to start the process with chicken fillet, since it will need to be cooled before laying it in pita bread.

Cut it into pieces, fry, add pepper and salt.

Cabbage will have to try to chop as thin as possible, put in a deep bowl, carefully mash your hands.

Cut cucumbers and tomatoes into thin slices.

Lay out the pita bread and lay out all the products, starting with cabbage. Pour on ketchup, add some mayonnaise.

Wrap so that the filling is firmly held inside.

Recipe 2: Shawarma with chicken, french fries and original sauce

This dish is not intended even for short-term storage, as the potato will lose its savory crisp. Salted cucumber, added to the sauce for pouring, gives a new sensation to the palette of taste.

Ingredients Required:

- chicken breast (500 g),

- onions (1 pc.),

- fresh cabbage (200 g),

- fresh tomato (1 pc.),

- French fries (100 g),

- vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, pepper.

For the sauce:

- yogurt, sour cream, mayonnaise (in equal shares),

- pickle,

- ground black pepper,

- garlic,

- dill

- Curry.

Cooking method:

Make a sauce.

To do this, chop the garlic, salted cucumber.

All ingredients combine, mix. The sauce is ready.

Onions cut into thin rings, lightly sprinkle with sugar, sprinkle with vinegar, pour boiling water. The cooled water should be drained.

Chop chicken breast, fry.

Thinly chop the tomato.

Cabbage with a knife should be turned into the thinnest straw. The thinner the cabbage is chopped, the tastier and more tender the shawarma will turn out.

Sprinkle pita with water and heat it in the microwave.

Put cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, onions on the decomposed pita bread, without forgetting about the cooled chicken breast.

All this delicious stuffing pour sauce.

Lavash roll tight.

It is necessary to enjoy the taste of this shawarma right away, otherwise the french fries will lose their basic quality - it will soften and will not crackle deliciously.

Reheat the dish is not necessary.

Recipe 3: Shawarma with chicken and vegetables in Korean

Spicy carrots and cabbage make such shawarma more piquant, less cloying. The number of these vegetables can be varied, relying on their own taste sensations.

Ingredients Required:

- Tomato (1 pc.),

- cabbage and carrots in Korean (80 g each),

- chicken fillet (300 g),

- fresh cucumber (1 pc.),

- mayonnaise, vegetable oil, ketchup.

Cooking method:

Chop fillets into small pieces, fry.

Cucumber and tomato cut into thin strips.

On the pita bread spread out all the vegetables in turn, fried and cooled filet.

Add them with ketchup, mayonnaise.

Pita roll more tightly so as not to open.

Before use, it is better to warm up.

Recipe 4: Shawarma homemade with chicken

Cheese, added to the filling of this shawarma, gives it a special taste.

The recipe is designed for a considerable amount of shawarma - at least eight. So your friends will be able not only to enjoy its taste, but also quite densely sated.

Ingredients Required:

- fresh cabbage (0.8 kg),

- chicken fillet (3 pcs.)

- cherry tomatoes (7 pieces),

- carrot (1 pc.),

- salted cucumber (2 pcs.)

- soft cheese (150 g),

- garlic (3 cloves),

- fresh cucumber (2 pieces),

- 100 g sour cream, mayonnaise and ketchup,

- paprika (1 tsp.),

- vegetable oil,

- seasoning for chicken, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

Cut the fillet into small pieces, add salt, seasoning for chicken.

Fry in vegetable oil until cooked, cool.

Chop cabbage into thin strips, salt and mash.

Chop cheese with a grater.

Cucumbers, tomatoes cut into thin plates.

Grate carrots finely.

Prepare the sauce.

Mix mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup.

Add to them chopped garlic, paprika, chopped dill. Mix.

The final stage is to fold the shawarma.

Layers lay out on pita meat, vegetables, cheese.

Dress up with sauce.

The pita bread must be folded more tightly so that the filling does not fall out.

Chicken Shawarma - tips from experienced chefs

Such a dish as shawarma, called dietary impossible. Use it often is not worth it.

To reduce its caloric content, you should choose the right foods.

Different parts of the chicken carcass have different calories. Given this, you can choose for the filling of pita bread the most acceptable.

Consider the calorie content of 100 grams of chicken meat:

- breasts - 112 kcal;

- hips - 180 kcal;

- chicken meat - 140 kcal.


Watch the video: Homemade chicken shawarma full recipe easy to make (June 2024).