Why is my stomach dreaming? The main interpretations of different dream books - what is the dream of the stomach


In a dream, you can appear in any form and in any mood. It is important that the dream does not dictate your reality.

Why is my stomach dreaming? How to interpret such a dream?

What the belly dreams about - the main interpretation

The abdomen is a symbol of the most important internal organs. If you dream your belly is beautiful and smooth, everything will be calm and measured in your life. But, if you see your belly in a dream big and painful - this is the time to think.

For a complete interpretation of sleep, it is better to take into account all its details:

• Whose stomach you dreamed about;

• What happened to the stomach in a dream;

• Did he get sick?

• Did surgery on the stomach or not;

• What feelings and experiences accompanied your sleep.

If you dream of a huge, red belly, but it is not yours, but of a person unknown to you - in reality you will observe the strange behavior of a stranger to you. It will seem to you that his oddities are unfounded. But, in fact, it's time for you to take care of your image. You can look at other people as if to yourself, you can look in them for some similarities with yourself and your needs in life. But it's not right. Try to have an opinion about everything that happens in your life.

If you dream that your stomach twisted and you are immobilized from severe pain - some unforeseen situations will not allow you to actively engage in advancement in life. You will be increasingly lost and lost. You will constantly find reasons to evade responsibility. But your friends and relatives will begin to add oil to the fire. They will begin to make exorbitant claims to you, which you will be very difficult to handle. Try to forgive them and not focus on their subjectivity.

In fact - they want to help you make an important decision. Do not put off this opportunity for later. Listen to criticism and find positive in it. Find in it those tips that will help you move forward in life.

If you have a dream in which you have to have an operation on your stomach, but you are very afraid - you will be awake in reality that some truth will be revealed and you will have to answer for it. Try not to panic. If you really have something to hide, now is the time to think about how to present this news correctly.

If you have to have an operation on your stomach in a dream, and you are not afraid of it, on the contrary - you are trying to speed up the process - you are ready for global changes and do not think that this is something terrible. Indeed, in fact - you are almost ready for new grandiose achievements.

The dream in which you are being operated on promises you changes in your life position and life values. You can reconsider your priorities and build your life differently. What will it depend on? You will more and more indulge in dreams, and you will need to look at things pragmatically and carefully, call them by their proper names.

Such a dream may portend a change in work for which you will not be ready. Try not to force things and devote more time to your direct duties. Otherwise, someone else decides to take them upon themselves.

If you see a dream in which someone slaps you in the stomach - do not be reassured. This does not mean that you will make a pleasant friend, or a new useful acquaintance. Most likely, you will be immersed in your own thoughts and conjectures. They may tell you how to act in a particular situation, but the decision to make is still yours.

If you dream that someone is vomiting badly, and you cannot understand the reason for this. But then it becomes known that the reason for everything is abdominal pain - try not to panic. Perhaps you will find yourself in a difficult, conflict situation, from which it will be almost impossible to get out. Then try to weigh the pros and cons and not fall into the dirt face. Just be prepared for the fact that your conflict will drag on for a long time and you will be filled with negative emotions because of this problem.

To anticipate in advance all the adverse moments of this situation - try to think through all your actions to the smallest detail. Be vigilant and do not let anyone manipulate you. If this does not work out for you, put up with temporary difficulties.

If you dream that your stomach has become toned, beautiful and even young - get ready for very pleasant changes in your life. Perhaps you will receive advantageous offers, they may relate to both work and personal life.

If in a dream you see someone constantly trying to set you up, trying to push you in the stomach - you should expect a trick from the closest person. Perhaps you didn’t share something, and now is the time to figure out whether you both need to work together, or whether you will each go about their own business without interfering with the other.

If you have a tattoo on your stomach, be prepared for momentous events in life. Perhaps you will meet a very necessary and useful person. Also, such a dream may indicate that soon you will meet true love, which has not been in your life for a long time.

Also, such a dream can portend you important acquaintances, which will grow into something more, into something symbolic. Get ready for pleasant surprises, get ready for pleasant and long-awaited changes in your personal life.

What is the belly dream about in Freud’s dream book

Why do you have a stomach dream if you are pregnant in a dream? Such a dream means that you and in reality can be in an interesting position. But, such a dream can also portend to you new projects that you have long been counting on. You may soon meet a person with whom you will build a strong and lasting family. Try to be open to new acquaintances and undertakings.

If in a dream you rub your stomach, but it still hurts - do not rely on condescension. If you recently quarreled with someone, now such a long-awaited reconciliation will not come. Now there will come a period of real clarification of relations, when each of you will have to defend your territory. But do you need it? Or would you rather stay in the shade and not so actively prove anything to anyone? If this is true, try to make sure no one is hurt after such a conversation.

If you dream that you are pregnant and your stomach is growing very fast - your relationship will develop very rapidly. You will not even have time to notice how they reach their peak.

If a pregnant woman dreams that her stomach hurts, then it's time to watch her health. You may need specialist advice. If you already know about your ailments - do not postpone going to the doctor for later.

What is the belly dreaming about in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the stomach dreams when you need to let go of all the difficulties and start a new round in life. If you sleep in your sleep on your stomach, it means that you will be disturbed by some information that you would very much like to know completely. If you sleep in a dream on your side and stroking your stomach - such a dream portends you a rather profitable acquaintance, or a deal.

If you see in a dream someone is beating your stomach, you can be prepared for a moral onslaught. Someone will begin to press on you and demand the almost impossible. If you see a dream in which someone will knock on your stomach and talk with him - get ready for a long conversation with your bosses. It will be very unpleasant and will only lead to a worsening of the situation. If you already had conflicts at work, get ready for them to get worse. And this can provoke your resignation.

What is the belly dreaming about in other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that abdominal pain on the left side in a dream promises you treason from a loved one. If you have pain on the right side of the abdomen - someone will actively try to insult you, but you will fight back such a person. You will be indignant and upset over trifles.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that lichen on my stomach is dreaming when it’s time for you to take a closer look at your inner circle. Perhaps, indeed, you are not appreciated, but only used. This is not scary. This is pretty nice if you can later ask for a service. But how long will it all last and whether you can stand it. Perhaps it is better not to initially develop this communication and not force events? Everything should come when it will be time. When you really need support and important advice from superiors.


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