The child bites - is this normal? Why does a child bite before one year and after three years: what to do and how to react to it?


Children, like all people, can express their emotions in different ways. The difference, perhaps, consists only in the degree of expression of emotions. It’s hard for us to imagine that an adult would throw a tantrum while lying on the floor of a supermarket, or throw a plate of porridge on the floor in a fit of anger.

Children, without hesitation, perform all these actions. And they can bite. A real bite, painful and severe. Moreover, the reason for this can be completely different: inability to control your body, joy, fear, anger and so on.

In order to find out why the child is biting, it is necessary to consider the reasons for age.

The child bites before the age of one year. What to do?

In this age period, there are several reasons why a baby can bite.

1. The baby is disturbed by the gums due to teething. It is very difficult for him to refrain from scratching them, and this is possible only if he bites something or anyone. Very often at this age, mothers who breastfeed the baby complain that the baby is biting their breasts. What to do in this case? Firstly, do not emotionally respond to such a bite. Even if you were in great pain, try to hold back a cry. Otherwise, the baby can perceive your cries for the game and will bite again and again. Take away the child’s chest and tell him in a strict voice that this should not be done. And in order to relieve itching in the gums, offer your baby a variety of teethers, as well as any safe and clean objects.

2. The child begins to actively explore the world. He is interested in everything, so he seeks to know the taste of different objects. The human body also has its own physical properties: density, skin taste. A kid can bite you purely out of curiosity. In this case, you should distract the child to a more interesting lesson. Children of this age easily transfer their attention to other objects, and the baby will quickly forget about his desire to bite.

3. It’s also interesting for a child to watch how different people react to his bites.. Through the reaction of people, he learns the social relationships between people. Therefore, in this case, the child should explain in a strict, unemotional voice that this cannot be done, and then again distract the child with an interesting toy.

The child bites from the age of one to 3 years. What to do?

Kids of this period of life experience two crises at once in a row. And in both cases, children can begin to bite.

1. First, they go through a separation crisis, having mastered the ability to walk. It becomes very important for them to master the new capabilities of their body, namely, upright posture. Therefore, any attempts by an adult to protect a child from possible dangers are perceived by the baby as a restriction of his freedom. Accordingly, he will defend himself. Children of this age begin to throw tantrums, fall to the floor, scatter toys. Or they can bite. At this age, the correct regimen of the day is best suited to eliminate such tantrums. If the baby is full and does not want to sleep, then he is less capricious and it is easy to distract him with something else. It also helps to always have various snacks and colorful toys with you. Do not scold the child for bites, but do not allow them.

2. The second crisis comes after two years. The child’s consciousness gradually begins to become aware of itself as a separate person who has his own desires and needs. The kid begins to understand that his desires may not coincide with the desires of his parents. This situation is unusual for him. Each child experiences this period differently. It is possible that defending his rights and his independence, the child will begin to bite. If at the same time he roars hysterically, then it is necessary to reassure the baby first. Step away from him a couple of steps. After his emotions subside a little, let him know that you still still love him. Hug the baby, kiss. You will see how he relaxes in your arms. Only after the child calms down, explain to the baby in a calm and firm voice that biting is not permissible. Explain to him that he has the right to be angry and offended, but this can be expressed in other ways without harming another person.

The child bites at the age of 3 to 7 years. What to do?

At this age, children become more balanced, but there can be many reasons for bites. We give only a particular example.

The child is difficult to experience the appearance of a sister or brother in the family. It seems to him that the attention of the parents has completely shifted to another baby. Accordingly, he is trying to do everything to gain this attention back. And for him it doesn’t matter what the quality of this attention will be - whether he will be praised or scolded. Most often, an obedient and quiet child is not noticed, but they take such behavior for granted. Therefore, the child unconsciously chooses the “bad guy” strategy. Among other things, he may begin to bite. This situation requires a deep and comprehensive solution. If you just punish the child for bad behavior and scold him, then most likely only exacerbate the situation. It is necessary to find family resources that would allow parents to spend time alone with the child, without a second baby.

Of course, the problem may not necessarily be in the second child. Perhaps the parents are too absorbed in their work and spend very little time with the baby. Or they constantly quarrel and sort things out among themselves. Perhaps the problem is not from the family, but from the kindergarten. In any case, at this age, it is necessary to carefully analyze the child’s living conditions and decide to start the root cause of the baby’s aggressive behavior.

The child bites at the age of 7 years and older. What to do?

At seven years old, children go to school. For many of them, this is a stressful situation. The child has to live on a strict schedule, spend a huge amount of intellectual and volitional resources. In such circumstances, any person can begin to aggressively express their emotions. For children, bites can also be the norm. A child can fight with his classmate and bite an opponent during the fight. In such a situation, you need to calmly talk with the child. You can go to a psychologist with him to suggest possible alternative ways of expressing negative emotions. Or you yourself, together with your child, can discuss ways to relieve stress and fatigue.

When asked what to do if a child bites, there will never be a definite answer. All situations are individual, so just try to understand the feelings of your baby. This will help you solve many problems.


Watch the video: Children & Dog Bites (July 2024).