Advantages and disadvantages of last minute packages


Last minute packages are in great demand among tourists, as they provide an opportunity to relax without having to pay the full cost of the tour. However, some vacationers are wary of such vouchers provided by operators. They do not understand why companies care about customers at a loss. This article will talk about the benefits of a burning tour for both sides and its disadvantages.

What is a burning package

This special offer means a set of conditions for rest, on which the operator may lose money.

If several people refused the reservation or the ticket was in low demand, the company faces a difficult choice.

She has already paid money to airlines and hotels for accommodating customers, and each unallocated space will bring losses. That's why she reduces the cost of tours, trying to minimize financial losses.

Such an explanation shows that last-minute offers are not a way to cash in on customers, but simply an opportunity to combine business with pleasure.

Usually, “off-season” vouchers are lit.

For example, since holidays in Egypt or Bulgaria are popular in the summer, in February demand for it decreases, and hotels offer large discounts on accommodation. The same principle applies to winter resorts in hot weather. Tours to countries that have ceased to be interesting to tourists because of civil unrest or natural disasters are also on fire. The situation in each case is different, so you need to be careful.

Benefits of last minute packages

The main advantage of this type of vacation is its low price. Sometimes it is below the original price by 50%. There are vacationers who use only such special offers, preferring them to the usual conditions for the purchase of armor.

Particularly large discounts are provided by the Fortuna system, which distributes a tourist to a hotel only upon arrival - before that, he chooses only his star rating, but not the hotel itself.

The second advantage is the ability to immediately go on vacation without wasting extra time waiting. Those who spend little time on training can devote more time to the trip itself and to get new experiences. Some last-minute tours require you to hit the road the day after your purchase.

The third advantage is the opportunity to be an adventurer. Not everyone is ready to participate in adventures, but people who are willing to take risks will greatly benefit from such permits. Perhaps for them it is even a way to get the thrill of life.

Disadvantages of last minute packages

This way of relaxation has its drawbacks that prevent it from becoming a universal solution for everyone. Firstly, it’s impossible to return money for such a tour, therefore, with force majeure, the money spent is simply lost.

Secondly, there is little time left for training camps, which is inconvenient for some tourists. Efficiency is needed to quickly settle all matters at work and at home.

For slow or busy people, it’s better to look for another option.

One of the big drawbacks is inability to choose suitable conditions. Sometimes only hotels with a lower level or quality of service than popular options are left to choose from. It is impossible to change the duration of the voucher, and most often the duration of the rest does not exceed a week. Tourists should be prepared for possible dissatisfaction with the trip.

Last-minute tours are not for everyone. They are suitable only for mobile, easy-going people who are willing to take risks and adapt to circumstances. Such people can not only save money, but also have a good rest, having received the impressions that will remain with them for life.


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