How to drink and not get drunk?


In order not to suffer from a hangover in the morning, most people prefer not to drink at all. But in the life of every person there are situations when it is necessary to drink alcohol, but not get drunk. In this case, you need to know and use some tricks that will help maintain complete self-control and sobriety of the mind.

What to do before drinking alcohol

There are a few simple rules, the implementation of which before starting the proposed feast will help to avoid intoxication and a hangover. For example:

  1. Sport. A couple of hours before the planned event, you can do exercises, go for a run, do strength or cardio workouts. This will help the body more efficiently and quickly process the alcohol that has entered the bloodstream.
  2. A raw egg. You can drink a raw egg just before drinking alcohol. Yolk, mixed with alcoholic beverages, forms a mixture that prevents the absorption of alcohol through the gastric mucosa.
  3. Aperitif. Before the feast, you can drink a little of the drink that will later be consumed at the festival. This will allow the body to prepare for the intake of alcohol and stimulate the production of enzymes necessary for its processing.
  4. Activated carbon. Depending on the weight, you need to take at least 5-7 tablets. The absorbent effect of the drug will help stay sober longer.
  5. Butter. A couple of tablespoons of vegetable or butter prevent the absorption of alcohol through the walls of the stomach. A significant drawback of this method is its short-term effect - the oil will dissolve and be processed in a maximum of 2-3 hours.
  6. Enzyme preparations. Before drinking, you can take a tablet of Mezima, Festal or Creon. These drugs normalize the digestive tract and accelerate the processing of food and alcohol.
  7. Succinic acid. The tool, which can be found in almost any pharmacy, will help to stay sober longer and relieve a hangover in the morning.

In exceptional cases, you can put a dropper directly on the day of the feast. Intravenous administration of “Pyrodoxin” with saline or “Mexidol” will help maintain good health at the holiday. Only a narcologist can prescribe a dosage and put a dropper.

What to do while drinking alcohol

There are several rules that must be followed directly during the feast. Such tricks allow you to maintain self-control and sobriety of the mind throughout the holiday. For example:

  1. Drink quality alcohol. Good spirits contain fewer fusel oils that adversely affect the brain and the whole body.
  2. Do not drink on an empty stomach. To maintain a clear head, do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. At the beginning of the feast, you need to eat something fatty, and in the future give preference to lighter snacks.
  3. Do not give up hot. Liquid hot dishes - noodles, hodgepodge, broths - will help the body withstand the negative effects of alcohol.
  4. To drink in one gulp. Alcohol is absorbed into the blood through capillaries, which are many not only in the walls of the stomach, but also in the mouth. For the same reason, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages through a tube.
  5. Do not mix different drinks. You need to stop the choice on one type of alcoholic beverage and consume it throughout the feast. If mixing is necessary, the pyramid rule should be applied - drink drinks with a higher alcohol content.
  6. Refuse nicotine. Smoking contributes to faster intoxication. If possible, you should try to pick up a cigarette as little as possible.
  7. Do not drink alcohol. Reducing the concentration of alcohol in the stomach prevents its normal digestion. Therefore, it is preferable to bite with pickles, mushrooms or olives. If this is problematic, you need to give up at least carbonated drinks, washed down with natural fruit juice.
  8. Move more. Leaving the table, a person, first of all, stops drinking. Dancing or taking a walk in the fresh air will help keep your mind sober longer.
  9. Develop a sense of proportion. You need to try to stop drinking alcohol when the body already refuses to take it.

If you miss the next toast there is no way, you can try replacing the alcohol in your glass with another similar drink. Cherry juice visually looks like red wine, and mineral water without gas - like vodka.

What to do after drinking alcohol

Waking up in the morning without a hangover and headache can help some more tricks that need to be remembered after the end of the holiday. For example:

  • if possible, it is better to refuse a taxi and take a walk home on foot - physical activity will help to sober up;
  • at home, you can repeat the intake of adsorbents and enzyme preparations;
  • visit the toilet to free the body of accumulated toxins and alcohol metabolites;
  • drink a cup of green or herbal tea - this will stabilize the digestive tract;
  • You can use specialized pharmacy products - Alkozeltser, AlkaPrim, or Zenalk;
  • cause vomiting - after going over with alcohol it is better to still help the body get rid of it;
  • provide fresh cool air to the room.

After the end of the holiday you need to try to go to bed as soon as possible. In this case, sleep is the best medicine. With severe intoxication, you can try to sleep while sitting or rest your hand on the floor.

In order to stay sober longer, in the process of preparing for the event, you need to try to lighten the liver process of processing alcohol and its metabolites. Directly at the table, it is important to ensure the effective removal of alcohol products from the liver.

In the end, metabolic and oxidative processes in the body should be accelerated.

During the feast, it is imperative to monitor the amount of alcohol consumed and not exceed the recommended maximum dose: 170 g of pure ethyl alcohol per day. This rate is designed for a person weighing about 75 kg.


Watch the video: How To Drink & NOT Get Drunk. Brit Lab (July 2024).