Doctors warn: you can not eat bananas for breakfast


Yellow bananas are one of the most popular and consumed types of fruits in Russia. Delicious fruits are rich in minerals and vitamins. Bananas contain a high concentration of carbohydrates. However, they should not be eaten for breakfast.

Bananas with breakfast only?

A banana is great for boosting energy quickly, but should not be eaten for breakfast. Although the fruit is rich in potassium, magnesium, vitamin, it is poorly digested. Doctors recommend eating bananas with healthy fat.

Doctors explain that bananas contain a lot of acid that needs to be neutralized with fats.

The next disadvantage of a banana breakfast is its high sugar content in fruits: almost 25%. The result is a very rapid increase in blood sugar, which, however, immediately drops dramatically. In addition to fluctuations in blood sugar, bananas should not be consumed due to a strong sense of fullness.

Alternative point of view: bananas are slightly acidic fruits and protect the digestive system

Bananas contain 0.6 g of acid per 100 g. Only mangoes and pears contain slightly less acid. All other fruits contain significantly higher levels of organic acids.

Traditional food combination rules state that every fruit is best consumed without fat. Otherwise, sensitive people may experience fermentation processes associated with the formation of fusel alcohols. Since bananas are poor in acid and water, it is recommended to combine them with water.

Potassium balance can be seriously disturbed by a high salt diet, including alcohol and caffeine.

Since banana also contains not only vitamin B6, absorption problems should not arise.

Bananas contain fruit sugar. The total percentage of carbohydrates in 100 g of bananas is 21%. Most (3%) is starch, and the rest (18%) is simple sugars (3.8 g glucose and 3.6 g fructose and 11 g sucrose).

Sugar content also depends on the degree of maturity of the banana. Still hard, but already yellow bananas contain less sugar. The glycemic load of ripe bananas is about 12. The glycemic index indicates the effect of food on blood sugar. Values ​​up to 10 are considered low, above 20 - high.

100 g banana contain 95 kcal, and 100 g muesli - at least three times.

At 7 in the morning, the banana should not be satiated before dinner at 12 or 13 hours.

Therefore, those who take bananas and other fruits for breakfast are not at risk.

Pesticides are especially dangerous

On Costa Rica's banana plantations, about 45 kg of pesticides are used per year. 40-50 times the plants are sprayed with fungicides through the air. Insecticides and herbicides are sprayed every two months.

The following substances are used on plantations:

  • Azoxystrobin and myclobutanyl: These fungicides are toxic to aquatic organisms.
  • Oxamil: the insecticide is dangerous for people and animals. In the German-speaking region (2018), appropriate pesticides are currently banned.
  • Paraquat: a potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic insecticide has been banned in the EU since 2007.
  • Glyphosate: a highly controversial herbicide poses a significant risk to health and the environment.

An ongoing study of banana pesticides has shown that workers in conventional plantations are much more likely to develop cancer.

Researchers have concluded that pesticides pose a long-term health threat and increase the risk of cancer.

Compared to workers on organic plantations, ordinary people report alarming symptoms. They often develop vomiting, dizziness, burning eyes, skin irritation, insomnia and fatigue.

So can you eat bananas or not?

Bananas can be a great breakfast if you don't combine them with high-carb foods. It is recommended to eat bananas alone, without cereal or yogurt, since there is a risk of a sharp increase in blood sugar. It is recommended to pay attention to the personal intolerance of bananas and avoid them with diabetes.

If you eat bananas without other foods for breakfast - there will be no harm. If combined, a sharp increase in glucose concentration will negatively affect performance.


Watch the video: Will BANANAS Make You Fat? Wait for It. . (July 2024).