Do athletes really age more slowly than others?


Sport has a positive effect on a person - improves strength, endurance, mental well-being and overall quality of life. Recently, scientists have discovered that regular physical activity slows down the aging process.

Active people 10 years younger than still

A long-term study showed that people who are quite active in sports remain in all aspects. Athletic people are 10 years younger in motor terms, compared with sedentary people.

Sport is useful until the activities performed are exaggerated. The current study was the first to analyze the long-term effects of sports on the human body.

For about 25 years, specialists have studied 500 residents of Bad Schönborn, analyzing the exact impact of regular sports on their health.

Strength, agility, endurance and fine motor skills are the parameters that have been studied.

Scientists at the Sports Institute have so far studied 5 different parameters to evaluate the positive effects of sports. Test parameters included strength, flexibility, endurance, and fine motor skills.

Subjects were between 35 and 80 years old in research. Doctors regularly measured the level of fat in the blood and body of the participants. Mental well-being was also taken into account and evaluated by experts.

Sports people get sick less often

It is logical that in old age people increasingly develop health restrictions, experts say. The results of the study show that sports people are less susceptible to such negative cardiovascular, orthopedic and neurological diseases.

People who do not play sports are four times more likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes.

2.5 hours of sports per week is enough to improve health and prevent any negative consequences.

However, less than half of all participating volunteers did not go in for sports even 2 hours a week. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that people exercise properly.

Sport strengthens the body and mind

Researchers at the Institute for Sports and Sports Science Karlsruhe also explained that exposure to physical activity generally strengthens the body. Such people cope better with stress and have a better overall quality of life.

Sport can connect people interested in sports and contribute to social inclusion. Thus, the welfare of the victim further increases, doctors explain.

Although sport is important, a healthy diet should not be underestimated.

Researchers at the Institute of Sports monitored participants medically to determine activity, physical fitness, and people's health. Doctors wanted to find out why some people get sick partly and others rarely under the same conditions.

Experts were especially interested in the impact of sporting events on the health of participants. The study did not address the effects of diet because it would distort the results of the study, experts say. However, the effects of a healthy diet and normal body weight should not be underestimated.

According to researchers, if people want to be more active and plan to play sports, it is necessary to adapt the infrastructure of the city. Everyone has the right to sufficient sporting events. Therefore, cities and towns should have enough space - parks and green spaces.

What is the danger of physical inactivity?

Lack of exercise clogs blood vessels, so the brain is worse supplied with blood. Sedentary people suffer from a lack of concentration and learning disabilities.

If a person moves too little and takes a lot of calories, fats and carbohydrates, the body creates reserves. Overweight significantly overloads the cardiovascular system. Potential consequences are high blood pressure, diabetes, and a heart attack.

WHO recommends aerobic exercise at least 2 times a week for 20-30 minutes. Recommendations should not be neglected, as they can cost physical and mental health.


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