Horoscope for April 30 and "luck index" for all signs of the zodiac


For many, this day will be tense with a lot of trouble. Someone will not have time to finish all the household chores, someone will fuss around the household, but especially stubborn ones will be able to spend this day happily and happily. And some are just lucky that day. Let's find out to whom?

Aries - You are certainly right in many ways. But, unfortunately, you are not always listened to, you are not always heard. This does not mean that today it is worth being upset, just do what you have planned. You will be encouraged, but later. Snoozing on the couch is not your lifestyle, but today you can afford to relax, you can even dream a little. And no matter what you redid a lot of things in a day, you will still be happy.

Taurus - energy will be in full swing today, yes, you are often active, kind and magnificent, but today you will enjoy yourself and your successes. Smile and you will be reciprocated. Even if you planned to spend the day alone, you will spend it with warmth in your soul. It’s not possible to offend you today. Yes, and why? You are open to love and joy.

Twins - Do not be upset if you get a call from work today, which means they can’t do anything without you. Small troubles will upset you a little, but you are always active and the first to complete all the tasks. Let others take an example from you. Today you will feel confident in yourself and in the future. The evening will be calmer and happier than the day.

Crayfish - Today you have to complete everything incomplete earlier. Do not beg, if you have been refused help, then bite your elbows. Gather yourself, do not start new important things until you complete the old ones, yes, you have time for everything, you will accomplish much more than planned, but is it worth it to rest? Slow down a little - you will have time for everything.

Lions - Today you, as usual, generate great ideas. Plan your vacation, new achievements, events, you will succeed. Do not be discouraged if someone did not hear you, or heard incorrectly, this is not your chores. If you will hesitate between rest and work - choose a middle ground - work for the soul. After all, your good mood is transmitted to others and makes them happy.

Virgin - how confident you are on this day. Communication is good for you, you might want to be a listener today. And this is wonderful, it’s not always for you to decide everything for others. Do your business quietly, implement the planned, even if you planned to relax all day - do it with the soul. Your mood will change dramatically when you realize that everything is really wonderful, as it should be.

Libra - You may feel tired and desire to change the situation. Of course, if you were planning a trip, feel free to hit the road. If you don’t understand what to do in this or that situation, listen to your best adviser, yourself. No one knows you better, no one can plan a day better than you yourself. Be tolerant of others, sooner or later, they will appreciate your efforts.

Scorpions - Your expectations today may not come true. Well, of course, you are responsible for your words and actions, which can not be said about others. They will definitely follow your example. Do not be nervous today and do not be upset. Let household chores bring only pleasure. Show everyone how you can spend time positively, how interesting and pleasant it is to communicate with you.

Sagittarius - you always manage to do everything, except in those cases when someone tries to correct your plans. But you know exactly how best - prove it to others. Spend the day the way you want, loved ones will support, because you will create an atmosphere of comfort, joy and happiness.

Capricorns - you do not complicate, you just soberly look at things, which would not hurt to do and others. You can be set as an example, you always know what you want, especially today. Sometimes, of course, it is worth giving way to loved ones, but it is a pity that so little time is left for themselves, for their dreams, for their hobbies.

Aquarius - you know how to receive guests and are always glad to relatives and friends. Too bad this is not always appreciated. But you are not discouraged, everything is wonderful in your life. Whoever wants to will join your holiday of life. And even if you are sad, it’s only for a very serious reason, and then for a short while.

Fish - you are trying so hard today, so you want the day to be joyful and happy, that it will turn out that way. Yes, difficulties may arise in understanding with others, the main thing is not to succumb to general sentiments. You then know for sure that you can find a way out of any situation, and always find it. Today, give yourself a little warmth, and your family - they will reciprocate and love. Yes, the first step today is yours, as is the last word.

"Luck indices" of all the signs of the zodiac on Tuesday, April 30, 2019


1-2 points: It’s a difficult day, it’s especially difficult to understand why everything is fine with you, but it doesn’t suit the rest. It is better not to start serious conversations, it is better to postpone them for a more appropriate time, there will also be difficulties in work, as well as in personal life.

3 points: vanity and constant labor, constant pursuit of what is right. Do not force yourself if you do not feel like it. You may not be lucky today, but this does not mean that you need to deviate from your principles. Listen to the tips, but do not rush to follow them.

4-5 points: you are lucky. Today you will get everything you want, the main thing is to want. You will be able to complete a long-begun business, everything will be argued, the main thing is to add a little joy and enthusiasm.

Your mark:

Aries: 3.3 Taurus: 3.7 Gemini: 4.5 Cancer: 3.8 Leo: 4.2 Virgo: 4.1 Libra: 3.5

Scorpio: 3.9 Sagittarius: 4.1 Capricorn: 4.2 Aquarius: 3.8 Pisces: 4.1

Bottom line: the day is favorable for those who listen to themselves and do not allow others to unsettle themselves. Aries and Libra can become lucky today if they persistently move towards the goal. Love may have to win, but it will bring only joy, like any zeal.


Watch the video: April 30th Zodiac Horoscope Birthday Personality - Taurus - Part 1 (July 2024).