How to live with a jealous man


How he carefully and beautifully courted her, anticipating all her desires! Headlong, a man in love rushed around the city in order to please the girl with new gifts, then ran from his work across the city to meet her at the door of the office from which she came out and looked for him with his eyes. He took her almost every day to his parents and literally dragged him to meetings with friends and acquaintances, proudly stating that in the near future she would become his lawful wife, and he would carry her in his arms for the rest of his life.

But that all changed when life together began. He checks her cell phone, hoping to find the phone numbers of imaginary rivals, regularly looks at her email, thinking that fans write her hot love confessions and endlessly ask questions about where she was and what she did during the day, hoping to catch his wife in treason She, in turn, looks at him bewildered and distressed, because she does not know how to behave with a jealous husband.
Any absence, even if the girl was with her parents, talked with her friend on the street, ran for her favorite purchase to the store, they are regarded as an attempt to escape from family life and a meeting with a mythical lover. And the woman is forced to constantly justify herself in front of him, telling in the smallest details about her every word and movement during the day, reassuring and comforting her lover. She does not put the phone numbers of men in the list of contacts, even if it is work colleagues, because she knows that it will be completely useless to prove her loyalty to the jealous man.

Jealousy is the most common cause of family quarrels and scandals, and the root of this negative feeling lies in the inferiority complex that tormented a man throughout his life. And he would never admit it even to himself, since he considers this a manifestation of man's weakness. If a girl is determined to live with this person further, you need to try by any means to increase her husband’s self-esteem, praise him even for small achievements, emphasize his level of intelligence, mark external data. The jealous should be convinced that he is the most-for a woman: sexually, in communication, and in relationships.
Since he wants constant evidence of the sincerity of her feelings, you can often arrange romantic parties together, cook his favorite food, wear beautiful underwear and purr in the evenings about how love for him warms and comforts the heart.

You should not choose a manner of behavior, as if you had to steal a million from a bank. If a girl feels guilty, pleasing his beloved in everything, and running around him, trying to blow dust particles from him, he will become more and more convinced that he is right, and the intensity of passions will inevitably become stronger. Briefly and very calmly, it is worthwhile to inform you of what actually happened, say a few words about the fact that you cannot have close relationships with other men, because there is no one better in the world than a spouse. Nothing more needs to be added. Spoken words will already be enough.

Going to a public event, you should invite your husband with you, making it clear that there are no secrets and secrets from him, and the time spent in his society is no worse than communicating with colleagues. If you have to stay out of work, doing the necessary, urgent and important things, you should ask the jealous man to help them complete it faster, or to entrust him with some of the trouble. And the woman will not get tired, and her husband will have something to do.

Harmonious family relationships are always based on understanding each other. Selfishness and non-acceptance of a partner’s point of view leads to the fact that it will then be very difficult for the emerging wall of distrust to break through to the heart of a loved one. It is very difficult to live with a jealous man, but if there is mutual love, there will certainly be ways out of any difficult situation.


Watch the video: How to Deal With A Jealous Partner (July 2024).