Proper nutrition during the summer holidays: 5 useful tips for parents


All parents wish their children well. And the first thing to start with is the child's diet. It is very important that the development of the child's body takes place only with the participation of healthy food. Why? Yes, because it is food that lays the foundation for a child’s physical and mental health. It is necessary once to instill the correct habit in the mind of your child, and the question of the need for a healthy diet will never rise again. What are the basic rules of nutrition? What recommendations should parents follow to not feel guilty?

Principles of healthy eating

First, the correct diet should consist of at least three steps. Secondly, the child’s diet should include cereals, vegetables, meat, fruits, dairy products and some sweets. Thirdly, any food should be taken at the table and preferably in silence. Fourth, it is better to eat dishes that were cooked at home. At the same time, the amount of harmful products should be reduced to a minimum.

What to do in the summer?

In the summer, it is most difficult to get the child to eat properly, because he walks most of the time on the street. But there are a number of tips, following which you can avoid many troubles with the health of the child.

First, because of the heat, many children simply cannot be made to eat. But there is a solution. In the summer, you can cook soups that are very hard to "go" and sour quickly. More attention should be paid to light cold dishes, but without a large amount of unhealthy fats. In particular, cheeses, fruits, eggs, fish and vegetables will be very useful. If you want to experiment, you can cook cold soups from grated cucumbers, garlic and dill. An excellent option is to prepare your favorite hash, which is always perceived with pleasure.

Secondly, if it is hot outside and there is no desire to stand in the kitchen from morning to evening, it is necessary to use prepared cold foods. In addition, suitable non-perishable products (buns, vegetables, etc.). You can buy fried chicken in any of the supermarkets (food can be prepared for you on request). For feeding a child, you can use canned food that can be quickly prepared (for example, green peas). Peas with rice will be a very tasty dish for your baby. To make food satiated, you can pour it on top of sunflower oil.

Thirdly, on holidays, children spend a lot of time sitting on the Internet or near the TV. Naturally, they often come across advertising any sweets. After this, the children literally “attack” the parents with requests to buy new “goodies”. If this happens, it is necessary to explain to the child the essence of advertising. The child will quickly understand that advertising is only a way to sell the product faster. And it does not mean at all that, for example, chocolate or cookies are really so tasty and healthy, as shown on TV. Despite their age, children very quickly understand the essence of what was said by their parents.

Fourth, summer holidays always bring a new problem - the lack of a regime in the diet. The child easily gets away from him, because he begins to wake up later and go to bed later. Consequently, the time of reception of breakfast, lunch and dinner is shifting. In this situation, you need to connect all of your parental influence and create a new (temporary) diet. It is advisable to choose a schedule so that it is convenient for most of the family (it rarely pleases everyone, especially if the family is large). It is very important to sit at the table together at least once a day - this disciplines. If the family is going in the evening, then it is desirable to have dinner with the TV off.

Fifthly, during the summer holidays it is very important to normalize the sleep of the child. The child must be put to bed no later than 10 pm. In this case, the deviation from the usual schedule affects not only the quality of sleep, but also the general condition of the child, his development, growth and emotional state.

Thus, in the organization of nutrition of the child during the summer holidays there is nothing difficult. It is only necessary to determine the action plan and implement it.


Watch the video: Getting Kids Active for Summer Holidays - June 5th (July 2024).